I love you too...

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The first location was empty so now where headed to the second one. We get to the second one and I know they're in there. I sense it. I get out and stand between Matt and Rossi. I nod at Reid. Then Hotch. We open the door and the first thing I notice is Mia. I feel sick to my stomach but keep moving. Then I hear Lily scream. My heart drop she's with Spencer and Hotch. I push by Matt and run upstairs then I feel someone tackle me. I look up into the eyes of Dan.

"Sssshhh.... Hello Jennifer." The rest o the group comes up the stairs. And Dan pulls me up by my hair and has a knife to my throat. Rossi is starring at me so is Matt. Rossi looks at Dan "Put the knife down." He pretty much growls. One thing I've learnt... You don't piss off the veteran Agent. They are joined by Emily, Joe and Morgan. I'm worried about my husband and ex and my boss. Please God let them be okay. Everyone has their gun trained on Dan. Oh no... "Morgan! Go check on Hotch!!! Tamiz has them!" I yell then yelled when my hair gets pulled. He runs and sounds off "WE NEED A MEDIC!" My instincts kick in I grab Dan wrist and twist it. He drops the knife and I jump out of the way just on time because has soon and I'm out of the way I hear 2 shots. I look at Dan. One leg and one head. Rossi approaches me "You okay?" I nod and hug him. Then remember. I run to the basement. And panic floods in me

"Lily!!!" I run to her side. "No no." I grab her hand has they put pressure on the stab wound in her stomach. I look behind her and see Tamiz dead has well. I look back at my dying ex "Stay with me." Joe joins me "Baby, listen to Jen. Stay right here." She smiles weekly "Jen, remember when we had the swim contest an you won." I nod "I let you win." I smile "I know babe." She smiles "You called me babe." I laugh with tears steaming down my face "A part of me will always love you." She closes her eyes "Open your eyes." She shakes her head no. I yell "WHERE ARE FHE MEDICS!!!" I feel her hand on my cheek "Jen stop honey, I love you too." She pulls my face towards her and kisses me lightly. Then her hand drops "Lil... Lily... Li-Anne..." I feel arms wrap around me pulling me away. Things happen so fast the medics get to her... But I know there to late. I pull away from who is holding me and run out the door.  I get outside and start to cry. I go into my pocket and pull out my tin box. I open it and grab the razor... Then I feel someone grab my wrist

"JJ no. Lily wouldn't want you too." I turn to face my husband. He's been crying too. It's always hard when an agent dies. I drop the tin and crash my head into his chest. And I sob "The kiss... Spencer I'm so-" he stops me "No. It's okay really." I know he's serious. He kisses me lightly "I love you." I look at him "I love you too." The bags come out. Two containing the ending of my nightmare and one containing my ex... I cry again. I look up and see Joe wiping his own tears holding a box. I push away from Spencer. "You were gonna propose after the case weren't you." I tell Joe in a quiet voice. He looks up "I was." I kneel and pull him into a hug he cries "I loved her. I still love her." I laugh "We always will love her." Matt joins us and puts his hand on our shoulders tears forming in his eyes "You can say that again." He squeezes our shoulders and walks away. Joe following me after kissing me on the cheek. At that moment I wonder, minus the funeral if I'll ever see them again.

I look up and see my team they are all looking at me with sad eyes. Emily pulls me into a hug "I'm so sorry JJ." I nod. Then I hear tires squeal I turn to Garcia, Strauss and Elle come out of the car Garcia runs toward us "JJ. Omg you're okay.... Everyone is okay then... She looks around and it sinks in... No." She starts to cry and Morgan hugs her. "She died a hero..." Hotch whispers out. I look at him "What do you mean?" Hotch raises a brow "The trap was meant for Reid. But Lily insisted to go in first... She knew JJ." I look at Hotch and then Reid is behind me I look at him "She saved you..." He nods. "Rossi saved you." I shake my head "It's not the same... I know why she did it." I put my hand on my stomach "Lily grew up without a dad..." Everyone stays quiet. Garcia still crying into Morgan's chest. I turn and hug my husband. And I cry. I could of lost him today... "Thank you Lil." I whisper. I turn to see Hotch hugging Emily. And Rossi holding Strauss and Elle. We all cried silently because today we lost a hero... A friend... And someone I loved very very much... And her last words will always echo in my mind "I love you too...."

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