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JJ and Reid walk back into the round table and Rossi explains to them what's going on. JJ nods but Reid isn't so sure "She just threw up thinking about it. I don't know..." JJ turned to Reid "Mia is already dead. Any of us can be next... I'm doing it." They all stay quiet and Joe speaks up "We don't know if she's-" JJ interrupts "How long has she been with him? If she's not dead she's near it." With that she turned and left the room, Rossi closely behind. They get to his office and he closes the door, he notices she's shaking

"JJ... Hotch will understand if you can't do this." Rossi says voice laces with concern. JJ was like a daughter to him and she's was pregnant. JJ takes a deep breath "I have too, I'm the one that knows about all of this." Rossi nods and puts his hand on her shoulder "If it gets to much we stop. We don't need you anymore stressed out. It's not good for the baby." JJ nods knowing he was right. "Ready?" Rossi ask. JJ takes one last breath and closes her eyes:

"Where are you JJ?" JJ opens her eyes and she's in the desert "In the desert... There's the tent and Matt, Joe, Lily, Tamiz and Dan...."


"JJ it's finally nice to meet you! I'm
Joe." Joe extents his hand. I shake it and walks into the tense and sees Lily, her heart stops "Heyy Lil." Lily jumps "Jen what are you doing here?" Lily ask shocked. "The BAU decided to transfer me here I guess." Matt laugh "Not fun. Matt." He extends his hand. Then shivers go up my back at 2 laughs behind her. They both give her a smile "Dan." The taller man said. "Tamiz" the other man said. "Jennifer." She hold her her hand and they both shake it.

At that women a women comes crying in holding a doll. Tamiz gets annoyed and says something to her and he replies. JJ speaks up "Hi I'm JJ. Is that your daughter?" The women looks at her and nods. Tamiz leaves. Dan then clears his throat "Her husband is part of the terrorist gang. We've been trying to talk to her for weeks..." JJ looks at Dan "Can you translate?" Dan nods "I can try." Then before JJ could stop herself "Tell her we will get her, her daughter if she cooperates." Dan says "I can't said that." JJ looks at him angrily "Why not?" Dan looks at her "Because we can't go on a suicide mission for one girl Jennifer." JJ feels the shivers again. She doesn't like this guy. She yells for Matt. Gives Matt the idea...

Back to the present

JJ snaps back to the reality. Rossi looks at her... "Who's Dan." Her eyes go wide. "Get Matt on the phone!" Rossi picks up the phone and it rings twice and Matt picks up "Rossi how is it going?" Rossi doesn't get to answer "Matt where's Dan?" JJ says. Matt freezes "We tried calling him but he never picked up..." JJ "Nadia was raped. It doesn't fit Tamiz MO. And Tamiz wouldn't do this for fun. He's serious about his work... Someone hired him." Matt stop "You can't be implying." JJ says "Yes I am. Matt we all knew we had bad vibes from him... This could be the reason. Has a double agent." Matt then says "You could be right. Let the others know. And tell that women with the crazy clothing to look him up." Rossi snickers "Garcia." Matt says " Yes her... Does she always dress like that?" JJ and Rossi laugh and both say "Yes. Yes she does." Matt smiles "She's something special. Alright Hotch is coming back with someone... Talk to you soon." Matt hangs up Rossi looks at JJ. "Someone?" She shrugs we shoulder and the both get up to join the others including Garcia with her laptop they are all at the round table.

When they walk in Reid gets up and hugs her. She hugs him back and inhales his scent. "I'm okay Spence." Reid looks at her "Okay." They stop hugging but they hold hands. JJ looks at Lily and Joe they all have the same expression... Cognitive are can be haunting, and they both look pretty haunted. JJ speaks up "Dan." Lily and Joe look at her "We know... We were thinking the same thing. Did you tell Matt?" Joe is the one to speak. Lily looks distant and sick. JJ nods "Lily... Are you okay?" She ask the women she loved. Lily looks up and shakes her head "Yeah just... Trying to shake some memories away." Everyone in the room nod in agreement. Emily puts her arms around her "You did amazing though." Lily just nods. JJ lets go of her husbands hand and walks up to her ex and hugs her "Lil. How far did you go..." Lily pales "The body...." JJ freezes so does Joe. "You could of stopped before then." Emily speaks up "I told her too... But I'm happy she didn't because..." Lily speaks up "JJ, Nadia was a cutter." JJ freezes "What?" Lily sighs "Mia is a cutter..." JJ speaks up "Lil..." She doesn't finish her sentence "JJ, Dan is going after the specific agents or people that cut..." Lily lifts her shirt to reveal her cut ribs "JJ I'm on that list." At that moment Hotch walks in with a women no one thought they'd see again "What list?"

The team minus Emily turn and all say "Elle?"

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