Chapter 35: The Wrath of Jinpachi

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Raven POV

As soon as the beacon stopped flashing my eyes widened. What the hell happened?! I knew Eagle had reached the location and he abruptly signed off without warning. Was he alright? Had he engaged Jinpachi?

I muttered "Damn." Under my breath before speeding up. I had to see if I could remember my way to the beacon's location. I just hope Eagle could hold his own...


Jinpachi let out a distorted laugh as he grinned down at me. I simply remained in my fighting stance. Sizing my opponent up and trying to formulate a strategy. He didn't have a traditional stance, however there wasn't a single place I felt safe attacking.

I'd heard about the cursed blood of the Mishima family, in the King of Iron Fist Tournament 2, Kazuya took on the form of a purple devil, one that possessed supernatural abilities. I'd never encountered anything like this before. I wondered, could I win?

(Keep in mind, Y/N doesn't know about Kazumi, so he doesn't know that's where the Devil Gene came from.)

My thought process was finally interrupted when Jinpachi commented "Well? Go on, I'll grant you the first blow." I snarled, was he just being polite, or mocking me? Quickly regaining my composure I stated "You may just regret that offer."

And as per his request, I made the first move. I ran forward before jumping and performing a kick that collided with the side of his head. Jinpachi did flinch a little, however too my surprise, he quickly recovered and growled "My turn."

He instantly went with a Wind God Fist, I guess I shouldn't be surprised since he WAS a Mishima. The blow struck me in the stomach as a blue electricity built up around his fist and coursed through my body. This was notably darker than Heihachi or Kazuya's electricity.

I lurched up from the blow's force however this actually gave me an opportunity to counter. Thrusting me knee out, I struck him right in the face. Due to his large size, this was enough to make him stagger back.

Landing back on the ground I turned to see Jinpachi wipe a bit of blood from his lip. He looked at it before turning back to me. "Not bad. You have strength and speed boy. But you lack one thing that can defeat me."

This made me raise an eyebrow "What's that?" What happened next caught me off guard. Jinpachi hunched over, holding both hands near his stomach. That's when he thrust his stomach forward, letting out a loud "GAH!" Noise as a FIREBALL shot out of the mouth towards me.

I barely managed to dodge, stepping to the side as it flew past and hit a rock, completely exploding it! I just stared, shocked as Jinpachi finished "And that boy, is power. Different from strength. As you shall now witness."

He stepped forward and swung his arm downwards. I was able to block the attack however even then I found myself being forced back by it. Jinpachi's sheer force was too much for me to stand my ground.

And my guard didn't last much longer as Jinpachi instantly followed up by thrusting both his palms directly into it which caused my arms to lift into the air. I was met with a kick that while slow, was heavy and collided with my side.

I was knocked to the ground but quickly managed to recover, flipping back and landing on my feet. I growled and glared at the demon opposite. After that display my breathing was heavy as beads of sweat trickled all down my face. 

Even so, it took a moment but I managed to bury my fear and went right back in to attack. Jinpachi was definitely stronger than me, and more powerful, but I think I still had speed on my side.

I dashed forward and leapt until I was right in Jinpachi's face. Straight away I rained down attacks starting with a karate chop to his neck, a kick to his side that carefully avoided the gaping mouth in his stomach.

As he tried striking me again, I dodged it and landed behind his leg, sweeping it to make him drop down on one knee. I went for a roundhouse kick, this effort failed though. As I swung my leg around, Jinpachi reached up and grabbed my knee.

He kept his grip on me as he got to his feet. In retaliation I was met with two punches in quick succession, one hit my face and the other hit my stomach. I then felt his other hand grab my neck as I was flung across the barren wasteland.

Again, I just about had time to recover, however this time I looked up to see another fireball heading towards me. Again I dived to the side, narrowly missing the projectile before leaping up and going in for another kick.

My foot collided with Jinpachi's chest, instead of being knocked down though, he was instead just pushed back. His feet actually let scrap marks on the stone surface beneath him. He countered with another Wind God Fist however I dodged this one and went in for a double palm thrust. And that's when something happened.

The glow in Jinpachi's eyes disappeared and I heard him whisper in a voice that seemed genuinely scared "Please, end this now..." In that moment I was caught off guard and my defence was lowered.

That's when the glow came back even brighter, I heard Jinpachi yell "You FOOL!" And I was met with another punch that I barely managed to block. I did my best to defend and actually blocked the punch.

This though, was followed by another palm thrust that broke through my guard and it was at this point Jinpachi smirked, I heard him state "This ends now!" He hunched over before lurching forward as a fireball shot out once more towards me.

This time though, I was too close to dodge, the blast hit me head on and I was flung back even further than before, I was unable to recover now though and hit the ground chest first. The force though caused me to roll over and land on my back.

For a moment, I stared up at the sky, dark clouds began forming overhead. I tried to get back up until I was in a sitting position. Jinpachi was slowly approaching, speaking in an increasingly demonic tone.

"It's over, you fought well but now-." He raised his fist as dark blue electricity built up around him. He thrusted forward for a punch. It all happened quickly, however the punch never landed. A flash of red clashed.

Jinpachi staggered back from a punch to his cheek. We both looked to the source of the blow and my eyes widened. Even Jinpachi looked confused at the interruption. I honestly wondered when I'd be seeing this man again.


Author's Note: And that's this chapter done. Now there'll only be one more for this segment, maybe two however that's only if I can't condense everything into one. I really hope you enjoyed and as always, thank you for reading.

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