Talk with Aaron and a fight

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Reid POV

The second he called me Spencer I knew we where going to be serious. I lied to JJ telling her it was okay. Truth is it hurt like hell. She pretty much blocked me out for a month. I get that she's hurting. But I feel unwanted. I look out the window all these thoughts swarming my head. We talk in the car and I finally find out why he broke up with me... I remember that night


"Why Aaron?!" I look at my now ex boyfriend. "After 2 years! Why!!!" He just looks at me an I realize he's crying too. He looks at me "One day you'll know. Spencer. One day you'll understand. But today you won't. You can stay the night here if you want..." I look at him he's not even giving me a reason "No Hotch. I'll go back to my apartment. And don't worry this won't effect my work. See you tomorrow sir." With that I walk out and slam the door. Not understand why the men I loved just broke my heart... And why I can hear him sobbing...

Back to the car

I'm sure if we weren't in the parking lot of McDonald's he would of pulled over for this. He takes my hands and I feel sparks an butterflies. They're still there but with JJ I can't breath it's a stronger feeling... Then it clicks I know what he's going to say "Spencer. I realized you were falling in love with JJ. The way you two looked at each other. The way you smiled everyone she called you "Spence." I ended things because I didn't want to hold you back from something that could change your life. It was hard, a lot of tears if you can remember. But look at us now. Married to wonderful women and you're gonna be a dad for the first time and me for the second time." I smile and mentioned how it never effected our work. He laughs and says "Never."

We go inside McDonald's and I explain to him how I'm really feeling and that I lied to JJ. The trust is I feel like crap. But I didn't want to upset her has my wife... Then Aaron says something that I forgot "Spencer, it's okay to feel hurt. And I understand where you and JJ are coming from. You're being an amazing husband. But right now you're not being a good friend to JJ. You're lying to her face saying you're okay. And you're not. And one day it's all gonna explode and blow up and.... You'll lose someone you love." I let it sink in he's right. Oh God this is gonna suck when we get home.

We stop at the store and I pick up her favourite ice cream. And Aaron asked me if he should stay there incase I do get kicked out for the next night or two. Or forever. I hope not. I hope she's not that mad. I love her to pieces, I forgot we are not only man and wife but friends. She's gonna be furious and pregnancy hormones on top of that. I hope I'm alive after this. I tell Aaron to go home and he says something that will stick with me forever "And for the record, I might not be in love with you anymore. But I do love you." He beams "I love you too." This time he kisses my forward I smile and leave to go talk to my wife and my friend.

I open the door and she looks at me and smiles then frowns ;
"Spence..." I put my hands up and go put the ice cream in the freezer knowing she will need it after our soon to be fight. "Spencer you're worrying me... What's with the ice cream?" She puts her hand on me and I see Lily's ring I flinch she most of notices she looks at me and crosses her arms "Spencer." I take her hand and bring her to the couch; "Jennifer, I'm sorry but I lied to you earlier. I'm not okay. I'm pissed. You ignored me for a month! Pushed me away, let yourself sink in your grief alone. I'm not only your husband, I'm your friend and it hurt when you did that." I mentally count down from 10. Then she stands up furious "SOME FRIEND YOU ARE! YOU LIED TO MY FACE REID!" I don't even yell "I know." She looks at me in shock "This is why you want out with Aaron... He talked to you. If he didn't you'd still be lying." I nod knowing I still would be. She freezes then looks at me tears in her eyes "Reid, you're supposed to be my friend. Friends don't lie to each other when their upset.." I look at her and now I'm angry I stand up and look at her "Jennifer. I was trying to be a good husband! IF I WOULD OF BEEN HONEST WE WOULD STILL BE FIGHTING. I GET IT OKAY! YOU LOVED HER BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU HUSBAND! YOU MADE ME FEEL LIKE CRAP!" I raise my voice. She looks at me "I think you need to leave." I look at her "I already was on it." I go upstairs and she follows me "You're not even gonna try and stay?" I look at her "No. We need to cool off. I love you JJ. And I always will but right now. We need the night apart." She doesn't say anything she takes my bag and goes downstairs and throws it out. I walk out and before I could say anything the door is slammed in my face.

I turn and realize Aaron never left. I smile seeing him on his phone probably talking to Emily about this. I open the door and slam it shut "Didn't go well..." I shakes my head no "I'm lucky to be alive. Hopefully we make up by this weekend for Pen and Derek's wedding."  I say he tries not to laugh. "I think you two will be fine. You're still wearing your ring. And I'm guessing she's wearing hers. Plus you can talk to we at work. We're all going to be exhausted." I smile then notices the time "I'm so sorry Aaron. And yeah she never took off her rings." He nod and look at him "You'll be fine by tomorrow." Then his phone goes off. I'm guessing Emily is on her way here... Tomorrow should be interesting...

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