The first fight...

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"REALLY REID!" JJ was furious she couldn't believe he was mad at her because she was mad at him because she put himself in a line of fire in the field!


"DON'T YOU YELL AT ME!" She yelled louder

"YOU PUT YOURSELF IN DANGER!! DIRECTLY IN THE LIFE OF FIRE! YOU COULD OF DIED! I COULD OF... I could of lost you...." She lowered her voice and started to cry.


"No Reid forget it.. I will see you later." Before he could say anything more she grabbed her coat and left...

"DAMN IT" Spencer cursed himself.
"Is everything okay Reid..." Rossi asked.
"No I got mad at JJ and yelled at her we just had our first fight... How do I fix it... I don't want to lose her..." Spencer asked Rossi.

"Well shes right... You did put yourself in danger. Has for apologizing I have 3 failed marriages... In all 3 I had trouble to admit I was wrong... So Reid admit you were wrong. Get her some flower and her favorite ice cream. She loves you. Shes just mad. Give her time to cool off." He patted him on the shoulder and left.

Later that night he bought her a bear instead of flowers, the bear had a heart and it said "I'm sorry." He also bought chocolate ice cream for her. Knowing she was home because the light were on he took a deep breath and want outside... When he want out she was already at the front door waiting for him.

JJ heard his car... She knew she didn't need to yell at him. Hotch already suspended him. But he could of died. She could of lost the men she loved and she is not sure if he is aware of that. JJ hasn't told him yet but she's 3 weeks pregnant. She was going to tell him after the case but they got into their first fight. She loved him... He was not getting out of his car. She giggled thinking back on the first date, he was to nervous to get out of his car then too.

"JJ... I am so sorry... I love you... I was wrong. I should of not done what I did. It was stupid.... Can you forgive me... I even bought you a I'm sorry bear and chocolate ice cream..." He said with the biggest puppy eyes she has ever seen him do.

"Well I guess I can forgive you this time. Taking the bear and ice cream" She giggled "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I know Hotch already suspended you, you didn't need me yelling like that... I was just scared. Don't ever do that again!" She hugged him.

He then pulled her in a kissed her with passion, love and care. She practically melted in his arms. God knows how much she loved this man. Shot she almost forgot...

"Spence... There's something I need to tell you..." She said with a nervous smile.
"What is it honey?" He ask
"Honey that's a new one."
Spencer shrugged his shoulders and blushed.
Before he could start rambling she stopped him
"I don't mind the nickname sweetheart."
"Sweetheart?" He interrupted
"Stop interrupting me!" She was getting annoyed.
"Its not that I don't like it I do it..." Spencer started rambling
"I'm pregnant..." Interrupted

Reid felt like his whole world stopped he didn't hear her right did he...
"What?!" Reid said in shock...

"Spencer... I am pregnant with our first child..." She said slowly


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