Chapter Eleven

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Cecelia walked beside Poseidon, looking around silently, carrying a basket he gave her. Poseidon smiled and lifted up a branch, Cecelia's eyes widening at the flower field in front of her. She smiled and stepped out, heading over to the field. Poseidon followed her, watching her pick flowers, a small smile on his face. He sat beside her, picking a few flowers himself, making a flower necklace. He placed it around his neck, Cecelia giggling as she smiled at him. He laid on his back, his hands behind his head, letting out a small sigh. "This always takes my worries away, especially when they blond brat gets on my nerves"Poseidon says. "The Light King?"Cecelia blinked. "Ugh, don't even mention him, I'm begging you right now"Poseidon sighs shaking his head.

She giggled and laid beside him, reaching towards the clouds above her. "I've always wanted to touch the clouds, they must be so soft and fluffy!"Cecelia smiled. "Here." Poseidon smiled at her, a makeshift cloud in his hand. "Where do you think some of the rain comes from"Poseidon grinned. She laughed, beaming at him, touching the cloud, her eyes sparkling. He stared at her, a loving look on his face. He looked away, letting her play with the cloud. He snapped his fingers together, the cloud shaping itself into a bunny, then a weasel before turning into a cat. "You're amazing!"Cecelia gasped. She beamed at him, earning a small smile in return. "Oh the basket!"Cecelia gasped sitting up. She pulled out sandwiches, handing one to the male laying in the grass, before grabbing one herself.

"Shush!"Poseidon ordered sitting up when she opened her mouth to speak. Footsteps made him get up, Cecelia standing up beside him. Blue haired people walked into view, the water spirit king calming himself as he walked towards them. "Who're they..."Cecelia asked. Glacier appeared out of thin air, the other blue haired people beaming as they hurried over. "Oh..more spirits!"Cecelia says surprised. "Yeah"Poseidon nodded. He wrapped a white cloak around her and pulled the hood up. "Come, we go to the human town nearby"Poseidon beckoned. She picked the basket up, and beckoned for Glacier to stay with the other Water Spirits and make some friends. She hurried after the male walking away from her, looking around silently again.

Poseidon smiled at her, looking amused by her curiosity. "Human curiosity is funny, I've never seen a human so interested in a plain area"Poseidon says. "Plain areas can hold a lot of exciting secrets, like the flower field you found, there's other secrets like that around areas like this too"Cecelia giggled. "I see, I will have to find more of these...exciting secrets"Poseidon nodded. He held his hand up, Cecelia gasping in surprise when he created a water statue of a doe then froze it. "You can keep it, this is forever ice, it'll never melt"Poseidon smiled. "Thank you"Cecelia smiled taking the little ice statue. "I made it a deer because that is what I see in your spirit..I see a deer"Poseidon smiled. "How do you see a deer, I thought you couldn't really sense anything in humans"Cecelia blinked.

"Your spirit animal is a deer, you can pick up on things that others do not, you know they're is a lot more going on in our universe than the things our eyes see. Instincts and are a deer, Cecelia"Poseidon smiled. She stared at him, her eyes wide in surprise, then looked down, touching her chest. "We have arrived." Cecelia's eyes widened, staring at the town. "It's so cute!"Cecelia beamed. He chuckled and walked down with her following. She looked around, curiosity taking over again. The sound of music being played caught her attention, a wide smile on her face. "Cecelia"Poseidon says turning around. He perked up, finding her dancing to the music being played. "Come on!"Cecelia beamed looking at him. She twirled over and grabbed his hand, pulling him to dance with her.

She bounded away, pulling more people to join in, laughter starting up. Poseidon smiled, staring at her, watching her dance. "Just let your body move"Cecelia grinned looking at him, a happy sparkle in her eyes. She grabbed his hand, and spun around, helping him get started. Guards walked over, looking curious about all the laughter and happy commotion. Cecelia's hood fell off, causing a red haired guards eyes to widen. "Lady Cecelia!"Bion says startled. Cecelia leaped up and twirled, landing on one feet. She twirled over to a group of children, getting them in the groove, laughter coming from them. Poseidon perked up, his eyes widening when he spotted Bion going around the dancing crowd, heading straight for Cecelia. He tapped his heel, Bion slipping on ice, falling over onto his rump.

Cecelia twirled away, and crashed into Poseidon, but he caught her, his arms around her waist. Cheering started up, the music coming to an end. "Lady Cecelia!"Bion called causing her eyes to widen. "Go, I got what we need! Run!"Poseidon commanded. He ran after her, pulling her hood up onto her head, Bion and several guards chasing after them. He looked back and grabbed a stick, pulling a large stack of crates down in front of the guards. Bion leaped over them, continuing the chase with three guards behind him. Cecelia looked back and gasped, almost tripping over her dress. She lifted it up, her eyes wide as they dashed towards the woods. Poseidon turned and scowled, releasing a small tsunami wave down the hill, washing Bion and the three guards away. He scowled and turned, vanishing into the greenery.

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