A Favor

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Hotch POV

I know where I'm going but I don't know why. All I know is that we need every set of eyes we've got and that includes hers. I know she said she'd never come back. But maybe because it's JJ... She will want to help. I can only hope. Matt speaks up "So who are we going to see." My eyes don't leave the road "An old member of the team." Matt stays quiet "Why?" Hotch sighs "We need every pair of eyes we can get." Matt doesn't say anything for a bit "So you and Emily?" Hotch looks at him "Yeah. Is that an issues?" Matt shakes his head "No I'm happy she was able to settle down after all she's been through." Hotch nods "I love her. She's stubborn. But I'm not any better... Sadly she's go me wrapped around her finger. Even more so with the baby on the way." Matt mouth drops "2 pregnancy on your team."  Hotch laughs "Three. Our tech analyst is also pregnant." Matt lets out a laugh "The overly emotional lady?" Hotch smiles "Yes. Her and Morgan are expecting. All of us in March/April." Matt laughs at his "Oh man. I will send prayers towards your teams." Hotch laughs "Thanks. Rossi thinks one of us is going to die. My money is on Morgan." Matt laughs "I'll take you on that. I say you're gonna be the first to piss Emily off. Son or not, every women is different. And Emily... She already had a temper." Hotch nods "I'll take you on that 40$?" Matt nods. We drive the rest of the drive in silence. Then we pull over in front of a house. I take a deep breath "Stay here in case they call. I'll be back." I tell Matt and get out of the car. I walk up to the house and knock on the door.

"Hotch?" The women answers the door then frowns "What are you doing here?" I look at her "JJ..." The women eyes go wide "Come in and explain." I walk in and go sit on the couch an she notices my ring "Last time we saw each other was at Haleys funeral. So unless she came back from the dead. Who did you marry? My money was on that brunette." I smile at my ring then at my old friend "You would be correct were expecting a little one to join Jack has well." The women smiles "Congratulation... So JJ..." I feel my face drop. I explain what's going on. After I finished explaining I ask  "Can you help?" She thinks for a second "I'll help. But no field and if I want to leave I can." I smile at her "Thank you... Elle." Elle smiles "Id do anything for JJ. By the way did her and Reid finally. Like I know they want on a few dates but did it last?" I nod "They are married and also expecting." Elle shiver "2 pregnant women on one team. Oh no." I lets out a laugh on the way out "Three actually all due in March/April." Without a second glance "Garcia and Morgan?" I nod again and add "Yeah. Everyone saw that one coming."

We leave the house and see Matt frowning at the phone then look up say something and hang up. Matt keeps his eyes locked on Elle. Elle never break eye contact. Matt gets out of the car "Matt." He extends his hand, she smiles at him "Elle." They keep eye contact for a bit then Elle breaks it and goes in the back. I give Matt a knowing look. Matt rolls his eyes and I laugh

"You laugh and smile more now Hotch. Emily is good for you." I nod an we drive in silence. I can feel the anxiety pouring out of Elle. "Elle when we get there is also Agent Lily and Agent Joe." Elle lift a brow and looks at Matt "Lily? Has in JJs ex?" Matt nod and I look at Elle in the review mirror "You knew..." Elle grinds her teeth "Yes." I look at her she's now angry "Elle... We need to work with them. JJ is in danger." Elle just nods.

We arrive at the FBI building an Elle turns into the agent she once was. Her head held high, she walk through the doors and makes her way to the elevator. Matt and I follow her. She's quiet has she presses the button, the doors open and we can hear the team. She freezes for a bit and I pass her with Matt. She follows behind him;

We walk in to Lily saying "JJ I'm on that list." Then Elle makes her presence known by asking "What list?"

The team freezes then turns. Garcia lifts her eyes, tears threatening I fall. My wife is looking at me wondering who she is. At that moment the whole team minus my wife, all say "Elle?"

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