Chapter 36: Jin Kazama's Arrival

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The last I saw of Jin Kazama was the glimpse I'd gotten at Hon-Maru when he fought both Kazuya and Heihachi one after the other and emerged victorious. I remembered the odd occurrence in Jin that day, a hint of the Devil that lay dormant within him. 

Before then, our last encounter was our own battle that ended without a victor due to the Tekken Force's intervention. We'd not crossed paths once in this whole tournament and yet here he was, stood ominously with his fist still outstretched.

Image of Jin Kazama:

I wasn't blind to the fact that Jin had likely just saved my life

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I wasn't blind to the fact that Jin had likely just saved my life. There was no telling what Jinpachi would have done had Jin not intervened or how long I'd have been able to continue to fend him off. I was grateful, don't get me wrong, but now wasn't the time for thanks.

Jin looked down at me with a blank expression and asked "Are you alright? Can you stand?" I responded "I'm fine thanks." I slowly began to get to my feet but let out a pained grunt and grasped my side, that fireball must have injured me more than I thought.

We both turned to look at Jinpachi who was eying with Jin with confusion. I raised a pointing hand before asking "And who might you be?" To this, Jin replied. "I am Jin Kazama. Heir of the Cursed Blood!"

Jinpachi raised an eyebrow before stating "I see. This might explain why my blood is screaming to destroy you!" Jin frowned before raising his gloved fist and declaring "I will deal with this evil presence once and for all!"

Turning to me he said "I advise you step back. This is my family's matter now." I just nodded, I knew I couldn't be much more help after my own fight with Jinpachi. It seemed this was all down to Jin now.

Jinpachi laughed at Jin's declaration before mocking "You honestly think you can fight me? Let alone defeat me?!" Shooting me a look he said "You see what I did to your friend don't you?" Jin snarled before saying "You'll just have to see."

With that, the two just stared at one another. The youngest Mishima against the eldest. I don't know how much Jin had developed as a fighter since our battle in the last tournament. But I'll admit, I was bubbling with anticipation.

Given the state I was in, and Raven's absence now without the beacon. It was down to Jin to stop Jinpachi now.

Their stare-down was finally broken when Jinpachi stepped forward and swung his fist down in a heavy-handed punch. Jin managed to step to the side and quickly landed two punches one after the other to Jinpachi's side which made him recoil faintly.

Things weren't all smooth sailing though as Jinpachi swung his arm around and smashed it into the side of Jin's head. This made him stagger to the side, barely keeping his footing. This allowed Jinpachi to follow up with a Wind God Fist to stun him and then a palm thrust to his chest send Jin crashing to the ground.

He landed on his back and let out an audible grunt. However this wasn't for long as he got to his feet and went right back in. He sprinted forward causing Jinpachi to extend his arms out to either side of him and exclaim "Very well, come and meet your destiny!"

Jin raised his fist and landed a quick yet powerful punch right to Jinpachi's chest, avoiding the stomach mouth of course. Red electricity sparked from his fist as Jinpachi was flung back this time. Not knocked over, much like against me, he managed to maintain his footing.

After that the two began to trade blows. Jinpachi landed a punch that slammed into Jin's cheek. Jin countered with multiple quick jabs all over Jinpachi's torso. Jinpachi tried to land another Wind God Fist however Jin sidestepped it and landed a punch to the side.

As this was going on, the weather began to change. The previously grey sky began to cloud over even more till it was black. The winds began picking up around us and in some areas miniature tornados began to form and whirled around rapidly.

My attention remained on the two fighters as they tried landing blows on one another. Bursts of red and dark blue electricity surging every now and then. I will admit, I was impressed Jin was doing well in this instance.

It didn't last long though, Jinpachi gained the upper hand as Jin went in for a kick. Jinpachi caught his leg and landed an elbow to it. And Jin was lucky because the spikes on Jinpachi's arm narrowly missed his leg. Either way he let out a pained groan before trying to punch Jinpachi in the face.

His fist was caught. Jinpachi kept a grip on it as Jin tried break free. As this happened a smirk spread across the old man's face, looking down at his opponent he stated "Hmm, you're skilled Jin Kazama, I can see you are Kazuya's son. But it seems even with that, you were no match for me and the power I possess."

He proceeded to go off on a monologue. "Once we're done here, I shall track down that treacherous Heihachi and get revenge for what he did! Years I was trapped under the Mishima Estate until I finally died. But even then, I wasn't free. I have come back with new purpose. To annihilate all that exists, starting with you tw-!"

Before he could finish Jin slammed his fist into Jinpachi's face causing him to lurch back and release his grip. Jin instantly went on the offensive, landing punch after punch, each one hitting Jinpachi across his torso, he swept the leg which made Jinpachi almost fall however just like before he kept on his feet and growled.

Jin stepped forward and raised his left hand in front of him. He pulled his right hand back and I noticed red electricity build up. The attack he was about to try was definitely a heavy hitting one. However Jinpachi just grinned and commented "You fool you've forfeited this fight. Observe!"

What he did next was instantly familiar. He hunched over before thrusting his torso forward. A fireball shot out just as Jin brought his fist forward. The two attacks collided however due to the nature of Jinpachi's projectile, it was Jin who was flung back.

He hit the ground and landed on his front. Trying to stand back up only resulted in him falling onto his hands and knees. My eyes widened, was it over? Jinpachi certainly thought so, he just stared down at Jin with a blank expression. What happened next though indicated otherwise.

Jin began shaking. Growling, I noticed veins began appearing across his body and a build up of red electricity. At first I was confused however I then noticed the black tattoos that emerged across his body. I'd seen these before.

It was at Hon-Maru, at the end of the last tournament. When Jin fought Kazuya and Heihachi these markings appeared. In that moment, I knew exactly what was happening. Jin suddenly let out a loud roar as horns extended from his head and black feathered wings sprouted from his back!

Image of the Devil Gene awakening within Jin:

It seems the Devil within Jin had finally awoken

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It seems the Devil within Jin had finally awoken...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter, this time there's definitely only going to be one more chapter of this segment. I split them up because otherwise it would have been really long and the next chapter will have more than just the fight between Devil Jin and Jinpachi. I really hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always, thank you for reading.

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