Chapter Thirty

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Cecelia laid beside Isis, her head resting on his chest, his arm around her waist keeping her close. She opened her eyes and yawned, before looking up at him, a small smile on her face. She reached up, poking his cheek, giggling quietly. "You're being awfully cheeky"Isis muttered. He opened his eyes, smiling down at her amused. Her smile grew, another giggle coming from her as he pressed a kiss to her nose, then another kiss to her cheek. "Morning you two!"Rosy beamed. "How was sealing the deal?!"Rosy beamed. Cecelia's face turned red, her eyes widening in alarmed startled that Rosy heard that. "I hope you took it easy on her tour highness!"Rosy grinned looking cheeky. "ROSY!"Cecelia yelled leaping out of bed at her best friend. Rosy laughed, dodging her, a wide smile on her face.

Isis sat up, smiling as he watched them both amused. Kodak leaped onto his lap and sniffed him, earning a pat to the head from the prince. "How could you spy on us!"Cecelia whined. "Because you and his majesty we're making up! I didn't expect it to become so intimate so quickly~~~"Rosy grinned looking amused. "ROSYYYYYY STOP!"Cecelia whined flustered. Rosy laughed and hugged her. "I'm joking Lady Cecelia, but I do does the crown prince feel~~"Rosy grinned. "OUT! ROSYYYYYY!"Cecelia gasped her eyes wide. Rosy laughed, hurrying out of the room, Isis stepping out of bed, walking over to her. "I wonder...did you like how I feel"Isis teased. "NOT YOU TOO!"Cecelia whined hitting his arm. "We should start planning..."Isis suggests looking down at her.

"Planning for what?"Cecelia blinked. "Making you crowned betrothed"Isis smiled looking at her. She stared at him, then smiled and nodded. "I wanna help the best I can!"Cecelia says looking determined to do her part. "We can have the ceremony anyway you'd like"Isis offered. "...I have the perfect idea"Cecelia smiled looking at him. He smiled back at her, before letting her back. "Go get dressed and meet me at the lake"Isis ordered. She blinked at him, looking confused but nodded and left, Kodak bounding after her snorting. She walked back to her room, pushing the door open, her eyes sparkling at the sight of some of the added in decorations. She walked to the closet, pulling out an off shoulder light blue dress with white ruffles around the chest part.

She slipped into the dress, and brushed her hair, her expression softening. "Lady Cecelia, you got a letter..."Rosette informs handing her a blue letter. Cecelia opened the letter, smiling as she read it. The letter was from her mother, telling her about how moving in with her father and younger twin sister was the best choice she's ever made and that she was finally happy to be herself instead of being someone she was not. "The letter smells like hydrangeas"Cecelia smiled. She set the letter down, a soft smile on her face, glad her mother was safe. She continued to brush her hair, before picking up a flower pin, placing it in her hair. Rosette slipped white heels onto Cecelia's feet, earning a grateful smile from her. "Lady Cecelia! Lady Cecelia!"Rosy beamed hurrying in.

"Princess Aisha wanted me to gift you these!"Rosy beamed holding out two blue flower bracelets. Cecelia smiled slipping then into her wrists, Rosy beaming at her. "Cecelia you look so gorgeous!!"Rosy praised. "Oh! Oh! Wear these!"Rosy adds grabbing two star shaped earrings with sapphires. "It'll go with your dress!"Rosy beamed Rosette giving her an annoyed look. Cecelia chuckled, and lifted her hair up, letting Rosy put the earrings on her, Rosette watching curiously. "Well?"Cecelia smiled. "Gorgeous!! Absolutely stunningly gorgeous!"Rosy praised hugging her. "Thank you Rosy"Cecelia chuckled hugging her back. She grabbed an old pin she had gotten for her birthday, having gotten it fixed. "Here Rosy, you keep this"Cecelia smiled handing Rosy the yellow flower pin.

"A-Are you sure?!"Rosy gasped. "Yeah, I want you to keep it, as thanks for being my best friend!"Cecelia nodded. She hugged Rosy again, her maid hugging her back. "Bye"Cecelia waved. Rosy waved, tears threatening to fall. Cecelia walked out of the room, heading down the hallway, humming quietly. Kodak bounded beside her, before running ahead, spotting Aisha. "Hello!"Cecelia waved. "You're wearing the bracelets!"Aisha gasped. "Of course I am, they're a gift from you!"Cecelia chuckled. "Have you seen Poseidon?"Cecelia asked. "He's chasing Luminas around again"Aisha sighed shaking her head. "Oh dear"Cecelia chuckled. "You better get going, don't wanna keep my brother waiting, after all you sealed your promise~"Aisha suggests. "NOT YOU TOO!"Cecelia gasped Aisha laughing.

She hurried away, too flustered to scold the princess as she speed walked to meet Isis. She walked outside, her hair swaying behind her. Cecelia looked around, following the path down to the lake. She stopped, staring silently in surprise at the boat. Isis smiled at her, holding his hand out. "Come on"Isis smiled. She took his hand, stepping down into the boat, sitting across from him. "I asked a favor from someone, so...there's something I wanna show you"Isis explains when she looked at him with curiosity. He pointed to the water, a small smile on her face. She looked down, her eyes widening in shock at the sight of glowing rainbow moonflowers. "Consider them a gift from me"Isis smiled. She looked at him, a wide smile on her face before reaching out, grabbing one.

She placed it in his hair, and laughed at his stunned look. "Looking good Princess Isis!"Cecelia teased. He chuckled, grabbing her hand. "I really am glad you're back, not that I also don't miss your other self when you didn't know me"Isis says. She grinned at him and gripped his hand back. "I'd always end up remembering you one way or another!"Cecelia smiled. Isis looked up sharply, a serious look on his face. "Watch out!"Isis gasped grabbing her wrist, pulling her over to him. The boat tipped over, Cecelia screaming as they both fell into the water. Her eyes widened, a black shadow with glowing red eyes staring at her. "Gotcha..." She shook her head, moving backwards. Isis grabbed her, startling the woman as he pushed her up to the surface. He coughed, surfacing next to her. He climbed out, his arm around her waist as he laid her down. "You okay"Isis asked worriedly. She stared at the water, wondering what in the world was that creature.

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