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Narrator POV

„Come on mom get up. I wanna show Lizzie chestnut. She's gonna love her." chase pulled on her mothers hoodie while she jumped in excitement.

„Go and take her with you I'll be right there just give me a moment okay?" Nora pleaded while she got up.

„hmm you heard your kid. Come on." Lizzie pushed Nora from her back out of the bathroom not giving her the chance to isolate herself once again because she know she would.

Both had a strange feeling when it came to interaction and a glimpse of their past flashed right before their eye. No one of them really knew how to Adress this situation.

Nora thought she would stay out of Lizzie's life but turns out she's around her now. Lizzie on the other hand through she would never ever see her ex lover again. Can she even call her an ex lover?
In the end it was „just" an affair.

Both seemed to be pulled to one another, either way it can't happen in Nora's eyes because the risk is to high that something might happen. Something bad and she hates to predict it but she knows that something terrible will happen as soon as she follows her feelings for once.

Lizzie wants Nora back in her life especially now after she met her kids. There is a whole new side she wants to see and adore. But she can't shake the feeling off that Nora doesn't want her around.
Something or someone else is on her back and won't let her be which worries her a lot.
Besides she still doesn't know who the kids are from. She has a theory and a certain thought but she doesn't want it to be true.

„chestnut!!" Chase called while Nora whistled after her. After a short moment you could see the golden retriever run up on the three.

She jumped Nora and chase first and ran around Lizzie as well. She sniffed her and jumped her just like chase told her before.

„Careful love. Or else you're gonna scare her away from us." Nora walked up to Lizzie as she noticed that she was a little overwhelmed by the pure joy that chestnut was spreading.

„It's okay. I'm just a bit-."

„Overwhelmed? I see that. Chase told you what to expect Liz." She cut her off and Lizzie smiled while she saw how Nora took care of chestnut.
If she could stop this moment and take a mental picture she would. A screenshot of this very moment where Nora was knelling on the ground surrounded by brown, yellow and orange leafs.
Chestnut snuggled herself into her and the love she sees goes beyond any measures. She was able to see it in Nora's eyes.

„how old is she?" Lizzie asked as she wanted to find out more about the stunning golden retriever.

„Almost three years. My big beautiful girl right."
Nora crawled her head and had some sort of baby voice which sounded adorable.

„Why are you grinning so much?" Nora asked and Lizzie kneeled down starting to pet chestnut as well.

„I don't know.. it's just cute how you talk with your dog in a baby voice." Nora got a little read around the nose but brushed it off by coughing lightly and started to get serious again.

„You should hear how she talks to us when we are alone." Quinn her son interrupted and Nora shushed him immediately.

„Quinn! Be careful about what you say young man you don't wanna make mom angry." she joked and Lizzie felt a strange tingle as she heard how Nora called herself mom.

„sorry mom." he raised his hand in defeat and she smirked lightly.

„Where is Scarlett? I thought you where with the?" she asked him now looking around while she got up leaving chestnut with Lizzie.

„She wanted to talk in private and I looked out for her but she walked a bit far out into the woods and you always told me to stay away."
He explained while pointing out to the Forrest behind him.

„Good boy. I'm glad you listened to what I said.
Do you know something about the person she was on the phone with?" Nora asked while hugged Quinn lightly from the side.

„I don't really know. Except that she was angry. I didn't understand why." he explained and Lizzie got now up as well stopping to pet chestnut but he staid next to her.

„Okay.." she mumbled.

„Hey I wouldn't ask for you to help me in any way but could you look out for my three little rockers here? I'm gonna go and look after scar I'm worried that she might walk into a trap or something."

„Of course I can. I'd love to. What traps are you talking about?" Lizzie asked her sounding concerned and so did Nora.

„Bear traps. The old owner of the house hunted bears and there are still some traps outside. I didn't want to remove them just in case someone bears might really be here so I let them. But I know where they are and I'm just worried that something might happen to her." Nora explained while they started to walk towards the house.

„Mom is aunty scar in danger?" Chase asked and Nora kneeled down giving her a soft smile.

„Maybe honey I don't really know yet. I'll be back before you know it. Meanwhile please be nice to Lizzie okay?"

„Can I show her the drawings I made?" Nora's smile grew as she realized how fast she closed Lizzie into her heart. Chase usually never shows Someone her drawings. It happens rarely.

„Of course you can." she smiled now towards Lizzie knowing that they are in good hands.

„I hope they won't annoy you. That can happen fast." Nora joked and Lizzie chuckled at her reply.

„They could never annoy me."

„Hmm I wouldn't assume that so early. Just wait and see." Nora opened the door to the basement and turned on the light.

„What do you need from down there?" Lizzie asked pointing down towards the slightly darker basement room.

„just a Little Something to keep the bears away."
She shrugged her shoulders as if it was nothing but according to Lizzie's face it is a big thing.

„A gun? You really have weapons at home? You have kids Nora!" she scolded her and Nora slightly rolled her eyes.

„I know what I am doing. They know it's a dangerous thing and they know that this is only something for an extrem emergency. Don't worry. Nothing will happen out there. This is just a casual control gear. I've done it before. Besides you don't gotta tell me how to raise my kids."
She fired back and walked down Grabbing the revolver to hang it up on her shoulder which looked hot in Lizzie's eyes. But still. That's not the point she way trying to make.

„Take care." Lizzie answered simply and slightly cold and Nora nod while closing the basement door.

„I will." she replied and walked off after giving Quinn and Chase a kiss on the head.

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