Storybook house

653 30 3

Scar POV

„Hey you want me to go with you today? Or is this something you want to do on your own?"
Cobie asked me as I was getting ready this morning after my shower. The shower I definitely needed after this sweaty night.

„honestly I don't know. I feel like I should face her on my own and I don't think it would be appropriate to bring you along. I know you've helped me a lot and I would love to have you around as support but I don't wanna scare here away if she sees a stranger beside me."
I told her as I brushed my hair.

„No I get it completely. I was thinking the same I just wanted to make sure how you feel about it.
I'll be waiting for your call to see how you do after this reunion. Just please be careful."

„You know what? How about you drive me?
Just in case I Wanna know what type of forest that is before I go in alone in there." I asked slightly anxious and she nod with a soft smile.

„anything of course." she told me and I smiled back.

„You sure you don't wanna have Lizzie with you?"
She asked as she got up to put on her shoes.

„Well. I'd love to, but I know she doesn't want to see her. I'll talk to Nora first and we will take our time and see. I'll let them reunite somehow.
I know they need each other they are just too blind to see it." I explained while hoping into my shoes as well.

„I know this is off topic but you look great today."
She threw in this random ass compliment and I can't see my face but I feel how I get red around the nose.

„I look pretty basic but thank you cobs. Same goes to you." I complimented back and she smiled bright.

„The „basic" looks are sometimes the best ones."
She added and I looked down at myself with the jeans and flannel I wore.

„Anyway. I know you'll do your best to reunite them and if you need my help with that I'll try my best as well to assist you." she offered and I nod.

„Thank you Cobie. I'm ready to head out are you?"
I asked and she nod opening me the door.

„After you malady." she waved out her arm and I grabbed my bag and my keys walking past her.

„I know the tricks of a gentleman I mean gentlewoman. This is an excuse to have a glance at my ass isn't it?" I asked jokingly and she blushed as I caught her looking down.

„It surprises me every time how you read me like an open book." she stated as she closed the door behind her.

„As I said. I can read people. You where easy to crack." I shrugged my shoulders and she rolled her eyes at my cocky reply.

„wow I did not know that I was that easy to crack." she mocked as we both sat down in the car.

„You gotta get used to it." I pointed out and she just smiled to herself.

„Now. Did you really memorized the route to the forest?" she asked and I nod.

„We drove past a dentist and a diner with a big read sign on it. I've seen a police station as well and those where the only spots I remembered but we can tangle along them. After that it's just hill up."
I explained as I drove off.

„Okay detective. You do you I trust you."
She shrugged her shoulders and leaned back relaxed.

It took us more than 30 minutes to get to the hidden street on the hill that went into the forest.
But the traffic was fine so far and I thought it would take us longer to get up there.

„Well it doesn't look so creepy by daytime."
Cobie spoke up as she looked around into the Forrest. Brown, yellow and orange leaf's laid on the rout and some trees where still green.

The road got wider as we drove further in and I saw a grey cloud which I assume was a chimney.

I didn't drive further as I hit the break and drove a bit back so that no one would see my car.

„Alright. I guess we need to walk a bit." I shut the engine and got out and Cobie followed walking up beside me.

„I swear if we walk into a serial killers house I'll haunt you forever even if we both die." she joked but yet she had a slight serious tone in her voice.

„Don't worry. A horror story never happens by daylight." I reassured her and she chuckled.

„I've seen enough to know how these story's start. Always a cabin or a house or a villa in the woods."

„Okay cobs you are being a little paranoid now. Calm down. I told you nothing will happen."
I stopped her and squeezed her hand I noticed how she visibly calmed down.

„Okay. Alright. You are visiting an old friend."
She stated and I nod letting go of her hand to keep on walking.

The walk took us another five to ten minutes until we got to see a pretty large house. Two cars stood in the front yard that was covered in leafs. There was a swing made out of wood on the porch and a red post office box. We weren't really able to be quiet since every step made a crunchy sound from the leafs beneath us.

„I feel like this place is cut out if a storybook.
It looks beautiful." Cobie mumbled and I hummed at her comment.

„Quinn, Chase! Go get Chestnut back!!" I held my hand up stopping Cobie from walking further. We hear and see to our left a golden retriever run up to us.

It didn't take long and after a moment we saw two kids run after the dog trying to catch him.

„Chestnut come back!!" they yelled out and stopped in confusion as they saw us.


A/n: hehe another cliffhanger;))

Stay tuned
Until next time
Pace and love✌🏽❤️

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