At the bar

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Scar POV

„Heyy I'm Beth. So nice to meet you."
She greeted Cobie first since they don't each other. She had a giant smile on her face as she glanced towards me and I noticed that she was hiding a smirk.

„Cobie nice to meet you too." she greeted back and we hugged quickly before she sat down.

„I already got you a drink." I slid it over to her and she huffed out in relieve.

„A rough day?" I asked noticing that her body was a bit stiff.

„Kinda yeah. There's just a lot of things going around in my head. All I can say is that I am glad to be here now." she told me and I nod.

„How is Lizzie doing? I haven't heard from her in such a long time." she asked and I shifted in my chair.

„She has her head filled with other things like Robbie. I don't know how she's doing we haven't seen each other in a while." I informed her and she noticed by the tone of my voice that something is off.

„What is it that you wanted to tell me? You've sounded strange on the phone." she asked and I glanced to Cobie seeing that she listening eagerly.

„I don't know how to Adress this. You might wanna chuck the whole drink down before I drop the bomb." I pointed at the glass in her hand and she glanced down then back up to me.

„What did somebody die?" she asked in a chuckle and I shook my head slow.

„she's pretty much not dead. Well that's what we thought first." I mumbled and her face dropped immediately.

„How?" she asked not even caring to make sure if I was talking about Nora or not. She chuckled her drink down and rubbed her eyes.

„Well I'd love to find out but I don't know where she is."

„How did you find out?" she asked and Cobie grabbed the pictures out of her pocket showing her to Beth. She took them and watched closely.

„She was at the masked ball in the hotel where Lizzie and I where having a relaxing weekend. She wasn't invited to the party and she was registered by a name that doesn't exist. Cobie controlled that since the hotel belongs to her." Beth placed the photos down and slid them over back to us.

„O-okay. Well those are great news." she replied sounding a bit off.

„I should probably let this get refilled. I'll be back."
She got up and went to The bar fast.

„Seems like she took it well." Cobie spoke up as she watched Beth.

„You think so? Something is off  I can tell."
I told her and watched Beth as well. She was now on the phone as she waited for her drink and she looked a bit tense maybe even angry about the person on the other line.

„Who is she talking to? She seems furious."
Cobie asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

„I don't know but she seems invested."
She hung up and placed the phone back into her pocket and walked back with another drink.

„who was on the phone you seemed tense?"
I asked trying to make sure if she is okay and especially trying to find out who was on the other line making her so mad.

„Work." she replied blunt not adding anything else to her answer.

„Okay.. so what are we gonna do about Nora?"
I asked and she shrugged he shoulders.

„Are you sure you want to have her back?"
Wait did I really just hear this question from her once best friend?

„Hold on. Are you for real? To me you sound just like Lizzie now."

„Wait she knows too?" she asked a bit shocked and I nod.

„Yes. Of course she does. This is why we don't talk to each other anymore."

„But why don't you want her back?"
Cobie asked confused.

„It's not that I don't want her back. It's just that she might have done this act for a specific reason."

„For what reason?" I asked now getting a bit angrier.

„Maybe Safety.." she answered after sipping on her drink.

„Safety for herself?"

„No not for herself."

„Can you please tell me what's going on in your mind? Cause I'm standing in the dark why don't you enlighten me a bit."

„I can't." she mumbled and leaned forward to get closer to her.

„Beth what is going on? I can tell that you know more than you are supposed to."
She staid silent not answering my question.

„Look you should leave things behind and her too.
Do it for her safety and for your own one and for Lizzie's one. This is all I can say."
She answered still leaving me in the dark and got up to go. She downed her drink placed some money on the table paying for our drinks as well.

„I had a rough day. I need some rest and so do you.
See you soon. It was nice to meet you Cobie even under these circumstances. Have a good night you two." she replied and walked off not giving us a chance to say anything else.

„It was nice meeting you too." Cobie mumbled and I chuckled my drink down and grabbed her wrist to get up.

„Wait where are we going?" she asked as I dragged her behind me.

„I didn't even get to finish my drink. Scar!"
She whined as I kept walking out the bar.

„I'll invite you to one when we find the time. But I'm not done with the previous conversation.
I need to know where she is going."

„You want to follow her home?"
Cobie asked confused.

„No I could lay my hand into the fire that she is not driving home." I stopped on the sidewalk and signed called for a taxi and one stopped immediately.

„Where to at miss?" the driver asked as we got in hurried.

„Follow the black SUV.  The one on right there."
I pointed out and he drove off immediately.

„wow I always wanted to chase after a car."
Cobie told me exited and I chuckled even though I didn't want to laugh.

„Well. Todays your lucky night dear." I told her and she blushed slightly.

The drive was long and we left the city already driving into the nature. Where the fuck is Beth going?


A/n: hehe a slight cliff hanger for y'all.
Hope y'all enjoyed it so far:)

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love✌🏽❤️

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