The Ex

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"Alex..." JJ squeaked.


"Excuse me."

"Spence don't." She warned him but he just looked at her and she knew not to say much... So she texted the team...

"Get here ASAP my abusive ex is in my house. I'm with Spence but I'm scared...."
Almost instantly everyone replied saying they were on their way.

"Excuse me Alex if I am correct. You will never speak to JJ like that again." He said closing his fist no knowing JJ texted the team.

Alex laughed and said "I can say what I want to her she my girl after all. And who is gonna stop me. You? You're what 90 pounds soak and wet?"

"Ex actually." JJ finally said.
"Baby I didn't mean..."
"No shut up. I don't want you head anymore Alexander. I don't love you anymore you are abusive and crazy and just please go."
she said stepping beside Spencer and taking his hand for support. Spencer squeezed it and looked at her.

"I SHOULD OF KNOWN YOU WERE CHEATING ON ME..." he started getting to close to JJ. So Spencer did something no one ever saw coming.

Spencer tackled him to the ground and punched him in the jaw. Then out of raged stood up and picked Alex up as starred at him in the eyes with his hand around his neck and said.

"Listen to me you son of a bitch. You will leave here and never come back. So you understand me. If you do I will make it my personal advance to take you out." Reid dropped Alex and he ran to the door pass JJ and the team...

All I them stared at him in aww.... No one had ever seen the genius lose his temper before. It was scary, JJ was smiling from ear to ear when Spence hugged her.

"Apparently you didn't need is after all. Pretty boy here has a temper." He said while ruffling Reid's hair.

Emily and Hotch smiled which Garcia came running in and hugged JJ an Reid.

"He better not have hurt my babies or I will erase him from existence."

"Garcia..." Hotch warned.

"Reid did just fine on his own. Reid I do not want to see this temper flare on cases... Unless needed. Understood?" Hotch said with a smirk.

Reid looked down turning 5 different shades of red causing the girls to laugh... Except JJ she was staring at him in aww. Did he really just do that for her? To protect her? Does he lover her too?

"Yes Sir." Reid said.

"ANYWAY" Emily exclaimed "c'mom Aaron let's go home and let JJ and Reid talk." She hugged JJ and Reid but she whispered to Reid

"She's been staring at you in aww. She loves you. Talk to her."

He nodded and said goodbye.

"You gonna be okay JJ?" Morgan asked noticing she hast stopped staring at Reid.

"Yeah I think mister tough guy scared him off." She winked at Reid him to blush.

"Alright goodnight. Come one baby girl lets go" he said taking Garcia hand and dragging her away.
"Where's my 20$ chocolate thunder?" She said and winked.
"They ain't together get sweetness." He replied.
"You'll see." She said as swayed her hips.

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