I want you

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3rd person POV

Reid was right behind JJ. Smile on his face. They haven't made love since the jet. He was could already feel his excitement. And his friend can feel it too. JJ walked in the bedroom quickly followed by her husband. Her husband closed the door and she approached him she wanted him now. She been pretty much in bed for a month. It wasn't fair to him. But he stood by her side. Through the tears, the nightmares and the horrible morning sickness. JJ was about 10 weeks pregnant, almost at the 3 month mark. She took a good look at her husband. She is so thankful for him.

She finally get in front of him he's looking down at her shaking. She smiles and kisses his lips lightly. She feels sparks explode. He kisses her back pulling her in close by the waist, she can feel his already hardened member. She kisses down to his neck an he shivers. She kisses down his jawline, down his chest to the bottom of his stomach. Reid breath picks up and she smiles. She pulls down his boxers and slowly swirls her tongue around her husbands member. He lets out a groan followed by "JJ..." She takes his member in her mouth and he lets out a louder grown and holds her hair. She keeps going like that for a while until her husband shivers and let's out in a shaky breath "Wanna cum in you." She stops and smiles "Then do it. I want you Spence." That all it took Reid to hear her say.

He crashed his lips on her and carried her to the bed taking off her robe on the way. He quickly stripped her underwear not wasting time. He's been wanting this for a long time but has been giving JJ space to recover and heal. She lost someone extreme special to her. But he's happy Lily paid her a visit, thank God. He's missed her. Her body. Her smile. The way she called him Spence. He missed my wife. He keeps kissing her, then he feel her tongue snake in his mouth. There's no battle for dominance. This was very much like our first time. Everything in sink. They keep kissing for a bit. He breaks the kiss and lets his tongue slide down her body. She shivers has he gets to her centre. He lays butterfly kisses on it. She moans "Spence baby don't tease." He smiles and lick her clit. She lets out a louder moan. He squeeze one of her breast and play with her hardened nipple has he ate her out. He keep going like this and she gets louder and louder. He's missed hearing her. He double his efforts then stick a finger in her centre and curls it. Then he lets out a scream "OH GOD SPENCE!" She cums on his hand and face. He keeps going letting her ride it out. When she stops moving he looks up and her eyes are clouded by desire. He quickly wipes his face and kisses her. She kisses him back hard. He can feel the want... The need in her kiss.

"Please I want you." She says in a sexy voice filled with emotion. He smiles "Anything for you JJ." He kisses her again and then goes down to her neck and kisses it and bites it. "Dr.Reid stop being a tease!" She yells out. He sucks her neck as she lets out a moan, he's leaving a mark for sure but he didn't care. Then he looks at her again "Alright, alright I'm so sorry Mrs.Reid." He rolls his eyes and she hits him and pushes herself towards his centre. Then everything stops has he enters her. She lets out a loud moan of satisfaction and he groans. He sits in her letting her get use to his size. She rolls her hips telling her she's ready, he slowly pulls out I her and goes back in. They moan in union. He keeps moving his pace getting quicker and harder. He then flips her over to her hand and knees and does her from behind while snaking his arm around her and playing with her already sensitive clit. She lets out a loud gasp "Spencer. Ah." He groans, "I love you." He tells her he hears her say in between gasp "I. Love. You. Too." He keeps going like this for a bit until he feels her tighten around him. He lets out a moan and she let out a scream. He's gripping her waist so tightly that he might leave bruises. They finally cum together moaning and screaming each other names.

Reid lets her go and fall to his side out of breath. JJ collapses face from into the pillow. Then he hears her... She's crying "JJ...." She looks at him "I've been a terrible wife and mother lately. I I got so lost in my grief I've been pretty much ignoring you and barely eating.... It shouldn't hurt this bad because I have you and and and. God Spence she's gone." Spencer pulls her into a tight hug "JJ, you've been grieving. It's okay. I love you no matter what." He lets her cry. Then she stops and opens her drawer, she picks up the box and shows it to her husband without looking at him and says "Will you have me if I keep it..." Her husband is pained by her voice. It's so fragile. It's so hurt. Worried an broken. Why would he be mad if... Oh... She's scare that it will make me angry or jealous I lol at my wife she's avoiding my gaze playing with this ring I lift her bind and make her look at me "No. I want you to keep it. JJ she meant a lot to you. Not only has a girlfriend but I'm sure she was your first true love." Then he does something that even shocks him, he takes the ring out and slides it on her other hand. She looks at him and the ring "JJ you might be married to me. And I know you love me. But you have to realize a small part of you will always belong to her... Like a small part of me will always belong to Aaron. I love you." She looks at her tears falling from
her eyes she looks the ring, smiles then faces the love of her life "I love you too... Thank you... For being patient with me and for understanding." Spencer pulls her back into a hug and says "What about we invite the team over. We can even invite Matt and Joe over if you want. We can have a BBQ and just hang out. It will make you feel better." He feels his wife nod against him. Then her breath even out and she's asleep; he sends out a text to everyone from the team, Joe and Matt;

Reid: Heyy JJ and I want to have a gathering tomorrow you in.
Hotch: Prentiss and I are in. She's sleeping I'll let her know tomorrow.
Morgan: Baby girl and I will be there too. She's sleeping too. JJ sleeping?
Reid: Yeah rough night.
Morgan: 😏
Reid: Shut up Morgan!
Matt: I'm out of country. Thanks anyway. Send JJ my love.
Joe: I'm with Matt. Send Jen my love has well.
Rossi: Why don't we do it at my place? More room.
Hotch: Sounds good.
Morgan: Okay.
Reid: Thank you guys. JJ really needs this.

I was about to put my phone down when it vibrated ask;

Hotch: Spencer, how are YOU holding up?
I know it's a private message because he called me Spencer. I take a deep breath.
Reid: Honestly Aaron, I have no idea. I'm trying to help her an I think I am. But this is hard. This is JJ she's crying all the time. She's barely left our bedroom... I'm afraid I'll lose her.
Hotch: We're all here for the both of you. Meet me downstairs in 20. We can talk.
Reid: Okay. Thanks Aaron.

I kiss my wife and get out of bed. I go downstairs and write a note incase she wakes up.

With Hotch. Call if you need me.
Love you.
Your sexy doctor.

With that I step outside and with for my boss. My ex boyfriend. The only other person I've loved other then JJ.

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