Chapter Twenty Five

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Isis carried Cecelia princess carry, a small smile on his face. "Your highness"Rosy greeted bowing her head. "She's asleep"Isis smiled looking at Cecelia's lady in waiting. Rosy quickly opened the room door, Isis walking inside. He laid the sleeping woman down on the bed, Rosy tucking her in. "Thank you for bringing her back your majesty!"Rosy smiled bowing her head. "..You really care for Cecelia don't you"Isis smiled. "Of course! No matter what people say I will always be on Lady Cecelia's side! I'll do whatever she wants me to do! I'll protect her even if it means my life!"Rosy nodded. "I've been with her ever since we were babies...I was always there to watch over her as her maid..."Rosy smiled looking down. "So Lady Cecelia will forever have my loyalty"Rosy beamed looking up at Isis.

Isis smiled at her and nodded. "I'm glad she has a friend like you"Isis says placing a hand on her shoulder. Rosy smiled at him and nodded. "Watch over her for me"Isis says. He glanced at the door, then muttered something to the maid, Rosy nodding as she smiled and bowed her head. He left the room, walking down the hallway. Rosy stepped out then felt a hand on her shoulder. "You're Cecelia's maid correct"Nancy smiled. "Yes ma'am"Rosy nodded. Nancy smiled, and beamed. "Come with me! I wanna talk with you!"Nancy giggled. Rosy glanced at Cecelia's room, before grinning a glint in her eyes. She followed Nancy, walking back to the woman's room. Isis frowned, peeking around the corner, a scowl now on his face, before walking away.

The sun shined through the window when morning arrived, Cecelia rubbing her eyes as she yawned and sat up. "Lady Cecelia!"Rosy beamed coming in carrying a tray of food. She set it down in front of Cecelia and went to the closet grabbing a dress for her to wear. "Prince Isis filled your closest with beautiful dresses today Lady Cecelia and Princess Aisha invited you to have tea with her so I picked this one out for you!"Rosy beamed. "Thanks Rosy"Cecelia smiled. Rosy beamed and bowed her head, before rubbing her arm. "Lady Cecelia, do you mind if I go aid Lady Nancy, she said her maid is on vacation and she saw how attentive I was to you, so she wanted my insight"Rosy asked quietly. "Do you want to, Rosy you can make your own choices, yes you're my maid, but you're also my best friend, if you want to help her I have no right to deny you"Cecelia smiled.

Rosy hugged her, a wide smile on her face. "I'll go help her pick out her dress then I'll be right back!"Rosy promised bowing her head. She hurried out of the room, Icy appearing out of thin air. "I think Nancy is gaining Rosy's loyalty"Icy says as Cecelia gave her a piece of toast. "I can tell...I saw the necklace underneath Rosy's dress"Cecelia responded. "Whatever Rosy is up to she better be careful, I don't want her getting hurt"Cecelia adds on. She set the tray aside and put on her dress, gently smoothing it down and brushing her hair, a small smile on her face. "So pretty!"Icy beamed floating up beside her. "You flatter me too much Icy"Cecelia smiled looking at the ice spirit amused. She got up and walked out of the room, heading down the hallway.

Isis sat beside Aisha, smiling at her as he fixed her flower headband. "Prince Isis, Princess Aisha!" Cecelia smiled at them, walking over wearing a purple knee length dress with golden swirls around the bottom, golden stars on the chest part and a purple bow in her hair. Isis stared at her his eyes widening in amazement, Aisha smiling at him amused. "I hope I'm not late!"Cecelia says looking at them both. "Not at all"Aisha responded. Isis stood up, pulling her chair out for her, letting her take a seat. He pushed her in, before sitting down in his chair again, glancing at her. "These look good!"Cecelia beamed her eyes sparkling excited. "Try some!"Aisha smiled pushing the tray closer. Aisha grabbed a macaroon, taking a bite, her eyes widening. "It's so good!"Cecelia beamed.

"Hey everyone!" Nancy walked over, a wide smile on her face. Isis stared at Cecelia, a small smile on his face, Nancy frowning a little. "Cecelia! Wanna come on a boat ride with me!"Nancy beamed hugging her arm. "Uhm...sure..."Cecelia blinked. "Later, we're having tea"Isis scowled giving Nancy a warning look. "Okay!"Nancy giggled beaming at him tightening her grip on Cecelia. Cecelia took a sip of her tea, a soft smile on her face. "Mint tea, I love this kind, it always warms my body and soothes my soul"Cecelia says. She took another sip, before noticing familiar flowers nearby. "You guys have lilacs!"Cecelia says surprised. "We do!"Aisha smiled nodding. Nancy looked at Isis, finding him staring at her.

"Stay away from Cecelia..."Isis ordered before getting up and following Aisha and Cecelia. Nancy stared after him, her eyes wide. "Isis, wait!"Nancy says getting up. Isis glared at her, causing her to freeze. He walked away, Cecelia smiling at the lilacs, gently touching the buds. "These are so well grown!"Icy beamed Lou flying beside her holding a cookie. "YOU JERK!" The trio looked up, spotting Poseidon chasing after Luminas, gripping a sword. "I always wonder why he hates him, I guess he gets teased a lot..."Aisha muttered. "WANNA REPEAT WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT MY HAIR!!"Poseidon shouted. "Your hair is the color of a whale and it's kinda tacky"Luminas says fearlessly. Cecelia giggled, smiling at the two, Isis looking unamused. "AH LADY NANCY!" The three turned, finding Nancy on the ground, blood coming from the side of her mouth.

My Lady(Into the Light Once Again)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara