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Lizzie POV

„Lizzie? Can you come down and give chestnut some food? I can't reach the top of the shelf in the kitchen." Quinn asked as he knocked on the door frame having chestnut behind him wiggling with her tail.

„Of course I can. I'd love to. Wanna come with me Chase?" I asked while she closed the book placing it down in the table.

„Yess!" she answered and grabbed my fingers walking down with me. As they lead the way to the kitchen chestnut started to walk and jump around exited.

„Is she always this exited when she gets her food?" I asked as she jumped me.

„Always. Mom always tries to get her to calm down but It never works when it comes to food." Quinn told me while laughing at me.

„It's up there." he pointed out and I got the food out.

„Are you both hungry as well?" I asked as I prepared the food for chestnut.

„Can we have cookies?" Quinn asked and I raised a brow while glaring them up and down. They give me the most innocent look and my heart melts at these eyes. Eyes that remind me of Nora in some way.

„I'm a good cook how about I make you something and after that you both will get two cookies each? Is that a deal?" I offered and they huffed put lightly.

„We aren't really that hungry. A cookie would be enough." Chase added and I know what kinda game they play.

„I wasn't born yesterday kids. I can even make you your favorite food. What is it?" I asked and they sat down in front of the kitchen island.

„mom makes great noodles with chicken and vegetables." Quinn offered and I opened the fridge looking for the things to cook.

„Okay. Seems like your mom was already grocery shopping not to long ago. I have everything there to cook you this."

„Great!!" Chase yelled out and I smiled wide.
I put the apron on that was hanging on the wall.
As I laced the back together I looked down on myself reading what is on it. It was painted in so many colors and I guess it's Form Quinn and Chase. Two hand prints on my boobs and I chuckled at this. Written on it is „The coolest mom and best cook!" I smirked and went down to work.

I started to cook up some water and chopped some vegetables. I was minding my business and after almost finishing cooking I heard the front door open.

Nora POV

„Your kids can cook?" scar asked as we stepped on the front porch smelling a dish.

„Ha ha. They are six of course they can't cook without burning anything." I joked And opened the door walking in first.

„Quinn?? Chase?? Are you cooking..?" I asked while walking into the kitchen. My sentence died off as I saw how chase and Quinn where sitting on the kitchen island watching Lizzie cook.

My heart melts seeing how comfortable they are around her. I can't help but smirk as I see that she wears my personalized apron that the kids made me last year for my birthday.

„Coolest mom and best cook huh?" I asked pointing out to the apron. The hand prints fit perfectly around her breasts and I'm not gonna lie I wish those where my hand on them. Stop it Nora.

„I can only approve on one of them which is obviously the best cook." Lizzie joked and I smiled while leaning against the counter stealing a little carrot from her plate. She slapped my hand I rubbed it while chewing on my food.

„Oww what was that for?" I asked and she smirked.

„we will wait until the food is ready." she warned me and now I feel like the kid for a split moment.

„How about you put the revolver away? You are home now." she reminded me and I hummed while walking back to the basement to put the revolver away.

„Someone's being bossy today." scar mumbled while she sat down next to my kids.

„Come one kids. Give mom a kiss." I opened my arms and they got up and ran towards me giving me both a kiss.

„I hope these little toodles didn't make you any problems Lizzie?" I asked as they sat back down and now I have chestnut jumping me so I knelled down to give her the attention she needs.

„No they didn't. In fact they where great. Chase showed me something out of the pink sparkly book." she wiggled with her brows while stirring the meal she was preparing.

„Oh god no. What did you see?" I asked and she smiled wide.

„Just a beautiful pregnant woman. Beth took some good pictures." she replied cocky and I remember her taking the most random picture as if it was yesterday.

„Ohh I wanna see these pictures."

„Aunty scar we can go upstairs and show you some if you want to." Quinn and Chase offered and scar got jo eagerly while rubbing her hands in excitement.

„Oh definitely. You prepare the table I'll be up with the little ones." scar tapped my back and I could stop them because they where already running up leaving me alone with Lizzie.

„So..." she began her sentence but stopped.

„Is something wrong?" I asked as I sat down behind her on the kitchen island.

„I just wanted to tell you.. that there is a slight issue with Chase in her school class."
My mind went into alarm not knowing what is going on.

„Is she okay? What is going on? Is she in trouble?"
I asked and Lizzie stopped stirring to turn around to me. She got close that my legs where spread next to her waist. She placed her hands down on my thigh stroking them up and down.

„Hey don't panic she's alright okay. It's just. As we watched the pictures we got to the topic of you raising them alone. How you don't have anyone by your side and how they don't have a dad." she stared explain calmly and I listened carefully because I have a feeling I know what gonna come.


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