Is she going to be okay?

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"Female, mid 30s, about 5'5, 135 pounds 6 weeks pregnant." The medic said. Immediately they check the baby.

Reid was so scared he didn't want to let her go. He was scared for JJ and the baby. Was their child okay. He didn't know what was going on. He looked at the medics and noticed her blood was really low. He knew that might happen during pregnancy but he didn't know it could get this serious. The medic noticed him stare at the number.

"She will be okay sir." He tried telling him before the young man want into a panic attack.
Reid just nodded squeezing his girlfriend hand.

At the hospital:

Reid decided to text the team. They had to tell the team she was pregnant. He know Garcia would find out they were in the hospital she always checks hospital records to make sure her "babies" are okay.

Reid: JJ Is in the hospital. I think she has hypertension. Will explain when everyone gets here and when JJ can be seen and wakes up.

Rossi: Well what a way to tell the team eh. I hope she is okay. I am on my way.
Emily: Aaron and I are on our way with Jack.
Garcia: OMG Is she okay? Whats wrong with her? Wakes up? Did she faint? Morgan and I are on our way.

He decided to ask Rossi how he knew about JJ's pregnancy

Reid: Rossi how did you know?
Rossi: I proposed to Carolyn after she got pregnant. Reid being a father is a gift don't take advantage of it. Also I noticed the lack of caffeine on her part.
Reid: Thank you for not telling the team. And I won't Rossi.

"Wheres my J!?" Garcia pretty much ran in crying.
"Garci shes okay. She has low blood pressure she should be fine." He gave Garcia a hug.
"Wheres Morgan?"
"Right here." He said out of breath carrying his baby girls purse.

Then Hotch, Emily and Rossi walked in. They all sat down in comfortable silence and when the doctor got there:

"Jaureau?" The doctor call. Spencer was the first to stand
"I'm her boyfriend. Is she okay?"
"Her and the baby is just fine. I understand she is a FBI agent but I am immediately putting her on bed rest. Make sure she stays put. Mr.Reid. Shes in room 202, we are keeping her overnight just for observation."
"Dr.Reid. And thank you."He corrects
The doctor nods and left.

"Congrats man!" Morgan says ruffling Reid's hair.
"Omg JJ is pregnant!" The girl said with excitement and hugged Spencer.
"Congratulation Spencer." Hotch said with a smile.
Rossi stayed quiet he already knew but he smiled brightly at Reid and winked. That kid was going to be a better dad then he thinks.

"Let's go congratulate JJ!" Garcia said dragging Morgan and Emily with her.
"I guess I should go save my girlfriend. Thanks for coming guys." He said walking towards JJ's hospital room.

Hotch and Rossi followed behind
"You knew didn't you David. It's why you bought the ring for him. You knew they would need the money." Hotch asked Rossi.
"Aaron, I was a father once it wasn't for very long but it was the best day of my life. I proposed to Carolyn after the pregnancy. The look on Reid's face was the same as mine... He is going to be a good dad, he terrified though." He told Hotch while we're standing at the door looking in.
"He might be afraid but no matter what happens. He will be okay." He signed looking at everyone congratulate JJ "they will be okay because they have a family..."

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