Panic and cookies

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Narrator POV

„Hey don't panic she's alright okay. It's just. As we watched the pictures we got to the topic of you raising them alone. How you don't have anyone by your side and how they don't have a dad." she started to explain calmly and Nora listened carefully because she has a feeling of what will come around.

„I've told them this before. I might have been a bit harsh about it because I don't really feel comfortable talking about it. I don't even know how to tell them this. It's just... I don't think they will understand they are so young and I- I can't tell them that he was abus-." Nora cut herself off as she was trying to catch her breath hopelessly. Lizzie noticed the panic In her eyes and body language. She didn't realize until now how hard it is for her to open up about this.

She didn't know that it laid so heavy on her chest. Regardless of what happened Nora always falls back into a dark place even if she just try's to explain herself.

„It's okay hey. Don't panic alright. Eyes on me. You'll be fine. Whoever did this to you is not here. It's me..liz okay." she cupped Nora's face trying to stop her from looking around hectic.

„I don't wanna go back there. Please." she begged with a shaky voice on the verge of tears.

„You won't. I promise okay. Your mind is playing tricks on you. It's just a miserable so miserable memory. Just keep your eyes on me okay."
She held onto her trying her best to calm her ex lover down.

Nora closed her eyes as she placed her hands down on the same spot where Lizzie's hands where resting. She grabbed them tight trying to reassure herself that she is here and not anywhere else where her mind is trying to take her.

„Take some deep breaths with me alright! Come on. In..." she made a louder sound as she took a deep breath and Nora tried the same.

„And out. Good. Exactly. Focus on your breath. Let's do it again." she added and they repeated the task until Nora's breath came down form the shaky state.

„Great. Your doing amazing. See I'm proud you made it come here." Lizzie slid her hands past Nora's neck pulling her in for a tight reassuring hug. Nora's hand slid around Lizzie's waist and the hug lasted for a while until Nora separated herself thinking that If she would stay longer in this hug she might break down again.

Lizzie had a searching expression on her face trying to find out what is on her mind now and especially if she did something wrong because she definitely didn't want to separate. After years she had her in her arms once again just to be ripped apart again.

„your feeling better?" she asked placing her hands down on the kitchen island and not on Nora's thigh. Maybe she was to close? Is it this? Did Lizzie invade Nora's space or is it something else that she did wrong?

„Yes. Thank you." she replied while rubbing the tears out of her eyes again.

„Three breakdowns in a row today are really tiring." she replied sarcastic but both didn't laugh about it. Not that Lizzie doesn't like her sarcasm it's just the hint of seriousness that laid in her words which stopped her from laughing.

„Three?" Lizzie asked not recalling the third breakdown she had today.

„Hmm. I just talked to scar earlier and I wasn't really a pleasant topic.." she replied as she got up to separate even more space between them.
Nora noticed that Lizzie was about to say something and she knows that she would dig in further but Nora doesn't has the strength to go back to this mind set again. It's been enough for now so she cut her off before she was even able to say anything else.

„Anyways I should probably prepare the table. I bet the kids are hungry. By the way thank you for y'know cooking. You shouldn't have." she thanked Lizzie who was standing at the kitchen island irritated yet again. Why is it so hard for Lizzie to get closer to her?

„Yeah. Of course I love cooking for others and they wanted to eat cookies and cookies only so I feel like I had to cook them something." Lizzie saw a glimpse of a smile on Nora's face probably recalling a good memory in her mind.

„Yeah the cookie trick. How did you not fall for their puppy eyes?" she asked jokingly and Lizzie already fell for a certain pair of eyes but time has probably passed for so long that she lost her completely.

„hallo? Why are you looking at me so dreamy? You okay?" Nora asked from across the room and so many things crossed her mind. What if she would have decided to escape the wedding with Nora by her side? Would their story have ended differently?
The time where she saw her for one last time in the bathroom. As she said her goodbye instead of falling into this hug that felt like the last one what if she would have kissed her instead? Would she have stayed? Or would she still leave regardless of what she would have done?

„Nothing. I just wished I would have been by your side through this tough time." Lizzie said it in almost a whisper but Nora heard her clearer then ever.

„Me too." she replied quietly and moved on with preparing the table.

„Nora the pictures your kids showed me are beautiful." scar interrupted the room filed with thick tension.

„Something tells me you saw my pregnancy pictures. I was really blossoming I guess." she joked and the kids came running down.

„Slow little rockets. I don't want you to fall down the stairs okay." she explained while pointing her finger out sternly. Lizzie smiled at these interactions.

„Are you hungry?" she asked as the kids sat down on the table.

„Yes!! Sooo hungry." Quinn and Chase replied synchronized and Nora squinted her eyes at them stepping closer.

„Seems like someone fell for their puppy eyes Lizzie." she stated as she grabbed their shirts rubbing the crumbs of cookies away.

„I'm sorry. I wanted a cookie too."
Scar shrugged her shoulders and everyone laughed at this answer.

A/n: just wrote that shorty in the train hope y'all enjoyed it <33

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love✌🏽❤️

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