Author's Note: Thank You! This Book's Future

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Hi, I just felt like doing a quick Author's Note before I quickly take a break from this story.

Firstly, I'd like to give a BIG thank you to everyone who's been reading, voting and commenting! I really do appreciate it since this story was one of the first ideas I ever came up with for a story, before I even set my account up. (This along with my 'Heir of the Nightmare' Soul Calibur book which I plan to rewrite in the same format.)

I did of course, make a lot of adjustments to fit my new style of writing. Originally the book started with Tekken 5, so the entire Tekken 4 segment was an entirely new idea for the story. There were also a few unnecessary subplots and concepts I removed so I could focus on more relevant stuff. 

As for how this book is going to play out. I want to take a quick break now to finish my Star Wars book I've been working on. I wouldn't say this one is on hold since I plan to come right back and complete this book after that's done. Starting with Tekken 6.

Hopefully you'll really like that segment since I will have a LOT of important battles to plan for then including a rematch with Jin as well as some other interesting fights. I really hope you enjoy it when I get around to it.

So, thank you again for your support with this story. I'm so glad you've enjoyed it and as always, thank you for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2022 ⏰

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