But aren't you pregnant?

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Still in shock about everything a realization hit Emily. She want wides eyed and looked at JJ "JJ aren't you pregnant why did you drink?" JJ winced and Reid put a comforting arm around her. He kissed her on the head sighed and look at Emily and Hotch. "After the engagement party on the way back home..." He tried to say through tears. Emily knew she looked at JJ and pulled her into a hug "Oh My God JJ I'm so sorry." JJ broke down into tears. "I'm a failure!" And cried harder. Emily then looked at Aaron and Spencer, Spencer kissed JJ and left With Aaron still with unshed tear pulled away from JJ to look in her eyes" you're not a failure, Aaron and I miscarried too. It's hard but you and Reid will get through it. Why didn't you say something?"  JJ wipes her tears "I didn't want to rurain the party. It was still fresh and till hurts. Spencer and I wanted to keep it to ourselves. Me drinking probably have it away though." JJ sighed. Emily looked at her best friend and at one point her lover and nodded. Not much can be said. JJ broke down again and Emily stayed with her until he cried herself to sleep.

The man:

Hotch turned to look at Reid and notice he was crying. Dropping the stern boss look he took Reid into a hug and let him cry for a bit. He's never seen Spencer in this much distress. "Reid... Spencer look at me." Spencer looked up. "Spencer, why didn't you tell the team?" Hotch asked. "Aaron it was still fresh. We wanted to keep it to ourselves. I guess her drinking kinda gave it away." He sighed "Aaron I was going to be a father." He whispered. Hotch looked at him an said "Emily and I miscarried about a month ago. We are trying again. You can't give up. It's life and it sucks but it happens." Reid looked up and nodded "Thanks Hotch."

The men both turned to a upset looking Emily her eyes landing on her husband and her best friends fiancé. She sighed approached them and gave Reid a hug "She's sleeping. Reid she thinks she's a failure. Don't let her think that. Aaron I want to come him." She said quietly and hurt. Hotch nodded gave Spencer one last pat on he back and left. Spencer sighed an want back to the bedroom, opened the door to see JJ sleeping. He crawled into bed next to her inhaled the familiar scent and told her "We'll be okay. We have the team. And most importantly each other. I love you Jennifer." And drifted. off to sleep,

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