Rossis party and a disturbance

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After the case was over. Rossi decided to have the family to celebrate the pregnancies. "The men might not all make it through the next 9-10 months..." He mumbles to himself. The pregnancies are all very close together. JJ was due in the beginning of March, Garcia in the middle of March and Emily at the end of March beginning of April. They were all dummed to deal with 3 crazy emotional crazy women... Two of them have guns and one can wipe you from ever existing. Rossi shivers at the though "I have no idea what scares me more." He mumbles but it wasn't unheard.

"We will all live Dave." His girlfriend tells him. He jumps "Erin I didn't hear you come in." He smiles as walked to her and gave her a kiss. "I didn't mean to scare you Dave." He was about to say something when the doorbell rang. Erin walks up to the door

"David the team is here." With that Dave turns and indeed there stood his family. Everyone carrying something even though he said no, he knew they would bring something. JJ was about I say something "I knew you'd all being something. It's why the counter on your left is clear. The pop and beer is in the fridge. Help yourselves. I'm almost done the spaghetti. And we can all eat." He hears the whole team chuckle to his reaction. When dinner was ready they all sat at the table and finally Erin asked the question that everyone wanted to ask Emily..

"How are you doing?" Emily looked at her and smiles "Im okay. One day at a time. Having this baby helps me fight a little harder. Having Aaron also helps." Everyone looks at her and nods then Emily looks at JJ and Reid "SOOO how was the honeymoon? Where are the pictures?" Everyone started laughing minus the married couple "They never left the hotel room." Rossi finally gets out. Emily burst out laughing. And they laugh even harder when JJ says "I wanted to go but nooooo! This one here is like an energizer bunny. And who I'm I to say no when I enjoy it very very much." Reid chokes on his drink. And Hotch pats him on the back laughing. Reid sends his wife a state but he just smiles then winks causing Reid to blush even more. Then Reid smiles. "It was worth it. She could barely walk after the 5th time but yet she was still screaming my name." Everyone looks at their once innocent Dr.Reid and no jaw was left closed. He smiles at all of them and thinks to himself "I win."

The night eyes later and of course Erin being up the last game of Never have
I. "So Hotch, when did you and your wife join the mile high club?" Hotch smiles and looks at Erin "3 years ago. But I can tell you who joined the mile high club about 7 weeks ago." The team all look at the newly wed couples faces "HOTCH!" Reid exclaims in a squeaky voice. Strauss starts to laugh. Everyone looks at her in awe. They were use to her being friendly but she never started a laughing fit. "Sorry it was for facial expression face." Everyone starts to laugh even JJ and Spencer. They all stop and JJ says "What about this... Who hasn't joined the mile high club." No one says anything and they all look at Rossi and Strauss. Rossi raises an eyebrow "Come on now kids. Strauss has gone on a few cases with us." Everyone again jaw drops. And Garcia speaks up "Me and my chocolate thunder joined about a week ago." Everyone looks at them "Honestly Garcia... It's not very shocking." Emily says. Garcia smiles "I guess not." They all start to laugh when JJs phone goes off everyone looks at her and she looks at the phone;

"Hello?" She answers
"Is this Jennifer Reid?" A male voice that she recognized said but she was to busy smiling at the last name being said.
"Yes, who is this?" She asked.
"Its Matt... Cruz..." With that everyone notices JJ go wide eyed. She gets up and leaves the room looking pointy at Emily.

Emily gets up and follows her. Everyone's looked at each other all wondering the same thing... What was going on with those two.

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