„I bought cheeseburgers.."

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Nora POV

„Hey scar can you please call me or text me back because I'm on my way to your place now and it's a pretty urgent and tense situation. I'm just a block away so expect me at your door in a couple minutes. Oh and I got you some burgers."
I spoke on her mailbox and looked around seeing gladly a parking spot right across the street of her house.

„Where are we mom? I thought we would go home?" Quinn asked as he unbuckled.

„I thought we could visit aunty scar today.
I'm sure she will be happy to see us."
I told them both and they got out of the car taking chestnut with them as well.

We walked across the street together and I rang the doorbell waiting impatiently that she will open up hopefully because I don't even know if she's home or not.

„Nora? What a surprise!" she hugged me before I was even able to walk in and the kids ran past us with chestnut beside them.

„Hey kids slow down. Sorry scar I wasn't intending on visiting but something got in the way is it okay if we stay here for a bit?"  I asked as I separated myself from her welcoming hug.

„Of course. I would love to have you guys around. Come on in." she waved me in and closed the door behind me.

„did you? Hold on. You look really messy. Was I interrupting something?" I asked as I glared her up and down noticing that she was just in some slippers and a bathrobe.

„what? Me a mess? No I- you didn't interrupt."
She stroked her messy hair down noticing how she blushed.

„Babe!!? I Hope This was just the Mail man or something because I'm waiting for you get your ass back to me!!" I heard a familiar voice and as I looked past scar I saw Cobie flashing her body in front of us as she opened her towel.

„Oh my god!!! Damn it!" I closed my eyes out of respect and I felt scars hand over my eyes as well as she noticed what was going on.

„fuck. Shit. Ehh oh my god please don't tell me this just happened?" Cobie screamed and scars hand was still resting over my face.

„She's here with her kids!! Cobie!!" scar hissed at her and I took scars hand removing it from my face to open my eyes again to see Cobie now standing there in a towel with a flushing red face.

„Damn. I really did interrupt.. eh.. hi Cobie."

„Heyyy Nora.." she waved back embarrassed.

„No wonder why you didn't answer your phone. You where busy with fucking Cobie!" I poked my arm into scar and she blushed.

„What makes you assume she's the one fucking me and not the other way around?" she asked boldly and I choked on the air I was breathing in.

„Eh.. I Just.. thought that.. because she's. I mean. Scar was.. puh.." now I was the one getting flustered because I don't know how to Adress the sex life I had with scar and now that they do it together...

„I bought c-Cheeseburgers..." I held up the brown paper bag and Cobie tilted her head playfully.

„I was just teasing Nora. The things we do in bed are mutual. Come on in and give me some of those burgers because I'm starving." Cobie waved me towards her and I walked past scar seeing her still slightly flustered.

„so are you guys officially a thing?" I asked as I handed them both some burgers and we sat down at the kitchen island.

„indeed. Ever since we met we spend more and more time together and it just kinda clicked."
Scar answered as she had a dreamy look while looking at Cobie how she takes a big ass bite from the burger.

„I'm so happy for you both. I wish you the best."
I replied happy to hear at least one good thing today.

„Thank you Nora...So. Why did you come here in the first place? Was it just to deliver us some burgers or is there something else you wanted to talk about?" Scar asked as she leaned forward.
I glanced past the living room that was behind me and saw the kids play outside in scars garden with chestnut. So they can't hear what I'm about to open up about.

„How about I show you." I pulled my phone out and opened the pictures that Beth send me earlier.
I slid the phone over to them and they stopped eating glancing down onto the phone in shock.

„what is this?" scar asked and I noticed immediately how her voice switched into a colder tone.

„Shit. Are those. Pictures taken by a stalker? Where did you get them from?" Cobie asked as she swiped to see more.

„Beth found them in my mail earlier. I don't know who took them. But this is getting out of hands."
I explained and scar nod slowly still in shock just as I was and still am.

„This wasn't the only thing that happened.."
I added slowly and scar glared at me worried.

„V-Victor was at the kids school today.. h-he talked to them and things became complicated. The school informed me and told me that he wanted to pick them up but Quinn reacted right and walked back in because they didn't know him.
Scar he didn't even know that I was alive let alone that I had his kids. I'm terrified and I don't know what to do next. What if he will take them away from me? Or worse? What if he will hurt them?"
My panic started to take over and my voice was shakier than before.

„Hey. Don't panic okay. We are gonna woke it out and see what we will do. We will find a solution. Nothing will happen to them. I promise."
She told me as she grabbed my hand tight giving me some comfort in this messed up situation.

„I swear to god I will kill this bastard with my bare hands if he come near my bestie and her kids."
Scar mumbled and I chuckled lightly at her statement.

„How did your ex even find out about you? Didn't you fake your own death?" Cobie asked after some silence trying to put the pieces together.

„I have an apprehension but I'm not sure. Although this is the only logical option." I began but held back for a moment.

„Robbie found out somehow. He was at my house. Putting me in danger and he saw my kids. Maybe he did some research on me and put two and two together letting Victor know what's going on. What if he wants my kids."

„Or worse..." Cobie mumbled.

„Nora what if he wants you out of the way?"
Scar asked and I didn't even think of it at first.
All I thought about was the well-being of my kids.


A/n: mhm, mhm, mhhhm... things are starting to become serious..

Stay tuend
Until next time
Peace and love ✌🏽❤️


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