Empty Coffin, Empty hearts

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Lizzie POV

„We have gathered here today to pay our respects to a person who has left us to early."
The priest announced as everyone stood and sat  outside on the graveyard surrounding an empty coffin.

It was raining and some people where prepared with umbrellas. Others where just standing in the pouring rain. Nora's family was surpassingly sad.
Despite the fact that they have treated her like shit for her entire life they seem to still care after all.
They are family, But still they should have cared sooner. Even Victor is here but I'd love to slap him because he was the reasons for all of this.

The basketball team was there as well with Scarlett on my side holding me in a side hug while we all look down onto the coffin in silence.

The fact that the coffin is empty twisted my mind completely. We aren't even able to see her for one last time. Burying an empty coffin sound totally absurd. I never had to attend a funeral because I never had someone beloved to lose.

I never understood the grieve someone felt when they attended a funeral. Now I do and I wish I would have never had to experience it.
The emptiness I feel as I look at this whole in the ground with a coffin floating above.

I can't forgive myself for letting her go on my wedding day. I should have grabbed her hand and I should have never let go of that hug. The best hug she ever gave me was her last. The way she was holding me tight. I didn't get why she acted that way. But now I do.

„If anyone wants to say anything. Now would be a good time to." the priest said and only now I realized that I didn't listen to his speech.
He probably just said something he always does on a funeral. Probably some basic non personal things.

I looked up seeing Beth walk up to the priest and he stepped aside letting her take over.

„Ehm. Thank you all for. Paying your last respects to Nora. Even if she isn't here I feel like she is.
Her spirit never left and it will always surround us.
It's kinda ironic that she isn't here at her own funeral. Like girl. At least you should lay here instead of floating in the ocean or god knows where." she chuckled and I know she try's to overplay her sadness with humor.

„I will always cherish and remember the time we got to spend together. Even the bad days. Or when we where fighting over some irrelevant shit.
I wanna fight with you again. I wanna cry over our favorite movie characters. I wanna laugh over the most stupid shit we used to and I just wanna have you here with me. Here with us. Because you always had people who loved you. For your Goofiness, your clumsiness and especially for the way you loved and cared for each other. You cared took care for others more than for yourself.
You love so deeply which is beautiful but on the dark side you'd be in an unbelievable amount of pain if the person you love hurts you."
I heard the basketball team sob but my tears just fell without a sound. I felt numb.

„You know I'm mad at you. Because we always talked about who is gonna get married first and I said you because I've always been single. I'm mad that you left like this and so soon. I never even thought of loosing you and now your just gone.
She's probably up there looking down on us and laughing about how much I cry."
Beth looked up now and smiled faintly.

„I know your watching. I love you. I miss you and I always will. Nothing and no one will ever replace you. I hope you are able to meet your mother at least. I don't want you to be alone." she looked back down and walked off not being able to say anything else.

„Thank you Beth for your lovely words."
Nora's father took over now and I don't know what he has to say but I'm sure it will bring my pulse up.

„I would have never thought off loosing one of my children so Soon. First my beloved Margaret. Now you Nora. I don't wanna lose anyone else.
I don't know what drove into you that night but it shouldn't have ended that way."
He spoke and he didn't shred a single tear.
What a bastard.

He made eye contact with the priest signing him that he was done and he took over again.

My mind drifted off once again and I felt like I wasn't present. Just my body and my mind was completely else where.

After a while I felt Scarlett's arm stroke my back and I got back into reality seeing that everyone starts to leave.

„Do you need a moment?" she asked me because we haven't exchanged a single word ever since we got here.

„No. I'm fine. We can leave. I'll visit her again here once I have the strength for it." she nod and we started to walk off.

I was looking for Beth because I wanted to talk to her before she left but what I saw didn't put my mind at ease.

I stopped and Scarlett noticed it after some time.
She walked back to me and my eyes staid fixated on someone specific.

„Who is that one with the white umbrella? The one who is standing at Beth's car."
Scarlett turned around and looked closely shrugging her shoulders.

„Maybe a family member. She might have a sister or cousin who Is driving her home." Something deep down tells me that this isn't true.

She had black heels on and a black suit with a black tight turtleneck on. A hat wide enough to cover her face and even black leather gloves to cover her hands. Who is dressed this way and won't attend the funeral? I'm sure Nora would have known this person if it was a family member.

I tried to take in every detail but I wasn't even able to see the woman's hair. It was pinned up.
I couldn't see her face. Nothing yet everything about her seems so familiar.

I watched them exchange words and hug tightly for a moment. Her body language was so familiar I can't shake the feeling off that I know that woman from somewhere.

„Come on Liz. If you insist on knowing who it is why don't we walk over to them? I'm sure Beth will introduce us to that mysterious woman."
She tugged her arm in mine and kinda dragged me from my spot.

But before we where even able to take some steps they move into their car pretty quickly to drive off.

„Hmm. Strange. Maybe Beth was urgent to leave.
I can't imagine how she must feel after losing Nora." I hummed at her reply watching the black tinted car leave.


A/n: Ahhhh back at it again I'm really excited for the second part of the book and I hope you'll enjoy reading it just as much as I'll enjoy writing it and stalking your comments haha.

Recommendations are always welcome.

Stay tuned
Until next time
Pace and love ✌🏽❤️

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