Chapter 18: The Jaguar Wrestler

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You never know how much someone can improve in a short period of time. Perhaps it wasn't that he'd improved, rather he knew what to expect from me this time. That's why this match proved much more interesting than the last one.

As I thought, that afternoon I'd received the letter giving the same shallow congratulations for winning the first round as well as my opponent for the next round. It seemed I'd be getting a rematch against the wrestler named King!

I'd heard about King's fight in the first round. He fought that Marduk guy I saw at the sign-up event and won. There was obvious history between the two because they made a big show at the end of their new friendship.

Now, I'd fought King in the previous tournament. It was in the third round that time. It was actually the easiest fight of the tournament. It followed a simple pattern, he attacked, I dodged and countered. He went down quite quick, it wasn't even worth properly covering.

So, when I saw that I was fighting him again, I thought that it would be as simple as the first. He got in touch shortly afterwards and told me to meet him in an area known simply as the Urban Jungle, an underground arena of sorts, again, being used for the tournament.

Raven had been pitted against a woman named Julia Chang so he departed to face her. That left me to make my way to the area chosen by King. Somewhere where I figured he'd have the advantage due to its likeness to a wrestling ring.

This of course leads us to now.

As I arrived, I found my opponent already stood in the centre waving is arms as if to usher the surrounding crowd to cheer. As I drew closer the cheering slowly began to slow gaining King's attention and causing him to look in my direction.

Image of King:

Upon seeing me, he greeted through a sequence of growls

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Upon seeing me, he greeted through a sequence of growls. "I'm glad you managed to make your way here. I've been looking forward to getting a rematch against you Eagle." I smiled a bit, even though our last fight was almost instantaneous, he seemed to be polite about things.

(That's why I didn't include Y/N's fight with King in the last tournament. It would have been very quick and would have basically been filler. This one however is different because King knows how Y/N fights now.)

 I replied "Indeed. I suppose we'd best get down to business then." Usually I'd not be able to understand him but due to working for the UN and having business across the world, I'd picked up a few dialects, even abstract ones like King's jaguar growls that matched his mask. In fact, I'd learned that one after our last encounter. When we first fought  I had no idea what he'd said and just spoke calmly.

He growled out "I'll warn you, I'm not going to go down as easily as last time." He raised his hands in a grappling-like stance and got on his guard. I retorted "I'd like to see that for myself." Before entering one of my own.

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