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First of all I want to thank all my readers for sticking with me even though I didn't write yesterday. It was a very emotional day. Also thank you for being understanding!
Love you all!


Emily POV

"Yes mom I'll be okay." I tell my mother. A lot has been going on in the past month and I've been doing my best to hide it but my bitten down nails can tell you I'm not doing a good job. It all started with a phone call and meeting saying that Ian Doyle escaped prison and he was out for blood... My blood. I thought for sure one "Lauren" died everything that came with her died to. I guess not. I'm not sure what he wants but I don't care, I will kill him before he gets near me or my family. One day I got a phone call without thinking I answered like usual;

"Prentiss." I say. "Well hello Lauren." I freeze recognizing the voice of Ian Doyle "Ian." I say with hatred, "Ma belle, I thought you'd be happy to hear my voice." He mocks me. I laugh "Oh I'm sorry we're you expecting me to be happy to hear from you when I know you're out to kill me." I say with sarcasm, at this point I didn't know Aaron was behind me and heard me say that last part. Ian ignored my sarcasm "Cafe on Timber Road tonight at 6pm. If you don't catch a case. See you soon Emily." With that he hung up I stared at my phone and closed my fist around it, I was about to throw it when I heard my husband "Emily?" I look at him "Hotch." He shakes his head "I am speaking to you has your husband right now. Is the team and Jack in danger?" I keep looking at him "yes..." I say in s quiet voice. "I'll be home late." Is the last thing I say. I leave before I get to explain.


It is so like him to be late. I have a gun under my chair but know I won't use it because I wouldn't walk out of here alive if I did. Then I hear him "Lauren, wait no Lauren died in a car accident." I look at his ice blue eyes and shiver, "Ian." I look at him equally cold. We sit there facing each other for a bit he then smirks "So does Aaron know you're out late?" I look at him frozen in fear, he knows... "And you and his son. How is he? He is smart isn't he. Just like his uncle Spencer. He likes the computer games that his aunt Penelope and his Uncle Derek got him. And how is JJ doing with her miscarriage. I guess pretty well since her and Spencer are in Italy right know." I look at him he knows my family. The only people I know and love. "You get near any of my family. I will end you." He laughs "Oh Emily, I'm here for one thing. My son. Where is he?" My defences come up "I don't know. He and Louise were put under protection." He smiles again and whispers in my hear "nice talk Lauren." Then he leaves. I take a deep breath knowing that this was just the beginning I then hear footsteps behind me I stand up and see my husband "Emily. What the hell is going on. You've been distant, biting your nails, staying awake, then you tell me you're staying out late. I follow you and find you with another men." Aaron doesn't look mad. He's looks calm which is even scarier. I look in his warm brown worried eyes and I know we are being watched I give him a hug and whisper "I need to visit my mothers. Im gonna need her resources to keep you and the team even Strauss safe. Aaron I can't tell you what's going on, but I can tell you that I love you." I take a deep breath "If I'm not back by tomorrow. Start a case involving around me. Look up Lauren Raynolds. ONLY if I'm not back." I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and with that I am running. I get home grab my car and go towards the apartment I've been keeping. I walk in gun drawn open the safe and grab all my weapons and IDs. My phone is ringing I look I see Aaron's picture with Jack, I ignore the call. I get in my car and go to my mother...

"Mom!" I walk in to her sitting in a chair. "Emily dead." She looks at me and notices all my stuff "did you an Aaron separate?" I roll my eyes at her "no... It's Ian. I need protection for my team. Everyone of them. I'll be here for the night. Then back to Aaron." She looks at me and just nods. I go up into my bedroom an start to cry. My last thought was "I'll keep them safe even if it kills me."

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