Chapter Three

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Cecelia returned home with a basket of goodies, a small smile on her face as she watched Icy eat some of the macarons inside. She walked up the stairs towards her room, opening the door. Her eyes widening when she found her parents waiting for her there. "Cecelia!"Her mother smiled hurrying over and hugging her. Cecelia stiffened, tears threatening to fall. "Oh Cecelia...we're so proud of how cunning you are"Her father smiled. "Cunning..."Cecelia stared. "This could work for us! You can get into the palace to get rid of the crowned prince!"Her mother beamed. "Princess Aisha is much more capable of being a ruler"Her father agreed. Cecelia stared, feeling her heart sink at what she was hearing. "NO! I DON'T WANT TO HURT ANYBODY! YOU KNOW THAT!"Cecelia yelled.

"Please dear! We can't do it, the Crowned Prince wouldn't come near us!"Her mother pleaded. "We're begging you for the sake of this family...get close to the princess so you can take down the Crowned Prince"Her father begged. She stared at them, Icy worried for her. "A-alright....I will try...I promise.."Cecelia muttered. "Thank you sweetheart! Now get some rest!"Her mother beamed looking happy. Cecelia's parents left the room, causing her to fall to her knees, looking horrified. "Princess Aisha trusts me....I can't break her trust!"Cecelia says. "Cecelia..."Glacier says. "What do I do guys! I don't know what to do! I'd be executed if they traced it back to me if I do end up harming the crowned Prince, Aisha will hate me"Cecelia gasped looking at them.

"We have a visitor..."Glacier informs pointing to the balcony. She got up and walked out onto the balcony, spotting a figure sneaking towards her room. "Lady Cecelia!" Isis smiled at her, holding Moondrop flowers. "I bring you these, a gift from me!"Isis smiled. Cecelia stared at him, Glacier flying down, surprising the crowned prince at the sight of the Ice Spirit. Glacier flew the flowers up to her, Cecelia smiling shyly. "Thank you"Cecelia says loud enough for him to hear. "Will you come down..."Isis asked holding his hand out to her. "I told you...I'm not really allowed outside..."Cecelia responded. "Then I'll come up to you!"Isis responded. He gripped onto a vine, starting to climb up towards her. Her eyes widened in surprise, looking shocked as he popped up in front of her.

"Hey Lady Cecelia..."Isis smiled balancing himself on the balcony. She stared at him stunned, feeling her cheeks warm up. He reached out, brushing some hair behind her ear, then resting his hand on her cheek. She flinched, then relaxed a little. "You shouldn't be here..."Cecelia comments. "I know...but I wanted to see you again!"Isis responded. "You should go see Willow"Cecelia chuckled looking away. "Why would I want to see her, she seems way too rude for me"Isis blinked looking confused. Cecelia started giggling, Isis smiling at her. "How'd you even manage to get up here?"Cecelia asked. "The vines"Isis grinned. "No I mean, with some of the guards patrolling the house"Cecelia smiled amused. "Something called, animal sound diversion!"Isis smiled.

She smiled at him, her expression softening a little as she giggled again. "My sister enjoyed her day with you, she told me all about it, I'm glad you two get along really well"Isis smiled moving his hand from her cheek when he realized it's been resting there for longer than he wanted. "Cecelia!" Cecelia gasped and shoved him, Isis falling off her balcony, into the bushes below. Willow walked in, staring at her. "What're you doing on the balcony, it's cold dummy, that chill will waft through the house, get in here now!"Willow gasped. Cecelia looked over the balcony, Isis beckoning for her to go inside, giving her a small wave. She waved back and hurried inside, glad Icy and Glacier went to their their little sleeping area in her closet. She closed her balcony door, Willow staring at her.

"What was that all about?"Willow asked. "Hm?"Cecelia blinked. "Being out on the balcony!"Willow snorted rolling her eyes. "I thought I saw something outside..."Cecelia responded getting changed into her nightgown. Willow nodded, looking suspicious, a small frown on her face before leaving the room. "Get some sleep, you have a big day tomorrow"Willow ordered. Cecelia nodded, closing her room door. She went to the balcony, opening the doors and peeking over the edge, finding Isis gone. She went back inside and shut it, locking the balcony door. She climbed into her bed, Icy flying over and laying beside her. "It's a little fun having him around"Cecelia says. "Yeah!"Icy beamed nodding. She fell asleep, her hair starting to glow a bright white as Icy fell asleep beside her. Isis sat on the balcony, watching her silently for a moment before deciding to really go home this time.

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