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JJ was rubbing her hands over and over again not because she was cold but for the same reason Emily was biting her nail. They were nervous about this Emily just want through hell and is getting married in a week. And JJ didn't want her past to come and haunt her like Em did to her. She really wants to tell the team, mostly Spence but she will keep it a secret until there is more letter or pictures delivered liked she promised Emily an her are supposed to be "shopping" today.  She hated lying. Emily noticed she was quiet

"I know we're both nervous. But realistically there's nothing we can do about this. Are you more nervous to have to see and talk to you ex gf or the situation?" Everyone thinks Emily was her only and first gf. That's not true. Lily was... And JJ loved Lily. They were  very much in love, until JJ transferred out of the CIA after her undercover work. Lily and her were together for almost 4 years. It broke JJs heart when Lily broke up with her.


"But Lily I'm sure we can make it work out. Please don't do this. I love you."
Lily let out a shaky sigh "You're about to go work for the BAU and I'm still in the CIA, were never going to see each other. And when we do we won't be able to talk about anything." Lily looks at her now ex gf. "Jen a part of me will always love you... Im sorry." With that Lily goes to walk out the door when she heard Jen "Wait... Can I get a goodbye kiss?" Lily turn around and kissed her ex hard with their tears meeting. She let go of JJ turned and walked away.

Back to now
Emily and JJ made their way in the building and Emily notices JJ has some tears "A bit of both Em... A part of me still loves her." Emily looks at JJ "That's understandable. She was your first an only girlfriend and your first long relationship." JJ laughs then looks at Emily "Now I'm married to a wonderful man. And I'm pregnant with his child. Yet here I am crying over a broken heart that should be fixed by now Emily." Then they hear someone in a low voice "I forgot you were pregnant..." They then and face Lily. Emily looks at Lily and says "So am I." Lily and JJ don't hear her they're staring at each other

"Lil-" Lily keeps on eyes on the women that stole her heart. She then puts her smile on her face "Congratulation Jennifer. And you too Emily. Let's go meet Matt and Joe." With that she turned on her heels and walked away without looking back if we were following her. She knew we were, Emily notices Lily pass her hand through her hair. She looks a lot like Emily. But she has brown hair and green eyes. Emily felt her hand being taken she looks up to her crying best friend. She stop and hugs her letting her friend sob on her "JJ it's okay." JJ just shakes her head no "She hates me." Emily pushes her friend a bit to look at her, she wipes her tears and tells JJ "Go call Spence. I'll say you're gone to the bathroom." JJ nods and leaves and takes out we phone, Emily walks in the room and Joe goes "Where's Jennifer?" Emily quickly says "She had to pee. Pregnancy sucks for that. Trust me I know." Lily looks at her and frowns knowing she's lying "I'll go check on her." Emily's eyes get hard "I think you've done enough Li-Anne." Lily stood toe to toe with her "Back off Emily." Emily keeps her eyes locked "You back off. She's married with a child. She's aloud her space. Remember you're the one that broke her heart." Lily looks down takes a deep breath and backs off. And they wait for the women that still had her heart.

"Heyy sweety is everything okay?" Spence ask. It takes everything not to cry hearing him. I love him.
"Nothing is wrong. Just wanted to hear your voice. I love you." She can pretty much hear the wheels turning in her husbands head.
"JJ you've been crying..." He says quietly. Crap I think to myself.
"Spence... I saw someone I was in a relationship with for almost 4 years. She was at the mall." Her husband takes a deep breath.
"She? But I thought Emily?" JJ swears under her breath.
"No... I don't really talk about her it hurts." Spencer just stayed quiet then they both hear Emily
"JJ come here and help me pick a shirt for Aaron!" JJ laughs and yells back that she is coming.
"I love you Spencer. I'm sorry."
"I love you too JJ. It's okay JJ, we all have our secrets." They say goodbye and hang up. JJ takes a deep breath and enters the room. Eyes are on her. She looks up and meets Lily's warm but cold stare. Then looks at Joe and Matt and says "So why are we here?"

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