I hate that I love you

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Emily got out of the hospital and is making an amazing recovery. She was able to come on cases but she had to stay at the station. She's back home with her husband and Jack.

It started like any other case. Then ONCE AGAIN Spencer put himself in the line of fire. You can only guess on JJ felt. The team knew there was going to be and explosion. But they didn't knew it would be on the jet. JJ is beyond mad. It was to the point where she was boiling and she was giving her husband the silent treatment so when she want to get herself and coffee and he followed the team for ready for the explosion.

"JJ come on." Spencer said to his wife. She finally exploded "NO DONT YOU JJ ME RIGHT KNOW REID!" Spencer narrowed his eyes "I SAID I WAS SORRY JENNIFER!!!" She slammed her coffee down and he jumped. She turned and he saw anger.

"REID! THAT IS NOT THE POINT! GOD DAMN IT!!!" Usually he would comfort JJ when she cried but not this time, he was angry, it was his job. She had the same damn job! "ITS MY JOB JJ! I MIGHT BE YOUR HUSBAND, BUT IM ALSO A GOD DAMN PROFILER!!" He finally loses his cool and throws his hands in the air. JJ freezes and takes a few steps closer to him "Spencer Reid. It might be our job, but our job does not involve standing in a line of fire protecting a psychopath! HE KILLED PEOPLE AND HAD A PROBLEM WITH AUTHORITY! YOUR A GOD DAMN FBI AGENT DOESNT GET SAY AUTHORITY I DONT KNOW WHAT DOES." With that she turned he back and made herself back to the team. Reid stood there shocked. She was right. But he couldn't help it. The guy was bullied all his life. Not everyone has the will power to over come it. He takes a deep breath and puts his head in his hands then hears Hotch;

"Reid I was going to suspend you. But I think JJ yelling at you is more torture then any suspension. She's right Reid. You can't save everyone, and in moment like those you need to think about not only that you are an agent but a husband." He squeezes Reid shoulder and goes back to the team.

"Give him a break JJ." Emily tells her. JJ shakes her head no "Emily, it's the second time. What if the third he isn't has lucky." JJ at this point is more upset then angry she got her anger out. Emily pulls her friend into a hug "I don't think he will do it again, he's not use to thinking about the fact he's a husband. Like you're not use to being a wife. I still see you stare are your wedding ring. And you twirl it when you're upset like you're doing right now." JJ takes a breath and pouts "I'm still mad." Emily laughs "You have every right to be. But look at it from his point of view. The kid was a lot like him." JJ thinks about it and nods her head noticing her husband hasn't come back yet probably thinking he messed everything up. Blaming himself "I hate it when your right. An I hate how much I love that men sometimes." Emily laughs "Go get him." With that JJ got up and left towards her husband.

"Can we talk Spencer?" She ask her own husband. He kisses her quickly on the lips an looks around noticing that Garcia was sleeping on Morgan shoulder, with him slowly starting to doze off listening to his music and playing in her hair.

Rossi was laying down with his eyes closer. The only ones wide awake were them, JJ and Reid. She smirks "You know we should probably put some ear buds in and give them some privacy." Hotch smiles "Agreed." He pulled her into him and cuddled her "I love you Mrs.Hotchner." Emily yawn feeling comfort from her husbands arms and letting the tiredness sweep over her "I love you too." With that she feel asleep quickly followed by Hotch. Before he did though he heard the bathroom door close and smirked.

JJ tap on her husband shoulder "I hate that I love you sometimes." She tell him "I feel the same J." He says. He takes a deep breath "Listen, I know I said I'm sorry already but I really am. I tend to get lost in my head an forget that it's not only me anymore. There's you too." He looks at his wife "I know Spence. What about we make a deal. When I feel you're getting to lost in you're head I'll tell you. And make you look at you're wedding ring. Like I do when I'm upset." He nods and kisses her. She smirks and looks at the cabin an realize everyone is asleep "Come on." She drags him into the jets bathroom and he closes the door.

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