Chapter Four

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Cecelia walked outside, Aisha beaming at her. "I'm so glad you accepted my invite to come to the palace!"Aisha smiled. "I'm a little nervous..."Cecelia says. "It'll be okay!"Aisha smiled. "Cecelia, come here really quick!"Her mother called. She walked over, looking nervous as her father handed her a sma bottle with some kind of powder in it. "If the crowned prince joins you two for tea put that in his drink"Her father smirked. "Yes...father..."Cecelia muttered. She turned away, walking back over to Aisha, the two stepping up into the carriage. "What did your parents say?"Aisha asked. "They we're warning me to not mess up..."Cecelia responded looking out the window. Icy sat in her lap, munching on a little piece of tart to stay full.

The carriage arrived at the palace, coming to a stop. "Sister!"Isis smiled running over. He stopped, his eyes widening as Cecelia stepped out of the carriage. "Cecelia is visiting for Tea Time"Aisha smiled. Isis stared at Cecelia, his eyes starting to twinkle at how pretty she looked. "Prince Isis?"Cecelia stared tilting her head to the side. "She! Yes! Hello Lady Cecelia!"Isis says quickly, Aisha looking amused. "Hello your royal majesty! We never really got introduced, I am Icy! I am Lady Cecelia's Ice spirit!"Icy beamed. "Hello Lady Icy"Isis greeted amused. Icy sat on her master's shoulder, Isis staring at Cecelia again awestruck. "Cecelia is that you?!" A black haired male ran over, beaming at Cecelia. "Caesar, it's so great to see you..."Cecelia smiled.

Isis raised his hand, staring at her as she turned away, a small frown on his face. "Ah, Cecelia, why don't we head to the garden!"Aisha suggests quickly. "Oh, that sounds good!"Cecelia nodded. "I'll see you later Caesar!"Cecelia waved. She followed Aisha, Isis looking down as she passed him. "You think you have a chance with her?" Isis looked at Caesar, his eyes wide in surprise. "Give up...Cecelia doesn't feel comfortable around you royals, no matter how hard you try she won't like you"Caesar smirked. "Me on the other hand, she likes me, and trusts me as well"Caesar grinned looking smug. Isis looked down, his expression darkening. "Give up you privileged fool, you can have anything else, but she won't be apart of that list, cause Cecelia. Is. Mine!"Caesar glared.

Cecelia sat with Aisha, taking a sip of her tea. Isis walked over and silently took a seat. She glanced at his tea cup, looking nervous, having already put the poison powder in his drink. "Wait, Aisha, Isis, I think I hear someone calling you"Cecelia says quickly, her eyes widening. "Oh Mom!"Aisha smiled heading over to Iris, Isis following her. Cecelia looked at Isis's tea cup, her eyes starting to water. Isis and Aisha returned when they were done talking with their mother, taking their seats again. "Lady Cecelia, how is the tea?"Aisha smiled. "It's warms my tongue, I love it"Cecelia says taking a sip. She stopped, Isis looking at her, noticing her wide eyed look. "Lady Cecelia?"Isis frowned. Celia choked up blood, causing it to splatter all over the table cloth. "LADY CECELIA!"Aisha yelled getting to her feet.

Cecelia fell out of her chair, her tea cup laying in the grass beside her, her hair shielding her face. "LADY CECELIA! OPEN YOUR EYES!!"Isis yelled. "Remy!"Aisha called. Remy appeared, looking at Cecelia before nodding. Aisha's eyes turned yellow, her hands hovering over Cecelia's body. Cecelia opened her eyes, looking pale. She coughed, Isis helping her down a cup of water. She sighed and leaned closer to him, her eyes half open. "Lady Cecelia?"Isis says surprised. "Caesar..."Cecelia muttered. His eyes widened, Caesar hurrying over, taking her into his arms. "I got you Cecelia"Caesar smiled giving Isis a smug look. Isis looked away, Aisha placing a hand on his shoulder giving him a sympathetic look. "What is going on?" King Elsis walked over, his eyes widening when he spotted Cecelia.

"What happened"Elsis demanded stepping closer. "Lady Cecelia was poisoned...she drunk the whole cup as well!"Aisha responded. "Aisha managed to save her"Isis informs. Iris gently touched Cecelia's forehead, looking concerned. "She needs to go home and rest"Iris insisted. "I can take her back!"Caesar says. "No...let me." Isis walked over, picking Cecelia up princess carry. "It's my fault she's like this...I should've paid more attention to her"Isis sighed. He turned and walked away, Cecelia opening her eyes more, staring up at him. "'re okay..."Cecelia says. "Yeah...but you're not, it should've been me"Isis sighed. " can't be you...I won't let it be you...ever.."Cecelia retorted wrapping her arms around his neck, her head on his shoulder. "I'll protect you Isis."

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