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Emily POV

I feel so much pain. I should of never stopped at the gas station. I woke up strapped to a chair but I knew this was coming. I'll do anything to protect Duncan. He grabs me by the hair and rams me into a mirror. I cough blood. He throws me on the ground "Come on Lauren." I grid my teeth "It's Emily. And I'll never tell you where he is!" He kicks me in the rib. I'm sure some are broken. He then climbs on top of me and I hear a the sound of a safety of a gun being removed then I feel it pressed into my side "Tell me where my son is!" He says with a calm tone I feel the gun push father into my side then he whispers "I'll find him no matter what." I laugh "You know what's great. He hates gun! Even toy guns but he loves his bike." I glare at Ian. But that doesn't break him no Ian is to good for that. He smiles "He can change." He says back he clicks the gun but no bullets come out, I feel my hear beat raise higher. An my breathing becomes more panic. He laugh "Emily, Emily, Emily. Did you really think you'd get away with all of this?" The gun clicks a second time.

I take all the strength I have left and flip him over. This was life or death and I have Aaron, Jack and Duncan to live for. I knock the gun out of his hand and it goes off. He's underneath me still smiling until I punch him in the face. I keep punching him. He pushes me off and I fall back into the wall. He comes right at me. I move out of the way but he saw it coming and grabs my wrists he pushes me into the wall and hard. I bring my knee up and hit him where it hurts. His grip lightens I push him off and hit him in the face again. I'm sure my knuckles are broken but I'm fighting for my life. And for the ones I love. Not only Aaron and Jack. But the team. Even my mother and my cat. Then I hear "EMILY!" I know it Reid, I take off on that direction yelling "Reid" over and over again. Then I hear BANG. Feel pain in my leg and realize I've been shot. I turn to see Ian limping and wiping blood off his face. "See you in hell Emily." Just when I thought I was going to die. I head 3 bangs. I look up and see the shock on Ian's face. He then falls and like that he is dead.

I turn to see JJ, Reid and Clyde. All three holding up their guns. I feel dizzy the last thing I remember is people running around me and seeing the face of my husband. Then the dark consumes me.

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