Chapter 12: The Battle in Hon-Maru

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I kept myself concealed, barely peering around the door into the large room. I doubted either Mishima would turn around, they both seemed transfixed on the subdued Jin, they walked forward before coming to a stop. There was silence, before Kazuya spoke.

His voice held a distorted, echoed manner to it as he stated to his unconscious son. "So, you were with him after all, my half..." He trailed off, my eyes narrowed in concentration while Heihachi turned to look at him asking "Who are you?"

Kazuya turned to face him and I was shocked when I saw both his eyes glowing a bright red. "Hmph! I am what you refer to as 'Devil'." He went on to explain. "Twenty years ago, I lost part of myself when you nearly killed me. Now, I'll retrieve what's rightfully mine. The time has come for my resurrection!"

So, the rumours were true, I'd heard about the Devil blood Kazuya possessed, that which he displayed in the King of Iron Fist 2. I kept watching as Heihachi slowly began to step back. Kazuya glared at him "You saved me the trouble of having to search for him. For your troubles, I'll give you a taste of my power."

His eyes glowed and Heihachi was suddenly flung back, he collided with the wall right near me, startling me with a loud crash as he slumped to the ground, knocked out. I ducked out of sight, hoping Kazuya hadn't noticed me.

He mustn't have, because I heard him mock "What's the matter? Didn't your precious science provide all the answers you needed about my power?" He smirked before turning his attention back to Jin. 

I looked back around to see him stick his hand out and a purple aura enveloped Jin's body. I noticed marks began forming across his chest. Kazuya seemed shocked by this as he let out a surprised "What?! Why won't you change?!"

There was a pause for a moment "Is it because of the Kazama blood?!" Electricity enveloped Kazuya as he cried out in pain. He began staggering around exclaiming "Kazuya, what are you do-!" It seemed Kazuya was fighting with the devil within in his head. I didn't want to risk interfering. Against a Devil, I doubted my chances.

I continued watching as Kazuya dropped to his knees. He calmed down, before muttering. "I see, Didn't know about this method of unifying our power." Getting back to his feet, he looked up at Jin and stated "This is the end of you. Now you'll become a part of me..."


Darkness surrounded me from all sides, I was completely alone in a void. My only company was my own breaths as I tried to wrap my head around what was happening. And that's when I heard the voice. One I'd never heard before, but at the same time, I recognized it all too well.

"Give in to your anger!" It yelled. "Hate me! Curse me!" A demonic laugh filled my ears and I was surrounded from all sides by dark figures, all of which bore the appearance of my father, looking down on my with a smirk.

He repeated the same phrase over and over. "Give into your anger! Hate me! Curse me!" I tried lashing out, however my fists would just phase right through him. His words drilled further and further into my mind, I was utterly powerless. As I dropped to my knees, his voice yelled "Rise! Jin Kazama!" That's when I came too. My eyes snapped open!

Straight away, I broke from the chains holding me in place and fell to the ground on all fours. I stayed there for a moment, I felt a rush of energy flowing through me, I panted hard to try and catch my breath. Looking at my hand, I noticed a purple aura building up around me as black markings began to appear.

(Like the image at the top, just without the wings.)

I didn't pay any attention to them though. Anger, hatred, loathing all of them filled my being. My head snapped up, sure enough, I saw my father stood over me. I snapped with rage "You! If only you were dead! Once I killed you, it'll be all over!" 

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