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Scar POV

„By the way. As I am already here why don't we plan on how to find Marg- sorry I mean Nora."
I was visibly surprised on why she asked me this.

„Oh I didn't expect to get helped by you. Thank you for offering. I really don't know where to start." I told her as I sipped on my second or third glass of wine.

„Of course I'll help where I can. I mean you wouldn't have found out that she is alive if I wouldn't have shown you the photos. Besides I always help a good friend." she replied and I smiled faintly.

„Well. What about her family? I'm sure they would be delighted to hear that she is alive."
I shook my head and she looked confused.

„Absolutely not. She has the shittiest family I've met. Unfortunately her father is mine and Lizzie's boss. But they treated her like shit and I don't thinks it will change."

„Does she had anyone beside her family? A best friend maybe?" she asked and then it clicked in my mind.

„Beth!! Yes! She will be more than happy to hear that she is alive. She graduated a year after Nora faked her death. I staid in contact with her because she was also in my basketball team. I coached them."

„Great! This is good. Maybe you can arrange a get together. We can tell her what we know and she might have an idea where she is since they have been best friends back then."

„Yeah let me call her." I picked up my phone from the small table between us and dialed her number.

„Hey Scar haven't heard from you in a while. What's up?" she greeted as she picked up the line.
I've put her on speaker so that Cobie can hear her too.

„Hi Beth. Yeah I know I've been pretty busy.
I wanted to see you again if you have the time." I asked.

„Of course. I'll be done with work in about 15 minutes. If you want to we can go out for a drink or two." she offered and I looked at the wine glass in my hand which has been refilled multiple times.

„Yeah. One drink would be fine. I already had a couple."

„Since when do you hit the break when it comes to drinks?" she asked and I see Cobie hiding a laugh. I threw a potato chip at her but she caught it.

„I don't know. It's just today. I have something to tell you."

„Are you okay? Is something wrong?" she asked with concern in her voice.

„No I am fine. I won't tell you that on the phone. It's for the better if I tell you that personally."


„Would it be alright if I'd bring someone along with me tonight?" I asked.

„Uhh is there a lover you want me to get introduced to?" she asked cocky and I rolled my eyes slightly blushing at what she said and so did Cobie.

„She's a close friend of mine." I replied while looking at Cobie.

„Hopefully friends with benefits. Cause you need someone like that."

„Wow okay am I that desperat?" I asked sounding offended.

„No but I heard back then from Nora how you where a pretty wild one. Especially back in your college days." Cobie shifted in her chair and I noticed that her mood changed slightly.

„Beth you are on speaker I should have mentioned that." I warned her not wanting to let her spill out all the things she knows about me and Nora.
Cobie still doesn't know that I had a thing with Nora.

„Shit sorry to whoever heard that. Scar is a saint.
A brave one." she made me roll my eyes and Cobie smirked.

„You are everything but definitely not a saint."
Cobie told me and I feel like my face flushed in red.

„alright. Imma leave it like this. I'll see you in 20."
I informed her and hung up not giving her the chance to say anything else.

„Can I say that I would have loved to know you in your college days. I bet it would have been wild."
Did she just flirt? Nahh.

„You can ask Lizzie how I was. I'm not sharing my secrets. At least not yet." I fired back and she smirked.

„Besides. „everything but a saint?" Am I that slutty?" I asked and she leaned her arms forward onto the table.

„Do you want me to refresh your memory dear?"
She asked and my body started to warm up for no reason. What is she doing to me?

„I'll keep that offer in mind. I might resort to it."
I told her and she smirked.

„Might? Wow seems like I left a bad impression on you. What a bummer." she faked her hurt impression in a joking way.

„No cobs you know I didn't mean it that way.
You left a good impression." I told her as I got up to go inside to get ready.

„Then what is it?" she asked

„someone will be waiting for us and I don't like being late and letting people wait."

„Is that so? I mean a quicky wouldn't hurt us would it." she offered and I stopped in my track.

„Wow. Since when are you so bold Smulders?"

„I'm bold when I know what I want and that is you at the moment." she replied simply and narrowed my eyes at her.

„You are drunk. Come on let's go." I avoided answering her and grabbed my keys to leave.

„aren't drunk words sober thoughts?" Cobie asked as we walked down the staircase.

„You got a point there. But look Cobie..."

„No. There is someone else on your mind right?
Is it Nora?" she asked jealous and I nod.

„Of course she is on my mind. I went to her funeral and after five years I found out that she is alive."

„No I didn't mean it in that way. What I am trying to say is... do you think of her in an intimate way?"
She questioned hesitatingly and I stopped on the street as I waved for a taxi.

„Cobie I..."

„You can tell me that. It's okay I just wanna know and I wanna hear it from you that you had something with her. I'm not mad. I just wanna understand why you are so agitated to find her even though she was „just a student" to you."

„I was intimate with her yes. It was just physically interaction and there where no feelings involved."
I clears the air between us and she nod.

„Thank you for being honest with me. Now let's meet her friend and find her."

„Wait your not gonna ask anything else?"

„I know what I wanted to know. Now I understand. You've got attached to her somehow and that's totally fine. So I'll give you the time to understand and reflect on the things that will happen and I'll let you get back with her so you can have a long talk with her. If you realize it's an emotional connection then let me know. I just want you to know that I'll be waiting for you as long as it takes."

„Wow. Thank you for being so understanding I didn't expect that to be honest."

„Of course. Besides. I've seen her just briefly but I really wanna know what it is about her that makes you and Lizzie both fight like animals. She must have a hold on the both of you." she joked and hoped into the Uber that stopped for us.


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