Chapter Eighteen

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Icy flew around curiously, searching for Caesar, a small frown on her face as she looked around, intent on finishing her mission for Cecelia. She flew down towards the stables, and perked up, spotting Isis dashing into stables. "Prince Isis?"Icy blinked flying closer. She snuck in, flying after the prince, hearing the sound of frantic stuttering coming from the back of the building. She peeked out, finding Caesar trembling as Isis cornered him. "Your majesty..."Caesar muttered. "I was being manipulated! I swear it, the entity controlling me left me behind, it went to someone else!"Caesar yelled looking terrified. "Entity..."Icy blinked confused. "But you still did what you did, you allowed yourself to be manipulated by whatever you're talking about"Isis responded coldly.

"I'm begging for your forgiveness right now"Caesar pleaded his back pressed more against the wall. "I'll forgive you...if you give the ground one of your teeth"Isis responded. "What"Caesar stared. Isis punched him right in the jaw, a bloody tooth flying to the ground. Caesar yelled in pain, gripping his jaw, tears falling down his cheeks. "Did I unhinge your jaw..."Isis asked. Caesar shook his head, blood coming from his busted lip, his bloody tooth on the ground as some blood dripped from his mouth. Icy stared in horror, her eyes wide. "You gave the ground more than what I wanted..."Isis says. "You're forgiven...but that doesn't mean I'm not throwing you back into the dungeons"Isis adds on. He grabbed Caesar by the throat, dragging him out as Bion arrived with guards, Glacier leading them over.

"Glacier told me where Caesar was"Isis says Icy flying over, Glacier looking down at her in surprise. Isis tossed Caesar down, looking at the guards. "Throw him back into the dungeons, have the doctors tend to him"Isis ordered. He glared down at the trembling male and walked away. "Where's Cecelia"Isis asked looking at Icy and Glacier. "Back in her room! She sent us out to help with the search!"Icy responded immediately. "Icy...."Isis sighed. "Yes, your majesty"Icy flinched looking hesitant. "...Sorry you had to see me do that, I hope I didn't scare you"Isis says holding his hand out to her. "No it's alright! I was surprised not scared, I never knew you could be so scary"Icy smiled landing on the back of his hand. "Well, when it comes to my sister and Cecelia, I'd protect them till my last dying breath"Isis chuckled.

Cecelia sat on her bed, fiddling with her necklace. The door opened, Isis stepping in. "Hey Cecelia"Isis smiled. "Did you find him!"Cecelia asked. Isis nodded and walked over, his hands behind his back. "Thank goodness"Cecelia smiled relieved. She perked up, noticing how close he was. "Surprise"Isis smiled holding up a stuffed rabbit out to her. "Isis!"Cecelia gasped surprised. "Your very own stuffed animal"Isis grinned handing it to her. She stared at the stuffed bunny, then smiled, her expression softening. "The annual Hunting Game is tomorrow"Isis smiled. "Hunting Game?"Cecelia blinked. "Oh! Willow told me about that, she came home with a weasel once!"Cecelia smiled. "It's where men hunt for their lovers or to give their prize to a woman of their choice!"Cecelia beamed.

"Yeah, I'm participating again this year"Isis smiled. "That's great, I'll be here in my room reading a book with my bunny, I hope you have fun"Cecelia smiled hugging her stuffed bunny. "You're not coming?"Isis asked curiously. "I'm not really used to going to events like these, I've always been locked up at home while my sister went"Cecelia responded rubbing the back of her head. "Well you can start participating in events now! I hope you'll be there tomorrow!"Isis chuckled. "...I'll try, for you Isis"Cecelia smiled looking up at him. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, a small smile on his face. "If you come, I'll catch the biggest animal you've ever seen"Isis promised. "Catch your sister one as well, bigger than mines!"Cecelia nodded. "Alright, your wish is this prince's command"Isis chuckled.

He pressed a kiss to the back of her hand, before resting his forehead against hers. "Caesar told me something crazy when I found him"Isis sighed sitting on her bed. "What'd he say"Cecelia asked sitting beside him. "He said some sort of entity was controlling and manipulating him...that's why he did all of that stuff"Isis responded. "Entity, like a demon..."Cecelia asked Icy sitting on her shoulder. "Probably, but I don't believe a word he says, I feel like he's hiding whatever helped him somewhere or somehow..."Isis frowned looking nervous. She grabbed his hand, giving him a small smile. "We'll figure it out, and stop whatever or whoever is helping him, he couldn't escape without any form of help"Cecelia smiled. "So don't worry, we're gonna figure it out, but for now, lets focus on the Hunting Game tomorrow!"Cecelia grinned. He smiled and nodded. "Alright."

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