Facing the truth..

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Alright so I have a few people reading them so they can't be that terrible!! YAY ME! I am also wanting to make a fanfic on Morgan and Reid, and Hotch and Emily... What do my few readers thing :D ANYWAY on with the story!!!

"JJ I am so sorry... I didn't... I shouldn't have.... I'm just going to go..." Reid said with a very low quiet tone.

Spencer didn't know what happened next... Well he does but it took a while. Next thing he knew JJ was kissing him... The JJ... Jennifer... The women he has loved since she yelled at him... Was kissing him..
"Thank you Spencer." She said with raw emotions. "There something I've been meaning to tell you but first I know you want to say a fact about couple at the work place... So go for it."

He stood there and starred at her, instead of rambling he grabbed her by the waist and said
"JJ I could but, I think I know what you wanna say and well... I love you too..." He said very nervously. Then it happened he took control he kissed her with so much passion and love that it brought her to tear. She kissed him back hoping he would feel the same emotion she did. They broke apart for air and she took a deep breath...

"I love you too Spence... But I just go out of a really bad relationship... Can we take things slowly?" JJ ask very hesitantly.
"Of course J. I would never rush you into anything. You know we need to thank Gideon... Why didn't he show up anyway?" He asked.

"I have no idea Spence he didn't even reply to my text. Maybe he is sleeping." She hoped. Gideon has been acting strange lately and she had a bad feeling something was going to happen but she didn't want to worry Spencer.

"Anyway did you still want to stay over. In case Alex is stupid enough to come back..." JJ ask worriedly.
"Of course I can sleep on the couch..."
"Spencer I have a King size bed... We can both sleep in it, we're adults we can control ourselves... I think." She said with a smile and a laugh.

"JJ I need to tell you something before we get any father in our relationship..." He said nervously and lead her towards the couch.

"Sure Spence you can tell me anything. You know that." She said with a smile but she was honestly terrified of what he was going to say... What if he didn't feel the spark she did... What if he didn't love her like he thought he did... These thought made her nauseous.

"JJ I still love you and I don't regret anything. But I need you to know I have never been in a relationship before... I have but with a men, I'm bisexual. I hope this isn't an issue but I feel the need to tell you. You would be my second partner and if we ever get to that point and I hope we do... One day when we're ready... You'll be my first umm... Sexual partner... Morgan is right JJ I am a virgin..."
He said scared that she would laugh or worst leave him, he loved her so much he think it would break him. No one on the team knows about his sexuality except Gideon and now the love of his life knew.

"Spencer I don't know what to say. I hope we get to that point too one day and I will be honored to be your first. And Spence I don't care for your sexuality has long as you love me and you don't cheat I don't care. Spence you are the nicest, most honest and one of the strongest guys I know. I love you." She said with a smile that got much larger when she saw him smile at her. She kissed him.
"Come one lets go to bed. We have to work tomorrow." She said with a smile on her face. Her dream was coming true, she finally had the man of her dreams.

Spencer loved that smile it was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen. He still can't believe the Jennifer Jareau was finally his... Before she could get him up he pulled her by the waist into a hug.

"Thank you JJ. For understanding and I love you too."

They made their way up to JJ bedroom and Spencer pulled her into his arms and they feel into a blissful sleep, with a smile on their faces in each others arms.

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