Chapter Thirty Six

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Cecelia sat in her room, a smile on her face as she wrote down on a letter, sending one to Annie, telling her about the Coronation, giving her all the details. She covered her mouth, her eyes wide in alarm. "ROSY!" Rosy bursted in, looking alert. A scream of shock came from her at the sight of Cecelia unconscious on the couch. "CECELIA! CECELIA!"Rosy yelled running over as Rosette hurried in. "What's going on!"Aisha demanded coming in, Poseidon behind her. "Cecelia!"Aisha gasped hurrying over, Remy appearing. Cecelia opened her eyes and touched her chest, looking tired. "Ah...sorry, I fainted didn't I"Cecelia muttered.

"That's not normal...this is the third time since the coronation"Rosy says worried. "I'll go get a doctor.."Bion says walking away. Rosy helped Cecelia get chased into a nightgown, laying her down in bed and tucking her in. "Cecelia..."Rosy muttered worriedly. Cecelia laid asleep, Aisha standing beside Rosy concerned. "She'll be fine Rosy, Cecelia has been through a lot you know"Aisha assured. Bion returned with a doctor behind him, Rosy and Aisha turning to them. They stepped out, letting the doctor do their job. "Did Cecelia faint again..."Iris asked walking over concerned. "She did"Poseidon nodded.

"That's the third time, and several near misses"Iris comments concerned. "You think it's stress? She's still been stressing over Isis..."Rosy guessed. "Maybe"Iris says. "I think it's stress as well, she's been taking over the paperwork Isis does as practice for when he becomes ruler"Aisha piped up. The doctor came out, all eyes on her. "Is she okay Izuni?"Aisha asked. "I give you my congratulations"Izuni smiled. "Congratulations?"Rosy blinked. "Lady Cecelia is expecting a baby"Izuni informs shocking them. "She's huh...when did this happen!"Poseidon yelled. "Isis...the spell he used!"Aisha yelled.

"I saw him studying on it once in case he needed to keep Cecelia from dying! I got a peek at a page and one of the drawbacks was that the user as a 35% chance of getting the one they used the spell on pregnant!"Aisha explains. "A baby made from magic, isn't that forbidden or something"Rosy gasped startled. "I didn't expect something like this to happen!"Rosy muttered. "A baby....a baby....a baby is on the way"Iris muttered. "I'm a magician doctor and I can say that this baby was half made from magic"Izuni informs. "Half...made..."Aisha stared. Izuni nodded, and sighed. "Prince Isis isn't a magic user but somehow he managed to use it, which means he used a magic item"Izuni explains.

"Isn't that also forbidden!"Rosy asked alarmed. "Depends"Izuni informs. "Did Prince Isis and Lady Cecelia have any intimate time?"Izuni asks. "Three months ago after Cecelia got her memories back they did"Aisha replied. "I see..."Izuni muttered. "I don't think I can explain any further without studying this more...but what I will say is that this baby was half made from magic, Lady Cecelia needs to be kept a close eye on, she can and will die from this if she chooses to bring this child into the world"Izuni sighed. "She's getting rid of it!"Poseidon says immediately. "I'm keeping them." Everyone turned, finding Cecelia standing there in the doorway.

"It'll be nine months right, I can survive nine months..."Cecelia says. "But-"Rosy started. "Rosy...I want you to be the child's Nanny...take care of them when I'm gone and if Isis hasn't woken up during that time"Cecelia smiled grabbing her best friends hands. Rosy sniffed and nodded. "I'll take care of them! I'll be the best nanny ever, you can depend on me!"Rosy swore tears threatening to fall. "Aisha, this child is gonna need their amazing aunt too, help Rosy as much as you can"Cecelia smiled. "I'll try"Aisha promised. "Isis won't neglect this child, he's better then that, so I know he'll come to love them"Cecelia beamed.

She grabbed Iris's hand, giving her a wide smile. "I'm also sure this child is gonna love their grandparents you know, they'll be excited to see you every day!"Cecelia grinned. Rosy hugged Cecelia, earning a hug back as Aisha and Iris joined in. "I'm not afraid to die guys, I was at first but, now I'm not, I'm gonna bring this child into the world no matter what anyone says and nobody is allowed to belittle them for being almost made by magic"Cecelia smiled. "Agreed, but I still do wonder how the child was only half made by magic"Aisha agreed. "I guess we'll find out somewhere in the future"Cecelia chuckled.

Elris stood in Isis's room, staring at his son silently. He placed a hand on the unconscious boys head, before sighing deeply. "It's been a week now since the coronation Isis, Cecelia has taken over some of your duties...she's done a good job and everyone loves her"Elris smiled sitting in a chair beside the bed. "She hopes you wake up soon, the same with the rest of us"Elris went on. He sighed and down. "Just..wanted to tell you that... we'll be waiting for the day you wake up, Cecelia promised to give you the biggest smile she could muster up"Elris smiled. He got to his feet, walking towards the door. "Dad." Elris froze and turned, finding Isis staring at him tiredly. "Cecelia....where is she"Isis muttered.

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