Chapter 31: Heihachi Mishima, Not so Dead it Seems...

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Raven POV

"How are you alive?! You're supposed to be dead!"

I honestly couldn't believe it. First Kazuya returned and now this. It seemed the Mishimas were impossible to kill. The man currently approaching was living proof of that. The former head of the Mishima Zaibatsu. Heihachi Mishima!

Image of Heihachi Mishima:

(I know this is his Soul Calibur 2 design, but it's close to the outfit he has in Tekken 5

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(I know this is his Soul Calibur 2 design, but it's close to the outfit he has in Tekken 5.)

He just approached me and asked "So, you're my opponent?" He spoke as if this was a tournament-sanctioned match as opposed to just a random encounter. I was still shocked as I gasped. "You died in that explosion!"

Heihachi just let out a laugh before stating "Me, die? The Mishimas are invincible!" He paused for a moment before explaining "That explosion blew me several miles. And I found myself in a base in the middle of the forest. I must have been on the verge of death for several weeks. But I don't have any recollection of anything that happened. After I recovered I came here..."

He trailed off looking at the ground before he snapped his head up to look at me and declared angrily. "To break the neck of the fool that started this ridiculous tournament!" He began to walk forward again causing me to reach for my earpiece.

As soon as an operator came online I spoke "This is Raven. An unexpected situation as arisen. What are my orders?" The operator replied "Remain calm, we've confirmed the situation. Eliminate him. Over." I growled internally before turning back to the grinning Heihachi. "Understood." Was all I said before signing off.

Heihachi entered his Mishima style karate stance causing me to enter my own. Neither of us moved though. Instead we both slowly circled around one another, step by step, glaring into each other's eyes. That's when Heihachi spoke again.

"Hmm, you remind me of someone. The boy at the last tournament. He was a ninja like you, had the same stance. Where is he now?" This caught me off guard, why did he want to know about Eagle? Kazuya asked a similar thing. I simply retorted "What's it to you?"

This just made Heihachi let out a "Hmph." Before saying "Do you think I'm an idiot? I know that boy is the son of Lee Chaolan, the brat I made the mistake of adopting. Similar kicking moves, their fight in the tournament was interrupted just as they'd begun conversing. As if someone interrupted the feed. Perhaps your organization wanted to cover one of your operative's identities up?"

All I did was growl in response to this but Heihachi's grin just grew bigger. "I see. Well then, tell me where he is. And tell me what you know about this tournament." My eyes narrowed behind my sunglasses as I said coldly "I'm not telling you anything."

Heihachi let out another sinister cackle as he spat "HAHAHA! Tight-lipped are we? Never mind. I'll beat the information from you, one way or another." He placed his hands on either side of him and squatted down. I saw electricity build-up around his body before he stepped forward and attacked.

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