Chapter Thirty Nine

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The sound of birds chirping filled the air, Cecelia smiling as she sat in a chair on her balcony, rubbing her stomach. Time had past since she first found out she was expecting a baby, everyone she told had been excited. Isis though had gotten distant as time went on. Even though five months had past since the day she found out, her excitement didn't weaver not once. "Cecelia!!" Aisha came in, a wide smile on her face. "How is she!"Aisha beamed. The baby was a girl from what Izuni told them, and a very healthy one despite being half magicked, it just made Aisha more excited to meet the little one after hearing she was getting a niece.

"She's doing good"Cecelia smiled. She coughed, covering her mouth, Aisha giving her a concerned look. "I'm fine, don't worry..."Cecelia assured taking Aisha's hand. "I'm gonna miss you when you're gone"Aisha says looking down. "I'll still be here!"Cecelia beamed looking at her. Aisha stared at her, then hugged her silently. "I'm gonna be here no matter what"Cecelia smiled hugging her back. "Nothing is gonna keep me from you guys, not in life or death"Cecelia promised. Isis stared at them both, before turning and walking away down the hall, returning to his room. "Isis." Elris walked over, Isis keeping his back to him.

"Talk to me..."Elris sighed placing a hand on his shoulder. "Why is she so stubborn...."Isis demanded keeping his back to his father. "She knows she's gonna die and she just accepts it!"Isis went on tears falling down his cheeks. "We've been through so much together....and...she's just gonna throw her life away for a child..."Isis mumbled. "Some things can't be replaceable to people Isis"Elris says turning his son to face him. "To Cecelia a child that's already growing inside her can't be replaceable, knowing there's a life growing inside her, and there's someone telling her to get rid of it and that she can have one that won't take her life hurts her"Elris went on.

"But she can't be replaced either...there's not another Cecelia"Isis sighed looking up at his father. "I know...and I know how you feel as well"Elris says. "But...Isis you have a daughter on the way, a daughter that is gonna need her father, because her mother isn't there, I'm not asking you to take care of your child for me...I'm asking you to do it for Cecelia and the future of that baby she's carrying"Elris went on. "We're all gonna be here for you, the whole family"Elris smiled. Isis nodded and looked down. "I'll try...for the babies sake..."Isis promised trying to keep the bitterness away. "Brother!"Aisha called coming in.

"Cecelia wants to talk with you"Aisha informs. "She does..."Isis says stunned. Aisha nodded, rubbing her hands together. He walked away, taking in a deep breath and letting it out. "Isis"Rosy greeted bowing her head respectfully. Isis nodded to her and stepped into Cecelia's room, finding Cecelia holding a tea cup with mint tea, along with a few biscuits and baked sweets in front of her on the table. "Cecelia"Isis greeted walking over. She looked at him, giving him a sad smile. "You're feeling bitter aren't you, I'm sorry"Cecelia says. "Why are you apologizing"Isis asked. "It's my fault you're feeling this way, and it's gonna continue when I'm gone"Cecelia replied.

"No it won't"Isis retorted gently, walking over to her. "I'm gonna do my best to care for this child when you're gone, it's gonna be hard but like my dad told me....I have the rest of the families support"Isis continued on taking her hand in his. She stared at him, then pulled him closer, hugging him tight. He hugged her back, feeling the bump of her belly. "What're you gonna name her"Isis asked moving back, sitting across from her. "Alice de Elmir"Cecelia smiled. "Alice means noble..."Isis says stunned. Cecelia smiled at him, making his eyes water, knowing why she named Alice that. "Isis, you're tearing up love"Cecelia smiled making him jump slightly.

He rubbed his eyes, getting rid of the tears and smiled at her. "You named her Alice, cause you know she's gonna grow up to be a noble person..."Isis says quietly. "And that she's gonna have a noble father taking care of her"Cecelia beamed nodding. He stared at her, then let out a quiet chuckle. "I like the name Alice..."Isis comments. "Me too"Cecelia giggled. He stood up and walked over, placing a hand on her stomach. "Hey Alice, I'm your dad...I'm gonna try to take care of you alright"Isis greeted. Cecelia smiled wide at him, her eyes sparkling happily. He smiled back and looked down, hoping he'd be able to keep his promise.

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