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"Mia has been missing for a week." JJ freezes and looks at Joe. Emily is he first to speak up "And she hears about it now? JJ needs protection, so does her husband and the team." Matt shakes his head "You know we can't reveal anything to them." JJ is getting angry. "Then I'm leaving. I will not hide danger from the people I love." Lily looks at her "So you rather go out there alone with Emily an get yourself kidnaped or killed. Then lie?" JJ looks at Lily "Yes. After what happened to Emily with Doyle I discovered that no matter what happens. My team is there, so wether or not I get approval, they will know by the end of the day." JJ is starring at these 3 CIA agents. Emily puts her hand on her shoulder and adds on "They are the best profilers in the world. And our family. They might be able to help. And they will go to any extent to help without braking their vows." Matt let's out a sigh "Call Aaron Hotchner. Tell him that we need the team at the BAU in 10 minutes. You girls better be girls better be right about this."

Has they were leaving a agent rushes towards us. "Lily. This was delivered for you." She nods thanks the man and opens the letter. Then looks at JJ "Jen... I mean Jennifer... Look at this." Lily and Emily rushes over and it a picture of them with the team at the baseball game. JJ feels her stomach curl and she runs for the bathroom an throws up. She hears the door open she turns and sees it Lily with water. She smiles at her and takes a deep breath "Jen listen, whatever happened in the past is in the past. I'm happy you found someone that loves you Mrs.Reid but I still want to try and be friend... Only I you want too." JJ looked at her and noticed she was being honest JJ nods "I'd like that." Lily pulls her into a hug and smiles at her "Well then sweet cheeks let's go find Emily and the others and go talk to your team." I nod and we walk out. Emily looks at me and raises and I nod.

At the BAU

"Where are JJ and Prentiss?" Morgan ask his team and they are all sitting at the table waiting. "They are out shopping." Reid says. Hotch looks at Reid "That's not right... Em told me it was a movie." The team goes quiet. Then the doors open. And their mouths drop has Emily and JJ walk in with Joseph, Lily and Matt. JJ goes right to her husband and looks at him "Spence..." He looks at her "What's going on?" JJ sits beside him "You'll know in a bit." JJ looked at her husband and kisses him quickly. Emily walks up to Hotch an takes his hand. Matt looks around at this team and smiles, then he wipes it away closes the door and shuts the blinds.

"JJ. The flood is yours." JJ stands up and goes to the front. Then feels a hand take hers. She looks to see Lily smiling at her. JJ looked at her husband and he raises and eyebrow but then smiles. JJ took a deep breath "A few years ago I got taken out of the BAU. I'm sure all of you remember that." Everyone nods "My transfer was a backdoor story. I was send to Afghanistan with these 3 to go try and find Bin Ladin." Everyone was quiet and Lily steps up "We worked closely with the Interpol. And Emily here like you all know was part of the CIA. She was aware of all I this and helped us keep our story covered. After. While, we sent JJ back. Where she was reunited with you guys. But we kept touched... Well Joe and her did. " Lily frowns a little and stop do Emily takes over "Joe and her kept in touch. Then we got a call..." Rossi interrupts "The one at the party." We all nod and JJ takes over "They told us to come in because Mia want missing and... They've been receiving pictures of the team." The team goes quiet and Hotch speaks up "Okay, so is this a case?" Matt speaks up "Yes and we need your help. And also Mrs.Reid here was determined on telling you." JJ smiles. And looks at her husband she sees hurt in his eyes then he looks at her "Jennifer... Can we talk. Now." Everyone freezes at him calling her Jennifer. Lily let's go of her hand and watches has the couple walks away.

They get to Hotchs office and Reid closes the door and turns to his wife
"Who is she?" He says. "Spence..." JJ tries to calm him down "Jennifer. Who. Is. She?" JJ takes a deep breath "I was with her for almost 4 years okay." Reid keeps his face neutral "She was holding your hand..." JJ looks at her husband and sees a bit of anger, shock, jealousy and possessiveness. "You're jealous?" Reid stops and looks at her "Yeah. Look at her! Like seriously JJ! She's like Emily but with blue eyes!" Reid was angry and raising his voice. Then there was a knock on the door and it was Lily "Dr.Reid... Correct?" Reid stops an looks at her JJ can feel the tension. "Yes." Reid snaps. Lily just stares at him "What happened with Jennifer and I was a long time ago. You have nothing to worry about. It's you she loves. She married you and she is carrying your child. But right now you need to get your head out of your a** and help us. You are all in danger including your wife and your unborn child. I suggest that we put our issues aside and get this job done." JJ was looking at Reid, he sagged his shoulder in defeat "Okay. JJ I'm sorry. I was just-" JJ kisses him "I know. But I married you. And has much as Miss Toughie there will always have a part of my heart like how Aaron has yours... I love you the most." Reid smiled an nodded and looked at Lily "Let's go catch a killer."

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