Chapter 23: Armor King's Secret

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Armor King, certainly an enigma in his own right. Even from what I'd heard in the first two King of Iron Fist tournaments, not much was known about him. So when he died at Marduk's hand, the mystery was gone with him. Until now that is.

I don't know how he'd come back to life. Maybe he never even died in the first place, I heard the rumours that Marduk killed him in a bar brawl and I'd only seen Marduk twice, not really speaking to him either time.

This was my chance to find out I suppose. 

And it seemed already Armor King wasn't in the mood for words. I didn't get a phone call but much like Nina in the last tournament, I received a scrawled note with a demand. To meet at the 'Urban Jungle' once again, the same place I'd fought King the previous day.

I knew the way there by now so it was easy getting back to this area. I parked up and made my way through the corridors and into the large open area where I once again saw the metal bars circling round to make a large arena. This time though no one was here.

I stood in the centre of the arena waiting. I don't know how long it was for but I heard no signs of my opponent approaching and that's why it became even more startling when I looked at my watch, saw something out of the corner of my eye and turned to see Armor King staring at me emotionlessly and silently.

It actually made me jump, I had no idea he'd come in. Either way, I kept my composure and turned to the armour-covered Jaguar wrestler and stated "So, you came. Let us begin." I got into a stance.

Armor King was completely silent, he said nothing and instead just got into a stance of his own. I commented "Not much for words are you?" Again, nothing. Instead, my opponent took this moment to lunge towards me.

As soon as he was close enough, he swung his fist into a punch. I leapt back, avoiding the blow before attempting to counter with a kick to the wrestler's side. Before it could strike though, Armor King managed to actually grab my leg.

He let out an animal's growl before trusting his elbow down into my leg, not hard enough to break the bone but hard enough for me to let out a gasp in pain. I didn't let the pain distract me though and quickly landed an elbow, hitting Armor King in his face, forcing him to let go of my leg.

We both stepped away from one another however I went right back in for a follow-up. I thrust both palms forward and struck Armor King in the stomach. I then dashed behind him and managed to land a kick to his back which stunned him and made him arch backwards a bit.

I made an effort to land a chop to his neck however too my surprise, Armor King spun around and grabbed me with both hands. The next thing I knew, he leapt into the air and got me in a position where my head was facing downwards to the ground.

He began to descend to the ground in one of those 'tombstone' moves you saw those wrestlers on the TV using. I couldn't think of a way to break from his grip so I had to brace for impact. I did find a way to get him back as well.

Right before we hit the ground, I thrust my knee forward. Because I was upside down, my knee collided right with his face once again! We hit the ground straight after this with my head colliding with the solid surface.

I'm glad this wasn't the first head injury I'd sustained in my life. It hurt, but it wasn't the end of the world. And my knee hit Armor King right in his mask's nose making him let out another growl as we both collapsed to the ground.

For a moment neither of us moved, we both just stared up at the ceiling of the large room panting. I'll admit, I was somewhat surprised that Armor King was this much tougher than King. I expected improvement but I'll put it like this.

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