Chapter Twenty Four

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Cecelia stared at Isis, her eyes widening at how scary he looked right about now. "What"Cecelia stared. "Who harmed you"Isis demanded scowling. "Nobody harmed me!"Cecelia gasped. "Don't protect them"Isis says walking past her. "Your majesty, nobody harmed me!"Cecelia yelled hurrying after him. "I'll just go ask your maids"Isis grumbled. "STOP!" Cecelia hugged his arm, stopping him in his tracks. "Don't be scared of them..."Isis says. "Nobody harmed me! I knocked over my dresser and fell in the shattered glass shards! Rosy bandaged up my arm!"Cecelia says quickly. He stared at her, then sighed calming himself. "Sorry for overreacting"Isis mumbled looking away. She blinked, before noticing people were staring at them and that she was still hugging his arm.

She moved away, her eyes wide, releasing him. "Sorry your majesty, I shouldn't have touched you without permission"Cecelia muttered bowing her head. She blinked, feeling something on her head, and reached up, finding a flower crown there. "I figured out how to make these myself, it was a struggle but I managed it"Isis smiled his cheeks turning a light shade of pink. She smiled at him and giggled. "Isis!" Nancy beamed at him, running over. "Oh, you're here as well!"Nancy smiled. She grabbed Cecelia's hands, beaming at her. "It's so nice to see you again!"Nancy beamed. "Uhm..same here?"Cecelia blinked wondering why she was being so nice now. "Am I interrupting something"Nancy asked. "Yes. The peace, now get out of here"Isis responded coldly, giving her a glare.

"Come on Isis! Just this once let me stay!"Nancy smiled gripping Cecelia's hands tighter. "No..."Isis responded. He removed her hands from Cecelia's giving her a look. He picked Cecelia up princess carry, Nancy's eyes widening. "Isis-"Nancy started. "Fuck off..."Isis muttered walking past her, Aisha following them. Nancy looked at him shocked, before scowling, glaring at Cecelia. Cecelia blinked, her head resting on the crown prince's chest. She looked up at him, Isis looking around before setting her down in the middle of a Moondrop flowers garden. "Wow..."Cecelia smiled her eyes sparkling. She spotted horses, staring at them. "Want to ride one?"Isis asked. "Is that alright?"Cecelia asked. "You don't gotta ask, come on, I'll go get one of the gentler horses"Isis smiled.

She stared at the white mare Isis brought to her, before reaching out, gently petting her. "She's all yours, you can have this one"Isis smiled petting the horses neck. He ducked under the white mares neck, smiling at her. "She's mine..."Cecelia muttered her eyes starting to twinkle. "Yep, asked my Dad to get a horse for you!"Isis grinned. She looked at him, then smiled. "I'm gonna name her...Mystic"Cecelia smiled. Mystic nudged her, Cecelia looking at a few sugar cubes Isis gave her. She held them out, smiling wide watching Mystic eat them. "Keep your hand still so she doesn't bite you"Isis smiled. She looked up at him and smiled, before looking back down. Isis saddled her horse and lifted her up onto it. He mounted his horse and grabbed Mystics reins. "Come on"Isis smiled.

Cecelia smiled, looking around as Isis led her horse down a cleared pathway. "We can do this whenever I'm free if you want"Isis smiled. "I'd like that!"Cecelia beamed looking at him. He chuckled, smiling at her. "Cecelia." She looked at him, noticing his sad smile. "Can you promise me something"Isis asked. She nodded, looking concerned. "Promise me you'll stay alive"Isis smiled. She stared at him, her eyes widening in surprise. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you...all I could do is hope that you'd be watching me as I continue on"Isis went on. "I lost someone, she was very important to me, as important as my family, whenever I looked at her I just felt myself falling deeper"Isis continued bringing their horses to a stop, looking down.

"She was someone I loved...someone I wanted to become my Queen, but....she died and I will never let myself forget it, because I was the one who failed to protect her"Isis muttered. "How did she die.."Cecelia asked. "She ate something that was poisoned...almost as if someone made it with magic....she told me she loved me before she died and I never felt so broken"Isis responded looking at her. He smiled at her and grabbed her hand. "So, promise me you'll stay alive"Isis says. "I'll try...I'll try my hardest!"Cecelia promised gripping his hand tight. "Thank you"Isis smiled. She smiled back and placed a hand on his shoulder. "She must've really loved you, Isis, I'm sure she's still with you!"Cecelia smiled. "She's closer to me than you think"Isis chuckled. He clicked his tongue, his horse trotting forward as he grabbed Mystics reigns again, leading her after them.

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