It hurts.

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After they came down high. Spencer broke. JJ pulled him into a hug and let him cry. She knew it was going to happen. She knew he was going to hurt, she was hurting to, in more then one area.

"I can't believe hes gone. JJ he's gone." Spencer cried. "I know babe, I know. We're gonna find Alex. and he's going to pay." She said in a dangerous low voice that even slightly scared Spencer. "Damn right we will. I will kill him." He responded. JJ knew if he found him, he would and wouldn't hesitate. She hoped it didn't come to that... Then they heard a crash.

"JJ grab the phone get in the bathroom. NOW." He kissed her and she called the team. Reid grabbed his gun and slowly made his way downstairs. He turned the corner and got tackled the gun flying across the floor. He looked up and saw Alex. He felt the rage in him and stood up and said "You wanna dance. Bring it on you son of a bitch!" Alex then swung and missed, Reid stepped aside and brought his knee into Alex's rib cage. Then threw him on the ground not noticing the knife Alex pulled out. All of a sudden Reid cried out in pain and notice he was bleeding and he thought "This guy did not just cut me."

Meanwhile JJ heard Reid cry out and took her own gun and made her way out of the bathroom. No was she losing Reid after they just got engaged. She got down the stairs and heard someone hit someone else. Heard a groan. She turned the corner and notice her Spence was bleeding and Alex had a knife. Reid circled him got the knife out and threw it. At this moment she didn't have a shot. She would have to wait.

Outside the team was 5 minutes away praying that their friend was okay.

The fight want on, Alex was a big guy but Spencer was fast and trained. Spencer hit him with all he had and Alex fell  but got back up. BAM! Spencer turned around and saw the fire in JJ's eyes and lowered her gun. Alex then yelled "YOU BITCH YOU SHOT MY LEG!"  JJ then walked up to him and said "If you ever get near my home, my team and God forbid hurt my fiance I will end you." Spencer never heard her like this, she was so cold, full of hate. It honestly scared him. Note to self don't get on JJs bad side. Then he finally felt pain, and looked at his arm and remembered the big gash. JJ turned around and saw him go pale had he passed out.

"SPENCE!" She yelled forgetting Alex and running to her fiance. She heard a BAM, she turned around and saw Morgan lower his gun, after a head shot and checked for a pulse. Alex was dead. He then ran to Reid who was paled and unconscious. The rest of the team pilled in with the paramedics, that took Alex away in a body bag. During this time Spencer slowly came back, he was ashamed that the sight of his own blood made him pass out after his adrenaline rush. His fiance was on his side fairly quiet, clearly shaking up. "JJ? I'll be okay. They just need to stitch me up." He told her in a calm voice she then broke and started to sob. Spencer looked at the team they all left them privacy. "JJ look at me." She looked up at him scared. "You probably saved my life, he was bigger then me with a weapon JJ. Thank you." He said. "I... Your welcome. Does it make me a bad person wishing I would for the kills show?" She whispered. "No because I wanted to as well." He hugged her and kissed her on the head. They rode together in the ambulance.

Back to the team:

"JJ used a gun?" Garcia said in shock.

"Yes." Hotch said. 

Penelope notice her Chocolate God of Thunder was really quiet. She kissed him on the cheek bringing him to reality. "Are you okay Der?" She asked worried. "I'm fine baby girl. Glad hes gone. Does that make me a bad person?" Garcia looked at him and said "If so all of us are bad people, we're all happy hes gone." Derek hugged her and took a deep breath inhaling her vanilla perfume.

From the background Hotch looked at his beautiful wife and pulled her into a kiss. She was shocked but kissed him back. "I love you Mrs.Hotchner." He still could not believe this beautiful brunette was his wife. "And I you Mr.Hotchner." She winked.

Rossi smiled and looked at his team, wondered how lucky he was to have such a wonderful family. His phone then vibrated he smiled at the ID, "Hey hunny, I'll be home soon. Reid is being released in a few. I'm thinking about having the team over. I think it's time to tell them about us." Rossi said into the phone with a smile noticed by no other then Hotch that raised an eyebrow in question, Rossi dismissed him by putting his hand up. "I don't know Dave. They all hate me." The voice said on the other side. "That because they don't know this side of you. Please?" He begged. David Rossi was not a men to beg but for her all rules were broken. "Okay fine David, but you owe me. Love you dear I will get the stuff ready for the team." "Love you too." He hung up to see Reid arm in arm with JJ walking into the waiting room. Everyone hugged Spencer telling him how happy they were he was okay. And asking JJ if she and the baby were okay. Rossi cleared is throat and looked at his family and hoped to that they would take his beautiful girlfriend in "I wanted to invite everyone to my home for a family dinner and announcement." With that he turned and left. Left them wondering... What can Dave be hiding.

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