The nightmare becomes reality

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Narrator POV

Correct me if I'm wrong? But aren't you supposed to be dead my dear dear Nora?" Victor stepped out of the dark and showed himself. Nora stood on the wooden porch steps as he was standing there on the ground covered with leafs.

„Pretty rude if you to point a weapon at the father of our children right?"  Victor added as he stepped closer.

Nora froze like an Antelope standing in the flashing lights. Her grip tightened around the revolver as she already had her finger on the trigger. Every horrific memory flashes right before her eye as she sees how he is standing there. He hasn't changed at all.

„What? Cat stole your tongue? Don't be so rude and give your man a hug or a hey at least?" he stepped closer but Nora loaded the revolver signing him to stand still.

„Make another move and I swear I will perforate your body." she hissed at him and he raised his brows surprised.

„Wow. You've changed. Where is my obedient Nora? The one that listend to me." he asked with a disgusting smirk on his face.

„I was never yours. I will never be yours and you will never see my kids again. You think I don't know what you tried to do?" She asked rhetorically.

„You mean our kids? I have every right to see them." he provoked and Nora chuckled.

„They aren't yours. What makes you think this? You've treated me like shit for so long and now you think you can just walk back into my life as if nothing happened?" she told him furiously.

„You know I have needs. So does every man and you where there to fulfill these needs. Maybe I was a bit harsh but I didn't mean to." he told her sloppy and tears of anger where beaming in Nora's eyes. Her anger could burn the whole world down as her mind flashed back into the things he did.

„Harsh? You where more than harsh. You've pulled every fiber of self-worth out of my body. You made me want to kill myself. Every time you touched me I felt so worthless and disgusting. You know you really made me hate myself."

„Oh don't be so dramatic babe. We just had some fun that's all." he replied and Nora shot past his head making him shrug together.

„Fuck you. Don't babe me. This was never fun. It never felt like fun. You've ruined me on a level I can't put into words." She watched the smoke disappear between them and now she was able to see his shocked expression better. He probably didn't think that she would pull the trigger.

„You're a fucking ungrateful bitch you know that right?" she reloaded the revolver again and he flinched.

„Do not underestimate me. I won't let you get the upper hand this time." she fired back and he raised his hands.

„Looks like you have company. Who is it? This was just rhetorically. I already know that it is your ex professor. Your ex lover. Or... is she your lover again? An affair? What will her husband think?
You are a home wrecker." he changed the topic and Nora lowered the gun slightly to look at him clearer. She glanced to Lizzie's car and then back to him.

„I was right. She is here. Ohh Professor Olsen. Why don't you come out and join our conversation?"
He yelled past me knowing that she is in the house.

„Victor." Lizzie greeted him coldly with the knife in her hand.

„Oh why are you all armed? I just came by to have a little chat with my dear Nora. How are you doing? How is work? How is your husband?" he asked as if they where having a normal conversation.

„I think this is none of your business." she told him and he chuckled.

„Lizzie go back inside. I told you to stay there." Nora reminded her quietly.

„Oh she is protective? I should have seen it coming. When a bird twitched me that you where still alive I was shocked. Honestly. But then I was happy. I can have my girl back and hey she even raised my kids. What a blessing."

„Who told you this?" Nora's voice was filled with confusion and anger.

„Oh that's none of your business babe."

„Don't babe me you piece of shit."

„Now enough. Stop being so disrespectful towards me." he raised his voice and Nora flinches which was his chance. He pushed the revolver to the side as Nora pulled the trigger out of reflex again into the void. He unarmed Nora and threw the weapon aside.

He punched Nora in the face making her stumble back from the impact she felt on her face. He cracked his neck preparing for another punch but Nora had a chance to step aside. She couldn't react fast since her vision is blurry and her head was spinning.

„You know I might as well end things here and get the kids to raise them by myself." He provoked and kicked Nora into the stomach making her crawl down in pain.

„Nora!" Lizzie screamed as and she ran up behind Victor stabbing the knife into his shoulder making him scream out.

„You little bitch!" he turned around to Lizzie and grabbed the knife to pull it out which made him scream again. He threw the knife behind him and walked up to Lizzie punching her as well which made Lizzie fall down.

„Fuck you bitches are really asking for it right?" he huffed out as he watched Lizzie laying on the ground.

„You shouldn't have done this." Nora gained his attention having the coldest expression on her face. She spat out blood and cracked her neck getting ready to punch the living shit out of her abuser.

The fact that she saw Lizzie on the ground made her personality shift into rage and anger that rushed through her whole system.

„What are you gonna do? Slap me?" he asked as Nora ran towards him he punched but didn't hit her. Nora tossed aside making him miss every opportunity to land a next punch.

She then pulled him by his hoodie closer to give him a head shot and she kicked him aside away from Lizzie so that Nora could stand in front of her to protect her now.

„You said it right. It will end tonight but you won't walk out of it alive." she told him.

„Neither will you." he told her as he pulled his fists up to go for another round.


A/n: hehe honestly this drama hypes me up even though I'm the one writing it. Anyways...

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️


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