Chapter Thirty Four

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Mako barked, sniffing the ground. He whined, shaking his head. "What's the matter boy..."Isis asked concerned. He kneeled down, petting the wolf, Mako whining as he rubbed his nose against the prince's hand. "You. Hide somewhere quick"Isis commanded. A guard nodded and hid behind a tree, Mako staring intently at Isis. "Find the missing guard"Isis ordered testing his theory, having smelled something from the first assassin that Mako had attacked. Mako sniffed the ground, then whined letting out a quiet bark. "He lost his sense of smell"Isis informs the guards staring at the wolf in alarm. "Whatever the assassin had on them, it got into Mako's nose"Isis adds petting the black wolf, calming him down.

He looked towards the setting sun, Mako nudging his hand with his nose. "I failed Cecelia so many times...and now I've failed my sister as well, what kind of man am I if I can't protect them!"Isis says covering his face. "We'll find them! Don't give up yet!"Poseidon gasped his eyes widening. "Mako can't smell a thing, Kodak is too rowdy to even try and pick up a scent, the assassin's left no trail behind and all we have back home are dead assassin's! We took no prisoners! We won't find them!"Isis yelled Mako barking at him. "Isis." He looked up, his eyes widening, feeling a hand heavy yet ghostly on his shoulder. "I'll help you find them."

Cecelia looked at Icy as the ice spirit froze the ropes, Aisha asleep beside her having been encouraged to get some rest after everything that has happened. She slowly got to her feet, coming closer to the entrance. "Guards! Please, I don't feel so good!"Cecelia called. Footsteps came closer, a guard coming into view. She kicked him right in the jaw and leaped out, Aisha on her back as she ran off. "STOP HER! QUICKLY!" She ran through the woods, her eyes wide, Glacier and Icy flying overhead keeping an eye out. "Glacier! Wall!"Cecelia commanded. An ice wall flew up, the guards skidding to a stop alarmed.

She looked back and sighed, before noticing how dark the sky was getting her eyes widening when she smelled smoke. "Isis....."Cecelia gasped her eyes wide. She set Aisha down and started gently shaking the girl awake, looking a little guilty. Aisha shook her head, slowly waking up. "Where..."Aisha blinked. "I sorta knocked you out so you could stay unconscious for a little while...we escaped...but we have a bigger problem now"Cecelia explains standing her up. She pointed at the dark red sky, Aisha's eyes widening in shock. "Brother!"Aisha gasped. "Stay behind me"Cecelia nodded. Both ran towards the smell of smoke, hearing the sounds of barking come from ahead.

Mako dodged Isis, barking at him, a dark aura surrounding the prince as he attacked the large black wolf. Isis sliced the royal families symbol off Mako, a bit of blood hitting the ground. "ISIS!"Cecelia yelled running towards him, her arms out. Isis turned, his sword raised alarmed. She hugged him tight, both falling to the ground as Aisha hurried over to the hurt guards, healing them with Remy's help. Isis's eyes widened, his arms wrapping around Cecelia's waist, crashing to the ground. Cecelia staggered to her feet, a dark aura now surrounding her as she stumbled back. "SISTER!"Willow yelled Bion leaning against her his side slashed.

Cecelia smiled at them, animals from the woods running to her side glaring at them. "I' sorry...everyone..but it has to be done..."Cecelia mumbled. "Kill them! Kill them all, they don't care about you!" She stared silently, before starting to slowly shake her head, restraining herself. "They care, everyone I started to meet after Isis freed me're the one that doesn't care, you're the one...that kept hurting the people I care most about, and I won't allow that to happen anymore"Cecelia mumbled grabbing a sword. "What are you doing?!" She smiled, raising the sword. "I purposefully let you into my body for a reason, if I die you die...and you can't come back at all once that happens"Cecelia smiled.

She stabbed herself through her chest, shocked silence washing over everyone. Isis stared in shock, his eyes wide as he got to his feet, running over to her. He caught her, staring at her on horror. Cecelia coughed, the dark aura gathering at the middle of her chest, turning into ink. The ink dripped down her chest to the ground, mixing with her blood causing it to turn a dark gray. "Cecelia...."Isis stared. "Heh, it' alright...I'll here..."Cecelia smiled. "The downside to being possessed by an entity...I won't get another chance to go back"Cecelia says looking down. Isis stared, then gripped her hand. "You won't die"Isis promised. He pressed a kiss to the back of her hand, a bright glow coming from them both.

The sound of muttering filled the room, Cecelia opening her eyes, finding herself in her room Elris and Iris standing not far muttering to each other. "Your majesties..."Cecelia mumbled looking at them confused. Both looked at her startled, Iris looking relieved. "Did you die too"Cecelia asked staring at them both. "No....Isis saved your life yesterday..."Elris responded walking over, grabbing her hand. "He did"Cecelia muttered starting to sit up. " came with a cost"Iris says looking pitying. "What happened to him!"Cecelia yelled grabbing her hand, her eyes widening. "Isis, he's in a coma, even Aisha can't wake him up."

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