The Time Is Now

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Spence has been acting weird. Making phone calls always running in and out of the house. JJ was getting worried that he might be cheating on her. "No, this is Spencer he wouldn't do that. I'm just being paranoid." She thinks to herself making a coffee. Spencer left this morning something about helping Rossi set up for a family BBQ. A knock snaps her out of her thoughts, she pull out her gun and walk to the door, she wasn't expecting anyone. She looks in the peephole and sigh put the gun away and opens the door letting in Emily, Garcia and  Erin Strauss.

"What brings you ladies here?" JJ ask wondering why they don't call or text.
"Though you'd want some girl time." Emily answers. She nods and let's them in. Strauss raised an eyebrow and JJ realizes she's  still in PJ in front of her boss... She turn red "I'm gonna go get dressed." The girls laugh and she goes get dressed. Her phone rings and its Spence;

"Hi baby." He says on the other line.
She smiles "hey love." She hear the boys talking in the background , "I'm sorry I couldn't spend the day with you, the guys needed my help." He tells her "it's okay Spence the girls showed up." She tell him "okay. We'll have a good day baby. I should be back around 7." He hangs up. She frowns wondering why so late. But shrug it off and head to her girls.

Later that day:
The girls and JJ have a great day, they watched movie and talked. JJ opened up to Erin and Penelope about her miscarriage and they gave her a comfort.  Strauss or Erin has squeezed her way in their family after she started dating David Rossi, they all saw it coming by never realized the impact it would have on her personality. She was about to say something when Emily phone starts to ring she excuses herself;

"Emily dear it's time." Emily smiles and says "perfect." Hangs up and heads to the girl.
"That was Aaron they want us at Rossis for the BBQ. Let's go." We all get up and go.

Rossi mansion:
Sandy walks in and notices Spencer and the guys in tuxes. She walks up to Spencer and hugs him "Spencer dear, how are you?" She asked him with a smile on her face "I'm good Shelly but nervous." She pats him on the cheek and says "no need you did a good job. And you look quite handsome. I brought the dress upstairs." Spencer smiles and nods. Then he hears Hotch call out "They're on their way. Are you ready Reid." Spencer give s nervous nod. "There's no time like the present." Is all he says making his way to the halter.

JJ notices all the lights when they get to the mansion. And Rossi standing at the door to great them. After he greats us the ladies disappear upstairs, they said they needed to fix their make up. She sit with Rossi he looks at her and said "oh I have a surprise for you" he stands up and offers her his hand, she look at him and take it, he's like her father figure. Her dad passed away in a drinking accident when she was in college. It was hard for both her and her mother but it made their bond stronger. Rossi brings her upstairs to s room. Kisses her on the cheek and says "you have half an hour to get ready." And opens the door, there she sees her mom holding her old wedding dress. She realizes what's going on and starts to cry, Rossi squeezes her into a hug and goes to leave she stops him "Thank you Dave. Will you and my mom walk me down the aisle?" He smiles "thank your soon to be husband, and I will love to. You will be a beautiful bride." He leave her with her mom. The girls come in, she smile at them knowing this was all planned out. "I love you girls, and I love you mom." JJ says finally hugging her mother. "Spencer is a wonderful man, it's about time you two tied did this, now let's get you ready. My new son in law has been waiting a week for this." JJ blinks and smiles realizing this is why he's been acting weird with all the phone calls. He planned the whole wedding and even got my mom down. She put on my moms dress and the girls do her make up. There's a knock on the door the girls look up and see Rossi,

"It's time Jennifer. Are you ready to become Mrs. Spencer Reid?" He asked JJ. JJ smiles at him nods and says "I've  never wanted anything more in my life." JJ mother smiles take the arm Rossi isn't holding ad says "Well the time is now." I take a deep breath and with my girls ahead of me we make our way to the back yard.

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