Chapter Seven

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Isis walked through the village, looking around for a gift to put in his letter to send to Cecelia. He picked up a small butterfly hair clip and smiled, setting down two gold on the stand. He spotted a hooded figure and perked up, noticing the little spirit peeking out from underneath the hood. He walked over and placed four gold down, startling the figure. Cecelia looked up at him, her eyes wide in shock. "Long time no see"Isis greeted. She turned away, but he grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry for making you misunderstand my intentions, I wanna be friends with you Cecelia"Isis says quickly. She looked up at him, Icy peeking out from underneath the hood. "It was wrong of me to make you remember things you didn't want to remember...and for that I humbly apologize"Isis adds on.

She glanced around, then grabbed his wrist, running away. Both vanished into an alleyway, Cecelia looking around before lowering her hood. "Why are you hiding?"Isis asks curiously. "I left my families home, I'm living with my grandmother, my dad's guards are patrolling the area and I'm pretty sure they're ordered to kill me on sight, so just to be safe, I walk around with this cloak on..."Cecelia responded leaning back against the wall behind her. "I won't let them harm you"Isis promised. "That's sweet, but I can really handle myself"Cecelia grinned amused. She looked out of the alleyway, looking right then left before stepping out, her hood down, Isis behind her. She took her cloak off and wrapped it around him, pulling the hood up.

"I think you're gonna need this more than me, don't want people swarming around you while we're out and about"Cecelia says. Her face went expressionless, looking forward, making him perk up. "Are you alright..."Isis asked placing a hand on her shoulder. Cecelia let out a scream of shock, someone tackling her down. She stared at a messy gray haired male, her eyes wide. "IT'S YOUR FAULT, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT THAT MY BROTHER IS DYING FROM BEING OVERWORKED!" Cecelia opened her mouth to call for Glacier, but a hand swiftly grabbed the guard by the face, forcing the male to his feet. Isis stared the guard down, a scary look on his face. "Touch her again and it'll be a big problem friend"Isis warned. The guard stared his eyes wide. "Understood"Isis demanded earning a frantic nod from the guard.

He released the guard, watching them run away. "I told you I could handle it myself...I guess I should thank you, for helping me"Cecelia sighed getting up and dusting herself down. She walked beside him, Icy hiding underneath her hair. "Wow, look at these..."Cecelia breathed looking at the clips. "Here..."Isis smiled. She stared at the butterfly hair clip, her eyes widening in surprise. "I had bought it to add it to my apology letter, but I ran into you here"Isis laughed smiling at her stunned look. He reached up, placing the hair clip. "You know I wonder....what is with everyone and tossing me to the ground, like is the ground appealing for some reason"Cecelia says. Isis started to laugh, earning a small glare from her. "I'm serious, what is with everyone and throwing me to the ground!"Cecelia complained.

"No idea"Isis chuckled. He looked around, a few of the guards keeping their distance from them. "Hey Celia!" She gasped and looked behind her, finding Caesar there, Isis looking over alarmed. "I've been wondering where you were! Your parents said you left home permanently"Caesar grinned. He looked at Isis, and grinned a dark look appearing on his face. "Sister!" Rin ran over, but stopped, looking at Isis and Caesar alarmed. He scowled and walked over to Cecelia, placing his hands on her shoulder, then slowly pulling her away from them, hugging her tight as he glared at the two boys. "My sis is too young to be around boys!"Rin whined hugging her tighter. "Don't tell me this is your types, dark, tall and mysterious then there's...just Caesar...."Rin says.

"Hey! That's insulting!"Caesar frowned. Rin shrugged, and looked at Isis who pulled his hood lower to cover his face. "He's acting like a kidnapper..."Rin comments pointing to the crowned prince. Cecelia started giggling, Isis smiling slightly amused. "He's not a kidnapper, he's just...a really shy and swell guy"Cecelia snorted crossing her arms over her chest. She placed her hands on her hips, and glanced at Isis, earning a small nod from him. He waved and walked away, vanishing into the crowd. "Well, since he's leaving I better take my leave as well"Caesar smiled. "Rin might I suggest you take a bath, I could smell you before you even greeted your younger sister, but it's not surprising you walk around smelling like a skunk"Caesar smiled. "This. Bitch!"Rin stared.

"Cya Cecelia"Caesar waved. He walked away, continuing his little patrol. "You got some rude and mysterious friends little sis"Rin grumbled glaring after Caesar. "I mean you were rude first..."Cecelia comments amused. She walked away, her older brother following her. She glanced behind her, putting a mango behind her back. Isis walked past, keeping his face covered, looking at her as he took it and pretended to walk away. "Oh yeah, I came here to tell you that Grandmother is setting up a party to celebrate your arrival"Rin smiled. "Sounds nice"Cecelia nodded passing Isis an orange as he walked past behind her again. "Hey, where'd the fruit in your basket go?"Rin asked making her flinch, surprised her brother wasn't as stupid as she thought. "Oh yeah, the Royal family is coming as well"Rin adds.

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