What A Monday!

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Reid and Hotch make their way to work. They both it about 4 hour of sleep. And according to Emily the girls got about 4 has well. This was going to be a hard Monday for all four of them. Hotch was worried about Reid, he's cooled off and ready to talk to JJ. But he's worries she's still mad. Hotch takes a deep breath "You two will make up on time for the wedding Reid." He sighs "I know. But what if she's still mad... Hotch man I love her I don't like being away from her." They pull into the parking lot and get on the elevator "Well Reid, if she's still mad then you give her more time. Try flowers." Reid smiles "Already handled." Hotch raises and eyebrow looks like he was going to ask then shakes his head "Not going to ask. Good luck." With that Hotch want to his office Morgan, Garcia and Rossi are all looking at him. He looks down an goes sit at his desk "Man what's up?" Morgan ask. "I got into a fight with JJ. I stayed at Hotchs last night." I say quietly. Rossi puts his hand on my shoulder "Found out you were lying with being okay." Rein looks at him, Rossi smiles "Don't ever doubt a veteran profiler. Talk to her. She loves you." He squeezes Reid shoulder and leaves. Garcia looks at her junior G-Man "Rossis right. Talk to JJ. Well off to the lair with me." She kisses Morgan and kisses Reid on the cheek.

Then the girls walk in... Reid and JJ make eye contact but she looks away and passes right by them "Reid, Morgan." Is all she says and walks into her office. Emily looks at Reid "She's still upset. But much better. Try talking later after our 4th coffee." With that everyone want to work... Reid smiles has the elevator open and a man walked in with roses "Jennifer Reid?" Everyone walked out into the main BAU room. JJs eyes freeze at the roses "I'm Jennifer Reid." The man walks up to her gives her the roses an a card. JJ looks at her husband, he smiles at her. The team is smiling at them she opens the card;

My dearest wife,

I know I lied. And it was wrong. I'm sorry. There are twelves flowers here one of them is fake. I will love you till the last one dies. If you don't understand the fake one can't die. So I'll always love you.

Each one there's a reason why I love you. Can I come home tonight?

Love your idiot husband.

JJ is left in tears but only sees 11 roses. She looks up and her husband is in front of her and takes one rose and says loundly;

1. Your eyes. Your blue eye that can read me like a book. The eyes that I feel in love with.

2. Your smile. Your smiles lights up my life. When you smile at me I cant help but to smile.

3. Your hands. Because they hold me up when I'm falling down.

4. Your stubbornness. Without it I don't know where I'd be.

5. Your body. You're beautiful. And you're carrying OUR child.

6. Personality. You know what to say to make everything better. You're the mom of the team and we all love you.

7. Patience. You're patience with me when I'm an idiot with a high IQ. Like last night.
Everyone giggles and so does JJ.

8. Your kind heart. The heart that saves people's lives everyday but can break when I accidentally hit a squirrel.
JJ blushes. Looking at her husband. She's crying at this point.

9. Playfulness. No matter how serious the situation. You can find a way to defuse it even if it means acting playful.

10. Your hair. It's golden to match your heart. It also smells like vanilla.

Everyone laughs again. But then goes quiet when he finally looks up at the teary blue eyes matching his crying eyes.

11. Your last name. Because I know that no matter how many fights we get into. How many disagreements. You're my wife Jennifer Reid. And we will always love each other.

He smiles and pulls out a fake flower from his sleeves and gives it to her. She smiles and takes it. Everyone is crying at this point. Even Hotch is teary. Strauss at this point is standing with Rossi. Smiling at the young couple. Emily an Garcia are bawling at the cuteness. Morgan is smiling and thinking "My man!" Then Rossi is just smirking.

Reid smiles at his wife:
12. You. I love you because you are you. And until there is no you. I will love you. Soo can I come home tonight?

JJ gives her roses to Emily, and launches herself at her husband kissing him. He kisses her back. She pulls away and smiles "Always Spence. I'm so sorry." He smiles at her and wipes her tears "It's okay. I love you Jennifer Reid." She smiles "I love you too Spencer." Then he turns to the crying team "And that gentleman is out you get out of the doghouse." Everyone laughs including JJ still hanging off her husband. She's thinking to herself "No matter how bad we fight. I'll love him until I die."

Rossi then clears his throat, everyone faces him. "Since everyone is here." His girlfriend is looking at him. Rossi smiles and get on one knee. Everyone gasp. Except Hotch he had a knowing smile and is thinking "It's about time."
"Erin, where do I begin. We've known each other for decades. We've stood toe to toe many times. And I'm not sure when but at one point I ended up falling in love with you. You've been there for me through every wife and I'm sorry it's taken me this long to realize I married the wrong women 3 times. So Erin Amber Strauss, will you marry me?" Strauss is in shock and crying. She nods "I thought you'd never ask." Rossi smiles an puts the ring on and they kiss. Everyone cheers. Then Garcia exclaims "WHAT A MONDAY!" Everyone laughs and JJ adds "Best Monday ever..." An on cue her phone rings... She picks up and says yes a few times. Then hands up the phone the team groans and Emily says "So much for the best Monday ever." And JJ says the line everyone dreaded

"We have a case."

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