The case of cases

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"Alright I think it's Tamiz." Exclaimed Joseph to the group. JJ visibly shivers at the name. "I see it..." She says quietly, Lily tenses at his name and sees red "He won't touch you or anyone Jen. I swear we won't let him, okay? Breath Jen. We have more help now." JJ looked up at Matt "If it is Tamiz... Mia is has good as dead." Everyone freezes at that. Lily wraps her arms around JJ and pulls her into a hug. Emily is pale and on the verge of tears. Joe and Matts expression are unreadable. Lily is still hugging JJ. JJ lets her and takes a few shaky breaths.

Reid looked at his wife and her ex and how they interact, it's strange that a part of him is still filled with jealousy. But the other part is happy she has someone to protect her like his when the rest of the team doesn't know how too. Morgan finally speaks up "Who's Tamiz?" JJ takes a deep breath "He was the translated on the mission... He was also a interrogated... He..." She shivers again this time with tears filling her eyes "I'm sorry." JJ got up an left. Reid hot on her heels.

Lily takes a deep breath "We were getting close to answers with a women named Nadia.... And... There was a mission to save her little girls. It want sour. A lot of people died. We got back and found out Nadia was dead... JJ still blames herself for leaving her alone with Tamiz." Everyone looks at Lily and nods quietly. Joe hugs her "Shh, it's not anyone's fault but his own." Lily doesn't react just nods. Hotch speaks up "Garcia. I want anything you can find on Tamiz. No matter how you get the information, you get it." Garcia nods kisses Morgan and leaves to her lair. "Morgan go check on JJ and Reid." He nods and leaves. "Emily try and recall anything JJ would have told you. Have Lily give you a cognitive interview. And then you do it to her." Lily and Emily nod leaving the room. "Joe when Morgan gets back, I want you to tell Morgan has much as you can remember. And tell him to give you a cognitive interview has well." Joe nods. "Rossi I want you give JJ a cognitive interview. Reid will be to emotionally involved." Rossi nods and wait for Morgan to one back. Finally Hotch turns to Matt "Matt your with me. Let's go." Without another thing bring ask Matt leave with Hotch. "Where are we going?" Hotch doesn't answers him at first then they get to the SUV "Where going to see and old friend of mine." Matt just nods.

JJ was sitting in the bathroom emptying her stomach. Pregnancy sucked on top of all this. Everything sucked right now. She heard the door open then a familiar scent filled her stall. "Babe it's okay." Her husband told her quietly. JJ just shakes her head wiping her tears "Nadia was such a good person. And Tamiz... He.... He killed her." She starts to cry again. Her husband pulled her into his arms and let her cry on his chest. She eventually calmed down "Thanks Spence." She tells him "It's my job has not only your husband. But has your friend, to make sure you're okay JJ." She nods and kisses him. He kisses her back, it was slow and passionate. Reid lifts her off the ground and keeps kissing her. He runs his hand along her stomach. She shivers and moans slightly. He picks her up and bring her out of the stall and sits her on the counter never breaking their kiss. She was undoing his belt when where was a knock on he door "Kid, JJ you both okay?" JJ let out a sigh of frustration jumps off the counter and gives her husband a light kiss "We will finish this later." He smiles "You can bet on that." JJ walks out and Morgan gives her a hug "You okay JJ?" She hugs her brother figure back "Yeah. Thanks Morgan." Morgan let's her go and JJ takes her husbands hand she takes a deep breath "Let's solve this case." Morgan smiles "That's my ass kicky Pennsylvania petite." JJ and Reid laugh. And they made their way to the round table ready to solve the case of cases.

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