Chapter Twelve

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Willow sat beside Isis, looking at the papers in front of her, a small frown on her face. "From what Bion said in his letter Cecelia must've found someone who helped her escape from Caesar...the question was..when did she escape"Willow muttered. "It's been four days since Bion spotted her...she and this guy must've moved on already"Isis frowned feeling jealous. Willow stared at the description of the male, wondering if it was what she thought it was. " don't think the guy she met is the King of Water?"Willow asks. "I don't think that's possible"Isis responded. Icy flew up beside him, earning a small smile from the prince, glad she was doing better. He handed the little spirit a cupcake, watching as she ate, gently petting her.

"Well, that smog is out of your system, and you're better now, why don't we go search for her ourselves..."Willow says getting to her feet. "Or I could search for her alone, it doesn't matter..."Willow adds setting the letter down. She walked away, and grabbed her cloak, wrapping it around herself. "Meet me tonight, we're gonna go find her..starting with where Bion seen her last"Isis nodded. "Wow, for a prince you're quite the rebel!"Willow grinned. Isis smiled and looked down. "Cecelia said the same thing"Isis says quietly. Willow smiled, her expression softening. "Meet you tonight"Willow promised. She left the room hurrying down the hallway. "Prince Isis must really love Cecelia!"Icy beamed. "Is it that noticable"Isis chuckled. "Yep!"Icy says making him laugh.

"It is very noticeable, the way you always sneak off to see her and giving her gifts!"Icy smiled. "Lady Cecelia told me not to tell you, but she likes you as well!"Icy smiled. "She does"Isis asks. "Mmhmm! One night she rambled about you...she said she'd love you unconditionally Prince Isis!"Icy beamed. He stared at Icy, his eyes wide in surprise. "Cecelia said that"Isis asks Icy landing on the back of his hand. "Yeah! She really likes you Prince Isis!"Icy beamed. He looked down, then smiled slightly. "I never knew that"Isis chuckled. "Now Prince Isis knows!"Icy beamed hugging his cheek, laughter coming from her. He smiled at the little spirit, and nodded. "Brother!"Aisha called hurrying in, her eyes wide. "Yeah"Isis smiled. "Father thinks he knows where Cecelia is!"Aisha smiled.

Cecelia looked back, Poseidon smiling at her, watching from a slight distance. She smiled back and turned away, continuing to pick flowers and place them in the basket. She got to her feet, looking towards the incoming clouds. "Ready to head back"Poseidon asks. She nodded, walking beside him, before stopping. "Cecelia?"Poseidon blinked looking at her curiously. " I a nuisance to you"Cecelia asks rubbing her arm. "Nuisance, why ask that?"Poseidon blinked. "Everyone I care about...they always get hurt, the person I cared about the most was almost strangled to death in front of me.."Cecelia sighed. "I feel as if I'm nothing but trouble....a trouble that should be executed, I was hoping the rushing river would kill me but I survived and now I'm here bothering you..."Cecelia says quietly.

"You are not a bother, you matter Cecelia"Poseidon corrects walking over. "You're saying that to make me feel better, but it's not gonna help...I'm tired, of everything..."Cecelia sighed tears starting to fall down her cheeks. "The world I live in, is makes me feel claustrophobic, I always feel as if I'd never escape it, then Isis came into my life and told me I was special...he said, I was special, the prince of our home..."Cecelia muttered. "Now...he's been dragged into the mess all because of me!"Cecelia cried. The wind blew through her hair from the incoming thunderstorm, a hand touching her cheek. Poseidon stared down at her, before placing his hands on her cheeks, bringing her closer, his lips pressing against hers, calming her slightly. Bion stared in shock, his eyes wide as he stepped back, pulling down a branch to cover him.

Poseidon moved away, staring at her. "It's won't feel like that anymore with me"Poseidon smiled. "Why would you do that..."Cecelia asks quietly. He stared at her, Cecelia staring at him her eyes wide. "Why would you kiss me..."Cecelia demanded. "I thought"Poseidon stared. "I like you...I really do....but I like Isis more, I always will"Cecelia mumbled. "Please...I just want us to stay friends, nothing more than that...I'm sorry if you thought I was leading you in when I wasn't, just please, don't add any more complications to my life, I've had enough"Cecelia sighed. She turned and walked away, the king of water staring after her silently before following. She pushed the door to their home open, going to her room and shutting the door, leaving Poseidon in the kitchen.

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