Chapter Thirty Five

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Cecelia stared at Isis, gripping his hand looking scared. "Isis..."Cecelia stared placing a hand on his cheek. "I wish....I wish you hadn't done that! You'd still be awake right now if it weren't for me!"Cecelia sobbed covering her face with her hands. Aisha stared at her from the doorway, looking worried. "I wish you hadn't met me! None of this would've happened then..."Cecelia mumbled. Glacier placed a hand on her shoulder, Icy looking concerned. "You should've let me die..."Cecelia muttered gripping her dress. "Cecelia." She looked back, finding Aisha standing there. "Wanna have tea with me"Aisha smiled.

Cecelia sat across from Aisha, now in the girls room, their spirits eating the baked sweets set out and getting to know each other way better. "Lady Cecelia"Aisha says seriously. "My brother loves you, more than anything, more than words could even say!"Aisha glared Cecelia staring at her surprised. "He sacrificed himself so you could live, you nearly had your life taken once, then you died but you were revived, given a second chance to live! My brother wants you to continue living, that's why he did what he did! That's why he accepted his coma!"Aisha went on. "Never doubt my brothers love for you....he'd go above and beyond if it means he'd get to see you smile and live"Aisha continued.

She reached over, grabbing Cecelia's hand as the woman started to cry again. "What if he never wakes up...what if it's years before he wakes up"Cecelia asked. "Then just live for and smile so when he wakes up he sees how free you've been, so...he can smile when he sees your face"Aisha responded placing a hand on her shoulder. "Cecelia, live for Isis....continue to show off the smile he loved so much, because I know that'd be the first thing he'd want to see when he awakes"Aisha smiled. Cecelia stared at her, and nodded. "Okay...I'll do it for Isis"Cecelia smiled. Both hugged Aisha fighting back tears, Cecelia staying silent.

The two moved back and smiled at each other. "Lets each make sure Isis wakes up to seeing us safe"Cecelia smiled. Aisha nodded, Cecelia taking her hand. "We have a Coronation to do...Aisha in Isis's place, I want you to crown me"Cecelia smiled. Aisha nodded, her expression softening. The two walked into the hallway, Elris and Iris smiling at them both. "I know Isis wouldn't want my special day to go to waste, lets continue on with the Coronation"Cecelia smiled. Elris nodded, Rosy hurrying Cecelia away to get her dressed into the Coronation outfit that had been picked out. Aisha hurried back into her own room to get dressed, glancing towards a small shower of sparkles. "Hey Big brother"Aisha smiled looking at the yellow sparkles.

Rosy beamed at Cecelia, looking as if she was gonna cry. "Rosy, calm down"Cecelia chuckled giving her an amused look. "You look stunning Lady Cecelia"Rosette smiled bowing her head. "Thank you"Cecelia smiled. She walked out of her room, heading to the entrance to the throne room. Rosy beamed following her, a wide smile on her face. "I can't believe it! My lady is gonna become a princess!"Rosy beamed. "Rosy, calm down"Cecelia laughed a wide smile on her face. "Cecelia, you look beautiful!"Iris smiled. "Isis would've fallen harder if he saw you in that"Aisha smiled nodding. Aisha glanced away, a small shower of golden sparkles hovering not far, the ghostly figure of a blond haired male with green eyes standing there.

She smiled, and nodded, the sparkles vanishing. "Cecelia"Poseidon says holding his hand out. Elris walked out first, Iris and Aisha following him. Cecelia sighed, placing a hand on her chest feeling nervous, then took Poseidon's hand, looking forward. "You can do this...we're all with you, even Isis, even if he's not conscious"Poseidon chuckled looking at her. She smiled at him and nodded, the twin doors opening. She walked out, Poseidon walking beside her, a small smile on her face as people looked at her. Aisha smiled at her, holding a crown resting on a pillow, Iris holding an empty pillow beside her.

Cecelia bowed, before kneeling, Rosy beaming at her. Willow stood beside Bion, a small smile on her face. "The blessings"Elris beckoned. Willow came forward and took Cecelia's hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it. "I bless you with a Sisters Strength, I've done so much to make sure you never fell into the darkness, even if it meant I have to sacrifice myself, but there were times where you protected me and made me see that you are stronger than what I thought, we may not be blood sisters, but I am proud to be your sister"Willow smiled. Willow bowed and walked away, standing beside Bion again, Poseidon stepping forward.

Poseidon pressed a kiss to the palm of Cecelia's hand, expressionless. "I bless you with a Doe's Spirit, like I said before Cecelia, your soul is like a Doe, your gentleness, ability to move through obstacles and life with grace, being in touch with your inner child, your innocence, being insensitive and intuitive, your vigilance and lastly..your ability to change directions quickly"Poseidon smiled looking her in the eyes. "Cecelia, no matter what others have the spirit of a Doe"Poseidon smiled. He bowed his head and walked away, Luminas looking at him. A cloaked figure stepped forward, Cecelia staring in confusion.

The figure pulled their hood down, Cosette smiling at Cecelia shocking her. "Isis brought me here and hid me so I could come bless you"Cosette smiled. "Cecelia...I bless you with a Mother's Love"Cosette says pressing a kiss to Cecelia's forehead. "When you and your sister were born I loved you both to the moon and back, I wanted to keep you both together but I couldn't because of Flint, watching you grow up made me the proudest woman always remember your mother loves you more than words or actions can say"Cosette went on. She placed a rose in Cecelia's hair, then bowed and stepped back, joining the others.

Luminas stepped forward and took Cecelia's hands, a bright glow surrounding them both. Markings appeared on Cecelia's hand, palm and forehead. A Heart with a Sword in the middle of it appeared on the back of her hand symbolizing a Sisters Strength. Next a Doe leaping appeared on her palm, symbolizing a Doe's Spirit. Lastly a white jewel shaped like a droplet appeared on her forehead, symbolizing a Mother's Love. Aisha stepped forward and placed the crown on Cecelia's head, setting the tiara on the empty pillow Iris held. Elris smiled as he took Cecelia's hand, turning her to the crowd. "Welcome our Crowned Princess!"Elris smiled. The sounds of cheers filled the air, Cecelia smiling slightly. She looked towards a small shower of sparkles, her eyes widening when they formed into a figure. She smiled, her eyes starting to water. "Isis."

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