Bedtime story

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Nora POV

„Is your homework done? Did you brush your teeth?" I asked as I walked into Quinn's room.

„Yes mom. I did it all." he answered as he pulled his shirt over his head.

„Alright good. You want me to read you something or do you wanna read on your own?" I asked as is raised the blanket so he could jump in. He made himself comfortable and I tugged him in so he could have it warm.

„I wanna read some on my own. Chase wants you to tell her a bedtime story." he informed me as he grabbed a book from his bedside.

„Alright, alright, but you know mom loves reading you some. And I have time for the both of you and that equally."

„I know mom. That's why you are the best."
He smiled gently and it's adorable to see some teeth's missing.

„Okay buddy. I love you good night then." I kissed his forehead and ruffled his hair to annoy him just as I always do.

„MOM stop ruffling my hair!" he replied annoyed.

„I'm your mom I'll never stop with it. Don't stay up to long with reading okay!" I told him and he nod.
I walked out of his room closing the door to head to the room next to him which was Chases room.

„How about you have you finished everything for tonight?" I asked seeing how she already sat on her bed.

„Mhh I did." she answered and something tells me she doesn't feel fine.

„You okay sweetie? What's wrong hm?" I asked as I sat down leaning my body sideways.

„Are you happy?" she asked me straight forward.
I know damn well that she ain't got that from me because I'm never straight forward but I wish I would be sometimes.

„How come you ask me this? Of course I am happy." I asked as I took her hand in mine and she shrugged her shoulders.

„I don't know. You cry so much and even at night when we all sleep. Sometimes I can hear you and I just wanna know if you are happy?" I shifted in her bed and sat up realizing that she is serious about it.

„My little love. I'm sorry that you need to hear this I did not know that you know it. You know what, let me tell you a bedtime story that might fit okay."
I offered and I started to tug her into the blanket stroking over it.

„How do you have always a fitting bedtime story?"
Chase asked and I smirked while shrugging my shoulders.

„I don't know maybe it's a hidden power of motherhood." I answered and she smiled wide.

„Okay. There is an old and wise creature that lived for thousands years. One day it had a girl standing in front of them. They tell her you will walk through this magical forest and experience so many things. Everything you could possibly think of will be there. The girl seems exited and happy to go on this journey. But one thing that comes along with it is a negative side. You can see it as a coin. One good and bad side."

„Why can't she just have a good side and be happy forever?" Chase asked sounding invested into the story.

„Honey you won't experience joy so much if you don't know and feel what pain is. It's the complete opposite like day and night. Winter and summer. Cold and warm. But the one thing can't live without the other." I told her and she took in everything I said.

„So what does the girl experience when she walks through the forest?" she asked eagerly.

„She has a good life. But she meets Bad really really bad people and she thinks they want only good for her. Because they wear a mask the girl doesn't see their real intentions. So she falls for them every time and they hurt her."

„They do? This is bad!" she pouted and I nod.

„It is. But after some time she leave these people behind and she learns out of it. But then there are days where she has a huge tremendous storm that knocks her down every time. Again and again and again and she gets really really tired. So tired that she doesn't know what to do at this point."

„What happens then?" she asked wanting me to move on.

„Another creature comes around and sends her two little lights like angles on her shoulders to keep her up at hard times. They bring her so so much joy that she sometimes tends to forget how bad people treated her. The storm calms down and the sun stated to shine bright. She felt happy but then again she started to feel sad because there are clouds that take away her sun but they can't take away the little lights to help her. They always stick beside her."

„does she get a happy ending?" Chase asked now starting to get tired.

„I don't know sweetie. This is written in the stars.
She might have trouble finding pure happiness or it's just hard to reach for her. It seems impossible to climb up this hill."

„But she needs to find her happy ending."

„I know. She wants to. But there are so many demons blocking her way. Even some from her past. She will fight them when the time comes and time will show us if she will make it to a happy ending."

„Isn't there a princess or a prince to Safe her?"
She asked and I smiled more about this question.

„There is. But the princess is together with one of the demons. It's complicated."

„Doesn't she see that this is a demon?" she asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

„I hope she will see it one day. This demon still wears a mask when it is together with her."

„Well then the girl needs to safe her from the demon too. So that they can run away and be happy." chase told me and I grinned slightly.

„Maybe they need to yes." I mumbled quietly seeing how Chase starts to fall asleep.

„I love you sweetie. Sleep tight." I kissed her and she hummed. I got up to leave and leaned against the door frame to look at her peacefully asleep.


A/n: did not expect to write this but the next chapter will be more exiting for sure heheh 😏

Stay tuned
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️

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